SED DS 30296

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2525
subject Authors Burl E. Gilliland, Richard K. James

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The term "drug" is an artifact constructed by society.
The Affective Severity Scale of the Triage Assessment System assesses a broad spectrum
of positive and adaptive client behaviors.
Interviewing potential EVJOs should start by asking them if they have a plan to carry
out their threats.
Anger, fear, and sadness along with frustration are the typical emotional states assessed
in crisis intervention.
When making a home visit where a potentially violent client may reside, once the door
is opened it is best to stride purposively into the room stating clearly who you are and
why you are there.
Psychological First Aid delivered on a massive scale in large scale disasters is sufficient
to deal with most mental health issues.
Approximately half of all alcoholics and other substance abusers have other psychiatric
There are legal precedents that condone spouse abuse.
Crisis intervention services typically start through massive government funding to
rectify some ill.
Grossman proposes that one reason for the upsurge in school violence is unsupervised
behavioral conditioning.
Melancholy is one of the descriptors on the Affective scale.
The Hero in an alcoholic family is most likely to be the oldest child.
Child abuse and rape victims experience PTSD very differently than other victims of
One of the problems of making a threat assessment of the EVJO is that his motives for
violence are often muddled, unclear, and easily dismissed as inconsequential by adults.
Successful disaster systems relief must be multitheoretical.
It is extremely important to be careful in word choice and to use brevity when doing
crisis intervention over the net.
One of the reasons that same-sex partners do not report battering is the fear they will be
Threats of legal reprisal by the client should not deter a crisis worker from his or her
duty to warn when there is clear and present danger to a client or other
person's safety.
Facebook is not a critical ingredient in disaster communication.
Eclectic crisis intervention involves the intentional and systematic selection and
integration of valid concepts and strategies from all available therapeutic approaches.
Basic crisis intervention, while often brief, is not brief therapy.
Conjugal terrorism as described by Morgan is akin to brainwashing and political
Burnout applies equally to both individuals and institutions.
Compassion satisfaction can be an extremely effective buffer against burnout. .
A counseling office should be arranged so the therapist can keep the client confined if
An example of a childhood Type II trauma would be a one-time stranger rape of a child.
Burnout encompasses not only the work setting, but also all other environments of the
According to Walker, much of battering occurs on a random basis.
"Tell me more "is an open lead that asks the client for expansion of the subject.
Schools should not be in the memorial business. That's the job of funeral homes.
Alcohol abuse is one of the primary reasons for battering.
Mental illness and emotional disturbance calls make up a large percentage of police
department calls that fall under "maintaining order."
Drugs such as Prozac are widely effective with all trauma types and should be used
conjointly with psychotherapy
Professionals have now identified a common denominator for the cause of so many
adolescent suicides.
A recently suicidal person who begins to show generosity and share possessions is
showing signs of renewal and recovery.
Denial on both the individual and the institution's part is one reason why violence
occurs. (p. 544, p. 545)
The Duluth model for domestic violence intervention can best be characterized as
a. providing psychoeducational support to batterers
b. providing support to women across a range of issues.
c. integrated, coordination between a variety of agencies
d. All of the above are primary services.
Research indicates that suicide attempts that 'succeed"
a. increase with the age of the person.
b. decrease with the age of the person.
c. are not correlated with age.
d. are correlated more by race than age.
On a chronosystem, disillusionment in the system may occur
a. when the media leaves.
b. when FEMA leaves.
c. at about three months.
d. All of the above may be timelines for disillusionment.
An inappropriate technique for therapeutic intervention with children who suffer from
PTSD involves
b. therapeutic play with sand trays and puppets.
c. flooding.
d. emotional catharsis through music, computer art, painting.
Which of the following statements are true of courtship violence?
a. The higher the grade point average of the person, the lower the violence.
b. One quarter of victims and one third of offenders in one study believed violence is a
sign of love.
c. Having one steady dating partner increases the odds of violence the longer the
relationship lasts.
d. Both a and b are true.
The S.A.F.E. model is the default protocol for armed intervention after a hostage has
been harmed.
Threat assessment for lethality goes up as the EVJO's
a. anger becomes more ventilated.
b. affect becomes more depressed.
c. motive and plan become more concrete.
d. thinking becomes more disjointed.
A crisis response plan should
a. cover every conceivable contingency in depth.
b. be practiced regularly.
c. be developed by outside consultants who have the expertise and objectivity to not be
influenced by local biases.
d. all of the above should be included in a good crisis response plan.
After a violent incident, the institution may want to
a. do a disciplinary investigation to determine if there was negligence.
b. conduct both Critical Incidents Stress Debriefing and a psychological autopsy.
c. use flooding procedures to immediately get the staff member back on the job.
d. choice b for the group and choice c for the individual.
Providing protection means
a. shielding the client from potential traumatic events post crisis.
b. safeguards clients from engaging in harmful and destructive behavior.
c. is an overarching task that takes precedence over everything else.
d. both b and c.
Confronting an agitated client
a. will only make the situation worse.
b. may be used when inappropriate behavior is demonstrated.
