SED DS 69491

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1759
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Following divorce,
A) father-headed households typically experience a sharp rise in income.
B) mother-headed households typically experience a sharp drop in income.
C) daily routines, such as meals, bedtimes, and household chores, become more
D) girls are at greater risk than boys for academic, emotional, and behavioral problems.
Dr. Widner is studying children's physical size worldwide by comparing the size of
8-year-olds in several countries, including Burma, Vietnam, Australia, the United
States, and Canada. Dr. Widner can expect to find around a _____-inch gap between the
smallest and the largest children.
A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
D) 9
Sesame Street has modified its format by
A) showing more leisurely episodes with a clear story line rather than presenting quick,
disconnected bits of information.
B) increasing the pace to maintain children's interest and undivided attention.
C) focusing more on basic decoding and grammar skills rather than on letter and
number recognition.
D) focusing more on social/emotional issues, such as friendship and self-esteem, rather
than academic skills.
In a study of well-educated mothers, those who had recently given birth to their second
child reported
A) less stress than after they had their first child.
B) just as much stress as first-time mothers.
C) more stress than after they had their first child.
D) an increase of postpartum depression.
Brian is pursuing a doctorate degree in philosophy. Through his commitment within
relativism, he
A) is committed to justifying his viewpoints in his doctoral thesis despite strong
B) actively seeks differing perspectives in order to advance his knowledge and
C) pursues a meta-analysis of moral views of euthanasia in order to determine once and
for all which stance is correct.
D) has come to accept that life philosophies can never be more than personal opinions.
People group the causes of their own and others' behavior into which of the following
two broad categories?
A) automatic and deliberate
B) achievement and social
C) innate and conditional
D) environmental and psychological
About 19 percent of North American mothers and 15 percent of fathers without
psychological disturbance have a(n) __________ internal working model.
A) autonomous/secure
B) dismissive
C) preoccupied
D) unresolved
The best way to foster a positive, secure self-image is to
A) encourage children to strive for worthwhile goals.
B) compliment children whenever possible.
C) have children compete in a sport in which they can excel.
D) emphasize the importance of academic achievement.
Research on formal operational thought indicates that 6-year-olds
A) show signs of hypothetico-deductive reasoning on tasks that involve simplified
B) display hypothetico-deductive reasoning only when assisted by an adult.
C) only display hypothetico-deductive reasoning during pretend play.
D) are capable of abstract thinking when presented with real-world problems.
When child-care centers provide favorable characteristics, such as small group sizes
and educated caregivers,
A) they are able to pay salaries at or above minimum wage.
B) the adults are more verbally stimulating and sensitive to children's needs.
C) children's IQ scores increase by 7 to 10 points.
D) children from high-SES families reap greater benefits than children from low-SES
Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is most consistent with
A) the core knowledge perspective.
B) Vygotsky's theory.
C) ecological systems theory.
D) Piaget's theory.
The best estimate of a child's physical maturity is
A) the distance curve.
B) biological age.
C) the velocity curve.
D) skeletal age.
Not until age _____ are children certain that a video image of themselves replayed a
few minutes after it was filmed is still "me."
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
Three-year-old Amanda is asked whether she can be a boy if she wants to. She answers,
"Yes." Amanda is in which stage of gender-constancy development?
A) androgyny
B) gender consistency
C) gender stability
D) gender labeling
Spearman proposed the concept of g after he found that
A) test items differed in the extent to which they predicted cognitive performance
outside of the testing situation.
B) crystallized and fluid intelligence are easy to distinguish in factor analysis.
C) all test items he examined correlated with one another.
D) separate, unrelated factors, called primary mental abilities, exist.
One reason Americans have been slow to endorse government-supported benefits for all
families is because the
A) people in the United States tend to value interdependence.
B) United States is a relatively wealthy nation.
C) United States is a highly complex society.
D) United States is an individualistic society.
An organized family life
A) is linked to economic disadvantage.
B) provides a supportive context for warm, involved parent"child interaction.
C) guarantees high IQ in offspring.
D) can stifle children's creativity and independence.
Which of the following is a major limitation of neurobiological methods?
