SED DS 19476

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 26
subject Words 4378
subject Authors Daniel P. Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen

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In most students with orthopedic or musculoskeletal disorders, intelligence is
Approximately 75% of students with severe emotional disturbance are male.
Evidence indicates that there is a connection between the measles, mumps, rubella
vaccine and autism.
Social interaction problems for persons with Asperger syndrome tend to increase as
they reach adolescence and adulthood.
People with a severe disability in any area often have more than one disability.
Students who are gifted are not likely to excel without special education programs.
Early intervention for speech and language disorders should emphasize conversation
skills rather than the mechanics of language.
Students with hearing loss are served in special schools or residential settings more than
any other disability category.
There are many proven applications of the theory of multiple intelligences to teaching.
All ethnic minority groups are overrepresented in special education.
Although cerebral palsy is not contagious, it is progressive.
Recent research shows that there is evidence of a neurological basis for ADHD.
People who are blind have an extra sense that enables them to detect obstacles.
Virtually all early childhood educators agree that young children with disabilities and
those considered "at risk" should be in inclusive programs.
Children with epilepsy are more disposed to learning disabilities than are children who
do not have epilepsy.
Genetic factors contribute to giftedness.
Teachers and others who work with individuals who have tantrums know they
frequently need to withdraw demands for performance, even when the demands are
Psychological processing disorders are considered to be the primary reason for most
learning disabilities.
We know considerably more today about how to educate exceptional learners than we
did ten years ago.
About 50% of the children whose language is delayed at age 2 will gradually catch up
developmentally with their age peers.
Sugar has been documented to cause hyperactivity.
Public schools may choose not to provide education for some children with disabilities.
Most standardized assessments are biased against learners who are deaf or hard of
Adults who are blind are employed at about half the rate of those who are sighted.
Curriculum-based measurement is thought to decrease the likelihood of cultural bias.
By definition, all communication disorders involve impairments of speech.
Some disabilities are genetically linked to ethnicity.
At the preschool level, teachers emphasize natural interactions in general education
classrooms with students who do not have disabilities.
Several major professional and parent organizations have developed position papers
against placing students with learning disabilities in full-inclusion programs.
Students with disabilities are not excluded from participation in standardized
assessment procedures.
Many children quickly outgrow their dysfluencies.
Hyperactivity is a characteristic of all children with ADHD.
Many children do not master phonology until they are eight or nine years old.
The intelligence of students with conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system is
A) lower than average.
B) unaffected.
C) higher than average.
D) indeterminate.
All of the following are often used as part of the process of diagnosing children with
A) a medical exam.
B) a clinician interviewing parents and child.
C) neuroimaging.
D) teacher-and parent-rating scales.
A lung disease characterized by episodic inflammation or obstruction of the air
passages such that the person has difficulty breathing is
A) allergies.
B) bronchitis.
C) asthma.
D) inhalation.
Major problems to be solved in helping individuals communicate in ways other than
signing include
a) determining whether the individuals are visual or auditory learners.
b) finding appropriate reinforcers.
c) selecting a vocabulary and giving them an effective, efficient means of indicating
elements in their vocabularies.
d) speech synthesizers.
The best"test"for ADHD in adults is
A) Conners behavior scales.
B) an MRI to test for brain abnormalities.
C) the person's life and medical history.
D) referrals from past teachers.
All of the following are flaws associated with standardized testing EXCEPT
a. They don"t take cultural diversity into account.
b. They tend to focus on deficits in the individual.
c. They don"t provide much information useful for teaching.
d. They favor auditory over visual learners.
Prereferral teams serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT
a. developing IEPs for all students who need them.
b. reducing the number of referrals to special education.
c. establishing "ownership" of students with disabilities by general educators.
d. recommending strategies for working with children who exhibit academic and
behavioral problems.
The two primary objectives of multicultural special education are
a. promoting understanding of exceptionality as a microculture and ensuring that
exceptionality is included in the multicultural curriculum.
b. ensuring that ethnicity is not mistaken for exceptionality and increasing
understanding of disability as a microculture.
c. increasing visibility of people with disabilities in the macroculture and promoting
acceptance of people with disabilities by the majority culture.
d. enabling students from culturally diverse backgrounds to succeed in the mainstream
and lobbying for services in multicultural educational programs.
The extent of the paralysis in spina bifida depends on
A) the stage of development during which it occurs.
B) the success or failure of the surgery to close the opening.
C) the success or failure of the surgery to repair the nerve damage.
D) how high or low the injury on the spinal column is.
Individuals who have a cluster of disabilities in social interaction, math, visual-spatial
tasks, and tactual tasks are referred to as having
A) nonverbal learning disabilities.
B) motivational problems.
C) social cognition problems.
D) locus of control deficits.
The'speech reception threshold"is best defined as the
A) decibel level at which one can understand speech.
B) intensity and frequency of spoken English.
C) Hz level at which the average person can detect sound.
D) level at which the human ear can discriminate between similar sounds.
The basal ganglia and cerebellum are responsible for
A) regulating one's own behavior.
B) executive functioning.
C) coordination and control of motor behavior.
