SED DS 43790

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1729
subject Authors Roberta M. Berns

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The term "religion" refers to
a. a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.
b. a belief in individualism, thrift, self-sacrifice, and productivity.
c. any demand that exceeds a person's ability to cope.
d. a group of individuals related by blood or marriage.
The difficult child has what kind of response?
a. Intense
b. Mild
c. Indifferent
d. Adaptable
Ethnic groups are found to vary (differ) in their
a. displays of emotion.
b. discipline of children.
c. emphasis on specific skills.
d. all of these.
Which of the following is not a criticism of punishment as a technique?
a. Punishment is not effective.
b. Punishing a child does not show him or her what correct or desired behavior looks
c. Children model what they see.
d. The emotional side effects of punishment may be more damaging than the child's
original behavior.
The phenomenon in which an individual exposed to a suggestion will act on that
suggestion is called
a. contagion.
b. reflection.
c. cosmetic bias.
d. stereotyping.
The abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs is linked to
a. missing school.
b. violent behavior.
c. lack of motivation.
d. all of these.
Professor Jones is studying how a person responds to the temptation to violate moral
rules, such as lying and cheating. Professor Jones is studying which aspect of moral
a. Affective
b. Cognitive
c. Behavioral
d. Cognitive-developmental
Which of the following is true?
a. Boys have more interactions with teachers than do girls.
b. Teachers generally respond to girls with instructions.
c. Teachers are more likely to reprimand girls.
d. Teachers give girls attention from a distance.
Edwin and Lavonne are a typical, hard-working family in the United States. Edwin
owns a small business and Lavonne stays home with the children. They both value
achievement, respect, and having harmonious interpersonal relationships within their
family. Based on this description, Edwin and Lavonne would be classified as
a. upper class.
b. lower-middle class.
c. lower class.
d. underclass.
Typically, the first step in the development of prejudice is
a. awareness.
b. identification.
c. instruction.
d. modeling.
Which of the following theories emphasizes observed behavior?
a. Behaviorism
b. Parent-centered
c. Humanism
d. Psychoanalytic
Which of the following best describes inductive reasoning?
a. Particular to the general
b. Large to the small
c. General to the specific
d. Particular to the particular
Oden and Asher (1977) identified four categories of social skills linked to the research
on popularity. Which of the following is not one of those skills?
a. Conceit
b. Participation
c. Communication
d. Cooperation
Which of the following is not one of the five minds for the future curriculum, according
to Howard Gardner?
a. The disciplined mind
b. The cognitive mind
c. The synthesizing mind
d. The ethical mind
Communal relationships that are cooperative, close, intimate, and informal are
characteristic of
a. Gemeinschaft.
b. Gesellschaft.
c. formal support systems.
d. all mesosystems.
Mason and Duberstein (1992) found that parents focused on which of the following
when choosing child care?
a. Availability
b. Affordability
c. Both availability and affordability
d. Neither availability nor affordability
A low-context macrosystem is characterized by _________, whereas a high-context
macrosystem is characterized by _________.
a. competition; cooperation
b. rationality; intuitiveness
c. progress; tradition
d. all of these
Serena's attitude toward her children is "do what you want." She does not try to control
them and places few demands on them. Serena would be classified as
a. authoritarian.
b. permissive.
c. uninvolved.
d. unregulated.
People-focused activities are emphasized in which cultural framework?
a. Independence-oriented
b. Interdependence-oriented
c. Individualistic
d. Equilibrium-producing
An individualized education program (IEP) must include which of the following?
a. Methods that will result in the same standardized test scores for children with IEPs as
for other children in the class.
b. A statement of the child's present levels of educational performance
c. Subjective criteria for evaluation
d. A plan for the child's education throughout elementary school
According to your text, a common concern in the United States today is
a. the "loss" of childhood.
b. the use of children for heavy labor.
c. the lack of separate laws governing child punishment and adult punishment.
d. child death and disease.
In Walden Two, children were given alternate strategies to avoid
a. temptation.
b. using drugs and alcohol.
c. losing a baseball game.
d. child abuse.
A child's peer group consists of individuals who
a. are of approximately the same age.
b. are of approximately the same social status.
c. have common interests.
d. all of these.
The last of Selman and Selman's stages of friendship is
a. momentary playmateship.
b. one-way assistance.
c. intimate, mutually shared relationships.
d. trust vs. mistrust.
Compared to members of low-context macrosystems, members of high-context
macrosystems are more likely to
a. try to control nature.
b. expect personal freedom.
c. follow traditional role expectations.
d. have fragmented social relationships.
The justice moral perspective differs from the care moral perspective in that
a. justice emphasizes the individual; care emphasizes the group.
b. justice emphasizes the group; care emphasizes the individual.
c. justice emphasizes learning; care emphasizes doing.
d. none of these; justice and care perspectives refer to the same thing.
Which of the following is not one of Kluckhohn's (1961) five basic questions?
a. How do humans relate to each other?
b. What is the valued personality type?
c. What is the relationship of humans to nature?
d. What is the value of money?
According to Fontana (2003), religion influences socialization by
a. motivating people to behave morally.
b. offering techniques through which individuals can find psychological comfort.
c. causing individuals to ponder life's purpose.
d. all of these.
Economic changes such as downsizing and layoffs are likely to result in
a. more parental affection to children.
b. more effective disciplinary interactions between parents and children.
c. increased parental stress.
d. better overall family relations.
The No Child Left behind Act is an example of a(n)
a. microsystem.
b. high-context macrosystem.
c. social shift in responsibility from one system to another.
d. information intermediary.
The effect of parental alcoholism depends on the child's
a. age.
b. gender.
c. relationship with his or her parents.
d. all of these.
The process of discovering what is personally worthwhile or desirable in life is called
a. values clarification.
b. prejudice.
c. cognitive conceit.
d. stereotyping.
Which of the following proposed a stage theory describing cognitive development in
a. Piaget
b. Bronfenbrenner
c. Aries
d. Woods
The Child Welfare League of America is an example of a(n) _________ agency.
The curriculum based on dividing learning tasks into small progressive segments and
reinforcing mastery of them is called the _________ curriculum.
When policies and activities are determined by group discussion, the group leader likely
has a(n) _________ leadership style.
Summarize the research on the relationship between parenting style and child
Answer:Answer not provided.
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2004 requires children to take _________ tests.
Maltreatment involving deliberate harm to the child's body is called _________ abuse.
The term that refers to the goals and objectives of an educational program, the teacher's
role, the equipment and materials, the space arrangement, the kinds of activities, and the
way the activities are scheduled is _________.
Field-_________ learning style refers to the kind of person who works well in groups
and perceives things in terms of the whole.
The frequency of sexual references on TV has ________________ steadily over the last
two decades.
Risk factors affecting infants and children can be classified as genetic, prenatal,
perinatal, and ______________________.
List the mesosystem factors contributing to antisocial behavior. Pick one and argue why
it might be most influential.
Answer:Answer not provided.
Imagine you are working in a classroom with a group of children and one set of blocks.
Describe the various ways in which the children could play with the blocks according to
Parten (1932).
Answer:Answer not provided.
Describe how Gilligan's perspective on morality is different from Kohlberg's. Include in
your answer terms used by Gilligan.
Answer:Answer not provided.
In the United States, education in the student's native language as well as English,
respect for the student's culture and ethnicity, and enhancement of the student's
self-concept is termed _________ .
What is the relationship between books and television? Children read _________ books
when television is available to them.
Describe how a magnet school differs from a charter school, and give examples.
Answer:Answer not provided.
A need or emotion that causes a person to act is called a(n) _________.

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