c. should be done in a problem-solving manner.
d. Both b and c are good reasons for confronting.
Counseling a gang member in regard to violence reduction is best done by
a. taking an approach that targets behavior and its consequences.
b. using a passive, person-centered approach to build trust.
c. using a zero-tolerance, consequences-of-actions approach.
d. involving the whole family in a social systems model.
A universal multicultural view considers a wide variety of
a. races and ethnicities.
b. occupations and religions.
c. geographical locale and customs.
d. all of the above
One of the initial assessments the worker should make in a case of burnout is degree of
a. stress.
b. anger.
c. commitment.
d. lethality.
Interpersonal theory states that:
a. the total ecological system is involved in resolving the crisis.
b. the crisis cannot be sustained when people believe in their ability to overcome the
c. maladaptive thinking and behaving is changed to more adaptional thoughts and
d. none of the above responses describe Interpersonal theory
Overarching all other local service providers of crisis intervention in a disaster is the
Local Emergency Management Agency (LEMA).
When a crisis worker is faced with a potentially violent student, which of the following
isnotgenerally a good idea?
a. Consulting with another professional because this would break confidence.
b. Keeping precise notes and records because they might be subpoenaed.
c. Making different decisions and taking different actions based on individual situations
because it is important to focus on the individual's strengths.
d. Breaking confidence and telling the child's parents and the authorities.
The typical sequence of a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing is
a. Fact-Thought-Feeling.
b. Suppression-Catharsis.
c. Feeling-Thought-Fact.
d. Regression-Breakdown-Integration.
Of the following behaviors that will help a crisis worker know whether a child is being
sexually abused which does not belong? The sexually abused child may:
a. come to school early and stay late.
b. act out by hurting oneself rather than other children.
c. be hypervigilent of others and surroundings.
d. be sexually shy and appear ignorant of sexual matters.
When groups of crisis workers experience "parallel processing" at a disaster site, it
means they
a. are experiencing many of the dynamics of the victims they are sent to help.
b. process feelings and thoughts at the same time as survivors.
c. work simultaneously with victims and other emergency relief workers.
d. use triage assessment simultaneously with multiple victims to see who gets help first.
The case of Josh and the brown recluse spiders best illustrates a
a. NOVA intervention.
b. SCRT intervention with individual supportive therapy.
c. PTSD intervention.
d. both a and c.
Of the following, which is nottrue of hostage takers?
a. They have reached an acute level of frustration.
b. They are attempting to problem-solve.
c. They want to harm the hostage so as to show the world they mean business.
d. They are seeking attention.
Terr (1995) proposed a division of childhood trauma into two categories that she called
Type I and Type II traumas. What is the difference?
a. Type I targets very young children and Type II targets adolescents.
b. Type I results from natural causes and Type II results from man-made causes.
c. Type I derives from sudden, distinct, traumatic experiences and Type II derives from
long standing, repeated ordeals.
d. Type I stems from childhood sexual or physical abuse and Type II stems from
environmental catastrophes.
A developmental crisis may accompany an event such as:
a. the birth of a child.
b. graduation from college.
c. a mid-life career change.
d. All of the above may be crises.
An adequate and comprehensive security plan for an institution will deal with
a. prevention.
b. response.
c. detection.
d. All of the above
Durkheim called a suicide type in which the person felt estranged and alienated from
society a ________ suicide.
a. egoistic
b. mental deficiency
c. kari-kari
d. chaos
The suicidal/homicidal person who engages in an expressive act of harming self or
others is
a. engaging in an act designed to reduce psychological pain.
b. expressing a specific behavioral tendency towardseuthanasia.
c. demonstrating one or more of the common myths about client lethality.
d. manifesting acts that are characteristic of Shneidman's cognitive characteristics.
Silence as a counseling technique is best used
a. when the worker wants to put some pressure on the client to talk.
b. clients need time to think.
c. there is a gap in the dialogue.
d. all of the above are a "best use."
Crisis lines work because they
a. are cheap and convenient.
b. provide easy assessment of client functioning.
c. inhibit dependency.
d. Both a and c are reasons crisis lines work.
Being aware that an individual in crisis is operating in a transcrisis state provides the
crisis worker with important information regarding:
a. transcrisis points.
b. the kind and degree of therapeutic intervention that should be provided for the client.
c. multicultural perspectives that might have a significant impact on the crisis.
d. brief therapy approaches to crises.
The crisis worker who deals with Deborah, the chronic, suicidal, bridge jumper uses
a. flooding to blow away her catastrophic all-or- none thinking.
b. dynamic interpretation of past events to ferret out the underlying reasons.
c. rewards alternative to suicidal behavior and minimizes short term reinforcements for
d. All of the above are used in an eclectic manner with this complex case.
The human service worker who wishes to minimize the chance of a violent
confrontation with a client will
a. treat the client in a permissive fashion so as to avoid an incident.
b. take a defensive posture that lets the client know the worker will not be intimidated.
c. obtain support staff as a show of strength.
d. keep the client fruitfully busy or otherwise occupied.
In crisis intervention, the possibility of dealing with suicidal or homicidal clients is
a. really pretty rare.
b. ever present.
c. specific to certain groups.
d. dependent on the interventionist.
Which of the following has not been a historical label for PTSD?
a. Combat fatigue.
b. Hysterical neurosis.
c. Railway spine.
d. Acute intrapsychic trauma.

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