D) communication between the hemispheres of the brain.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, how many people have
an autism spectrum disorder?
A) about 1 in 88, possibly as high as 1 in 50.
B) about 1 in 2,500 if strict medical criteria is used.
C) about 1 in 333 in rural areas.
D) about 1 in 91.
Which federal provision requires that children with disabilities be provided with a free,
appropriate public education?
a. Fourteenth Amendment
b. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
c. Americans with Disabilities Act
d. Civil Rights Act
Pure-tone audiometry establishes
A) detection and understanding of speech.
B) threshold for hearing at various frequencies.
C) kinds of hearing tests to be used.
D) presence of the Moro reflex.
Tactual signals that can convey a number of messages depending on the situation and
context are
a) hand-under-hand guidance.
b) touch cues.
c) adapted signs.
d) tactual signs.
According to Sternberg, which type of giftedness involves insight, intuition, creativity,
or adeptness at coping with novel situations?
A) practical
B) analytic
C) synthetic
D) pragmatic
The first person who was deaf-blind who was known to be taught language was
a) Helen Keller.
b) Samuel Howe.
c) Laura Bridgman.
d) Annie Sullivan.
A life-cycle perspective on the impact on the family of having child with a disability
a. considers how the impact changes over time.
b. emphasizes that if the family has not accepted the child by adolescence, it is doubtful
that they ever will.
c. draws on psychoanalytic principles for its foundation.
d. has failed largely because it has ignored multicultural values.
Which poses the most difficulty for most children with learning disabilities?
A) reading
B) spelling
C) handwriting
D) math
In comparison to the percentage of students with most other disabilities, students with
E/BD are more likely to be educated in
A) general education classrooms.
B) resource room programs.
C) less restrictive settings.
D) more restrictive settings.
In Sam's family, everyone spends his or her free time independently. Family members
seldom eat meals together or plan joint activities. Sam's family has low
a. acceptance.
b. adaptability.
c. cohesion.
d. compassion.
"Phonology"refers to linguistic rules governing
A) construction of sentences.
B) particular sounds and how they are sequenced.
C) patterns of language use.
D) construction of word forms.
Increasingly, researchers recognize that problem behavior occurs less frequently in the
classroom when
A) the teacher is offering effective instruction.
B) the teacher allows unstructured free time each day.
C) the teacher separates students with behavior problems from other students.
D) the teacher consistently punishes each occurrence of problem behavior.
All of the following arguments have been used against special education for children
who are gifted EXCEPT
A) It is inhumane and un-American to segregate students for instruction.
B) It is not fair to allocate special resources for those who are already advantaged.
C) Students labeled as gifted develop more emotional problems than students with
similar abilities who are not labeled.
D) There is a danger of leaving some children out when only the ablest are selected for
special programs.
Dramatic increases in prevalence figures since 1995 have been recorded for children
identified as having
a. learning disabilities.
b. mental retardation.
c. physical disabilities.
d. autism spectrum disorder.
Many in the Deaf community believe that residential schools for children who are deaf
are necessary to
A) perpetuate the Deaf culture and use of ASL.
B) ensure that students learn age-appropriate social skills.
C) provide jobs for those who are deaf as workers in the schools.
D) overcome the negative effects of many home situations.
The way people use language in social situations is
A) communicative intent.
B) semantics.
C) pragmatics.
D) syntax.
Ms. Lopez, a second grade teacher, has concerns about Delroy's progress in math.
Before she makes a referral for special education, she should
a. discuss her concerns with Delroy.
b. administer an intelligence test.
c. discuss her concerns with Delroy's parents.
d. consult with specialists at a diagnostic-prescriptive center.
Which one of the following is an articulation disorder?
A) lisping
B) stuttering
C) aphasia
D) mutism
The most common problems exhibited by children with E/BD are
A) withdrawn behaviors.
B) attention deficit disorders.
C) impulsive behaviors.
D) conduct disorders.
Discuss the effects of hearing impairment on intellectual development and describe
recent changes in knowledge associated with this issue.
Write one descriptive sentence for three psychological and behavioral characteristics of
people with ADHD described in the text.
Compare and contrast American Sign Language and signing English systems: As
communication systems, what features do they share? What are the relative advantages
and disadvantages of each for students with deafness?
List four types of assessment and describe their purposes.
Compare and contrast the roles of special educators and general educators.
Discuss the rationale for 'standards-based" reforms and describe problems with how
special education fits into this movement.
Discuss possible reasons for negative reactions to people with physical disabilities,
negative feelings about themselves, and factors that may result in greater acceptance of
people with physical disabilities.
Describe what is meant by the phrase,"intellectual disability is a socially constructed
Explain why communication does not require speech.
Define cerebral palsy and discuss the range of effects that this condition can have on
Describe two reasons for why it is so difficult to determine an exact figure for the
prevalence of exceptional children.
Discuss why teachers should be attentive to the expanding ethnic diversity in the U.S.
Discuss procedures for measuring hearing in infants.
What is the relationship between normalization, deinstitutionalization, and inclusion?
Define each term.
Distinguish between disorders of language and disorders of speech and provide two
examples of each (define each example).
Discuss the authors' view that multicultural education gives us the opportunity to
"engender acceptance, if not love, of all differences that are not destructive of the
human experience."
Identify the three general purposes of multicultural education.
How have methods for teaching students with ADHD changed since Cruickshank's
approach in the late 1950s? In what ways are today's methods similar to Cruickshank's

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