SED DS 54981

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 1737
subject Authors Roberta M. Berns

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Parenting is
a. bidirectional.
b. dynamic.
c. both bidirectional and dynamic.
d. neither bidirectional nor dynamic.
Which of the following is a family characteristic that affects parenting practices?
a. Family size
b. Family configuration
c. Parents' stage of life
d. All of these
Observational learning differs from cognitive learning in that observational learning is
more likely to emphasize
a. modeling.
b. collaborating.
c. reasoning.
d. none of these.
Janet has lost the use of her legs due to an inherited condition. Loss of the use of her
legs is Janet's
a. handicapism.
b. impairment.
c. disability.
d. developmental trend.
Morality includes which of the following aspects?
a. Feeling
b. Reasoning
c. Behaving
d. All of these
A school that is authorized and funded by a public school district and formed by a
group of parents, teachers, or other community members with a shared education
philosophy is known as a
a. charter school.
b. magnet school.
c. home-based school.
d. private school.
The Montessori curriculum is
a. leaner-directed.
b. teacher-directed.
c. a direct instruction curriculum.
d. identical to the Bereiter-Engelmann program.
According to Cain and Dweck (1995), children who are not persistent on a task describe
their parents as
a. critical.
b. punitive.
c. both critical and punitive.
d. accepting.
According to Gardner's model, a person who is "people smart" is exhibiting what type
of intelligence?
a. Logical-mathematical
b. Spatial
c. Interpersonal
d. Intrapersonal
The first stage of Galinsky's model is
a. image making.
b. interpretive.
c. trust vs. mistrust.
d. sensorimotor.
Compared to other children, research finds that children who have been in full-time
child care programs are
a. more socially competent.
b. less aggressive.
c. more fearful.
d. more compliant with adult demands.
"How would I respect myself if. . ." is an example of reasoning at which moral level?
a. Preoperational
b. Postconventional
c. Conventional
d. Image-making
Reading differs from other types of media influences in that
a. literary language is more complex.
b. reading requires a child to process information.
c. reading requires a child to engage in fantasy.
d. all of these.
Disease, overexertion, allergies, and abuse are examples of _________ stressors.
a. physical
b. sociocultural
c. psychological
d. religious
Kylie is receiving inconsistent care from her mother. According to your text, Kylie is
likely to develop which kind of attachment?
a. Secure
b. Insecure
c. Bonded
d. Trust vs. mistrust
Furman and Masters (1980) found that children's punitive acts, or negative reinforcers,
a. were followed by positive behaviors in peers.
b. resulted in negative peer behavior more often than positive reinforcers resulted in
affective behavior.
c. did not affect the behavior of their peers.
d. none of these.
Achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, searching moratorium, and diffusion are all
statuses in the development of
a. friendship.
b. identity.
c. communication.
d. attachment.
Imagine you are asked to testify before a community planning commission. Write a
persuasive argument detailing why population density has a more negative impact on
families than noise, or vice versa.
Answer:Answer not provided.
According to your text, nearly all state child protective services stop foster care
payments when a child reaches age ____ years.
a. 12
b. 16
c. 18
d. 21
The bioecological model
a. can accommodate other theories.
b. was developed by Bronfenbrenner.
c. provides a "whole picture" of the developing child.
d. all of these.
The mass media are _______________________of culture.
a. shapers
b. spreaders
c. transformers
d. all of these
The omission of feminine and ethnic group references, pronouns, and names is an
example of
a. name-calling.
b. fragmentation and isolation.
c. linguistic bias.
d. cosmetic bias.
Children who are popular with their peers tend to be
a. intelligent.
b. careful not to use praise and approval.
c. bossy.
d. all of these.
Moral development is thought to be affected by
a. temperament.
b. self-control.
c. education.
d. all of these.
In contrast to the radio, for example, computers, game consoles, and cell phones are
considered to be _________ media.
According to the categories found in the text, an example of an environmental risk is
a. poverty.
b. prenatal exposure to drugs.
c. having a known genetic condition.
d. lack of access to health care.
The process by which externally controlled behavior shifts to internally controlled, or
self-controlled, behavior is
a. internalization.
b. socialization.
c. reciprocal connection.
d. cultural change.
Ideology refers to
a. concepts about human life and behavior.
b. a child's readiness to learn.
c. developmental changes associated with the biological process of aging.
d. coming from a different cultural or economic background than someone else.
Zussman (1980) found that parents preoccupied with completing a task were
_________ responsive to their children than when not preoccupied with a task.
a. more
b. less
c. equally
d. intensely
Micro is to exo as
a. small is to outside.
b. big is to little.
c. responsive is to nonresponsive.
d. small is to big.
The federal program that provides families with financial assistance, and was designed
to replace Aid to Families with Dependent Children, is called
a. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
b. Unemployment Compensation.
c. National Temporary Loan Program.
d. Title IX.
Strategies that teachers should use to involve families in learning include which of the
a. Keep the parents informed.
b. Use the parents' ideas when working with the child.
c. Maintain ongoing communication with the parents.
d. All of these are correct.
According to your text, a parks and recreation program designed to keep children from
engaging in delinquent behavior would be categorized as a
a. preventive service.
b. supportive service.
c. rehabilitative service.
d. service in the microsystem.
Which are included under the child welfare umbrella?
a. Children living in their own homes
b. Foster children without a home
c. Institutionalized children
d. All of these
According to your text, which of the following is an example of a group that is likely to
be collectivistic?
a. Japanese-American families
b. Middle-Eastern families
c. Native-American families
d. All of these
Imagine you are writing a newspaper feature story on disabilities. Write a brief essay
that discusses the concepts of disability, impairment, and handicapism. Focus your
work on the socialization issues surrounding disability as found in your text.
Answer:Answer not provided.
_________ is the term that refers to individuals who are of approximately the same
gender, age, and social status and who share interests.
The community fulfills the need for companionship. This is an example of the
_________ function of community.
The _________ is an example of a national coalition of local groups working on behalf
of children to improve relations between home and school.
Research shows that children with gay or lesbian parents exhibit
____________________ gender norms.
Parents in the last stage of Galinsky's model are in the stage termed _________.
Tyler plays alone, but with toys like those that other children are using. Tyler's actions
are called _________ play.
Imagine you are employed as the head of the Board of Education for the state of New
Jersey. You have final responsibility for setting all educational policy in the state. Your
staff members come to you and want to implement a new curriculum aimed at reducing
drug and alcohol use in school. Drawing upon information provided in your text,
describe the macrosystem factors that will influence whether or not you adopt the
Answer:Answer not provided.
_________ refers to care for individuals who may be indigent, neglected, abused,
deserted, sick, disabled, maladjusted, or delinquent.
Bronfenbrenner's model is called the _________ model of human development.
Preschool-age children's ______________ was found to be affected by divorce.
Using the categories proposed in your text, compare and contrast a majority cultural
orientation with a minority cultural orientation. Focus your discussion on differences
and/or similarities in interpersonal, time, personality, and value traits as well as ideas
about the relationship between individuals and nature.
Answer:Answer not provided.
Intellectual development is an example of a(n) _________ goal of a school.
There are about _________ different religious groups in the United States.
Socioeconomic status, cultural orientation, and religious orientation are all examples of
how Bronfenbrenner's concept of the ____________ can affect socialization.
The testing of assumptions against facts is called _________.
Reasoning from a general principle to a specific case is called _________ reasoning.
Many homosexual parents fear they will lose _________ if their sexual orientation is
known to those outside the family.
After ___________years, stepfamilies are as stable as married families of the same

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