A) Researchers cannot control the conditions under which participants are studied.
B) The accuracy of the results may be reduced by observer bias.
C) Many factors besides those of interest to the researcher can influence a physiological
D) It reveals with certainty the meaning of autonomic or brain activity.
To assess peer acceptance, researchers usually use self-reports that measure
__________ and __________.
A) social prominence; social adjustment
B) social preferences; social prominence
C) positive correspondence; negative correspondence
D) social preferences; social adjustment
__________ helps explain the long hours adolescents spend inspecting every detail of
their appearance and why they are so sensitive to public criticism.
A) Propositional thought
B) The imaginary audience
C) Abstract thought
D) Hierarchical classification
Low-SES African-American mothers tend to use strict control and expect immediate
obedience from their children
A) because they are modeling the behaviors of their peers.
B) to protect them from becoming victims of crime.
C) because they are unaware of other child-rearing techniques.
D) to foster a community-wide approach toward child rearing.
In contrast to Locke, Rousseau
A) viewed development as a continuous process.
B) believed that children's moral sense is learned through religious training.
C) regarded children as empty containers to be filled by adult instruction.
D) believed that children's unique ways of thinking would only be harmed by adult
__________ explains why pairs of identical twins reared apart during childhood and
later reunited may find that they have similar hobbies and vocations.
A) Passive gene"environment correlation
B) Niche-picking
C) Genotyping
D) Epigenesis
Jill most likely uses __________ and __________ to get her way with her classmate
A) commands; threats
B) physical force; coercion
C) pleading; whining
D) polite requests; persuasion
Eight-year-old Akemi needs to memorize names of the continents and the oceans. She
makes a list and keeps repeating the information to herself. Akemi is using the strategy
A) retrieval.
B) organization.
C) elaboration.
D) rehearsal.
The __________ is sensitive to facial emotional expressions, especially fear.
A) corpus callosum
B) hippocampus
C) amygdala
D) cerebellum
In a longitudinal design,
A) groups of people differing in age are studied at the same point in time.
B) participants are studied repeatedly at different ages, and changes are noted as they
get older.
C) participants are presented with a novel task and researchers follow their mastery
over a series of closely spaced sessions.
D) the investigator conducts several sequences and makes cross-sectional comparisons.
Research using the technique of attaching a baby's foot to a mobile with a long cord
revealed that __________ babies remember how to activate the mobile for two weeks
after training.
A) newborn
B) 2-month-old
C) 3-month-old
D) 6-month-old
Most newborns
A) show greater activation in the right hemisphere while listening to speech sounds.
B) react more strongly in the left hemisphere to nonspeech sounds.
C) do not show specialization in the hemispheres of the brain.
D) favor the right side of the body in their head position and reflexive reactions.
The most common cause of a young infant's cry is
A) hearing a startling noise.
B) a novel stimulus.
C) fatigue.
D) hunger.
Which of the following infants is the most likely to engage in a game of pat-a-cake with
a caregiver?
A) Yolanda, age 4 months
B) Xavier, age 6 months
C) Juanita, age 8 months
D) Zeb, age 10 months
In a study examining 18-month-old girls' and boys' looking times at vehicles and dolls,
researchers found that
A) boys looked longer than girls at the dolls, whereas girls looked longer than boys at
the vehicles.
B) boys and girls spent equal amounts of time looking at the dolls and the vehicles.
C) both boys and girls looked longer at the vehicles than the dolls.
D) girls looked longer than boys at the dolls, whereas boys looked longer than girls at
the vehicles.
Hobie has developed a set of expectations about the availability of attachment figures,
their likelihood of providing support during times of stress, and his interaction with
those figures. Hobie has a(n)
A) avoidant attachment.
B) resistant attachment.
C) internal working model of attachment.
D) slow-to-warm-up temperamental style.
Research on Head Start programs has shown that
A) improvements in IQ and school achievement last well into adolescence.
B) one year's intervention is not a sufficient amount of time to boost children's IQ
C) its benefits in IQ and academic achievement often disappear during the first two to
three years of elementary school.
D) improvements in IQ test scores decline more rapidly for Mexican-American children
than for African-American children.

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