SED DS 14989

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1869
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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The negative impact of discrimination and oppression for both men and women has
surfaced as a result of:
a. rational emotive behavior therapy.
b. person-centered therapy.
c. family systems therapy.
d. feminist therapy.
This approach is regarded as part of the "third wave" of behavior therapy.
a. dialectical behavior therapy
b. mindfulness-based stress reduction
c. mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
d. acceptance and commitment therapy
e. all of the above
Of the following, which intervention would a feminist therapist probably consider most
a. challenging irrational beliefs
b. making use of the empty-chair technique
c. conducting a lifestyle analysis
d. social action
e. interpretation of resistance
A contribution of the Adlerian approach is:
a. Adler's influence on most of the other therapy systems.
b. the concept of redecision therapy.
c. its methods of analysis of transference.
d. its techniques which help clients relive past emotional events in the here-and-now.
A major contribution of Whitaker's approach to family therapy is:
a. birth order as a determinant of personality.
b. differentiation of the self.
c. genogram work.
d. spontaneity, creativity, and play as therapeutic factors in family therapy.
e. the use of bibliotherapy as an adjunct to treatment.
Which of the following is not one of the Gestalt group leader's roles?
a. designing experiments for group members
b. evoking group catharsis.
c. engaging in self-disclosure
d. facilitating contact in the group setting
Which statement is false as it applies to reality therapy?
a. The focus is on observable behavior.
b. A commitment is an essential part of therapy.
c. There is a focus on getting clients to re-author their stories.
d. The therapist needs to establish an involvement with the client.
e. The past is not explored in this approach.
Existential therapy can be especially helpful for:
a. individuals with phobic disorders.
b. children with behavior disorders.
c. patients in a mental hospital.
d. couples needing sex therapy.
e. individuals facing a transition in life.
Regarding the use of traditional diagnosis from a feminist perspective, which of the
following statements is false?
a. Without an accurate formal diagnosis, there is no basis for effective therapy.
b. The DSM-IV-TR reflects the dominant culture's definition of pathology and health.
c. Sexism, racism, and classism are embodied in traditional diagnosis.
d. Diagnostic labels generally locate the source of a client's problems in the person,
rather than in the environment.
e. Many feminist therapists avoid using traditional diagnostic practices.
Which of the following is not part of the five-step treatment procedure used in a
coping-skills program?
a. exposing clients to anxiety-provoking situations by means of role playing and
b. evaluating the anxiety level of the client by using both physiological and
psychological tests
c. teaching clients to become aware of the anxiety-provoking cognitions they
experience in stressful situations
d. having the clients examine their thoughts through reevaluating their self-statements
e. noting the level of anxiety following reevaluation
In a group based on existential principles, clients learn:
a. that there are no ultimate answers for ultimate concerns.
b. to view themselves through others' eyes.
c. to come to terms with the paradoxes of existence.
d. that pain is a reality of the human experience.
e. all of these.
Although it is not bound by prescribed techniques, this theoretical perspective focuses
on developing social interest, providing encouragement, and facilitating insight into
client's mistaken ideas and their personal assets.
a. feminist therapy
b. behavioral therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. cognitive behavioral therapy
e. Adlerian therapy
A healthy contact experience involves all of the following except:
a. interacting with others while maintaining a sense of self.
b. creativity.
c. maintaining balance between the figure and the ground.
d. projection.
Regarding psychotherapy treatment outcome, research suggests all of the following
a. the therapist as a person is an integral part of successful treatment.
b. the therapeutic relationship is an essential component of effective treatment.
c. both the therapy methods and the therapy relationship make contributions to
d. therapy techniques are the key component of successful treatment
Person-centered therapy is best explained as:
a. a dogma.
b. a fixed and completed approach to therapy.
c. a set of techniques to build trust in clients.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
Multimodal therapy stresses:
a. relying exclusively on learning theory.
b. limiting practice to a few specific techniques.
c. adherence to an existential framework for practice.
d. technical eclecticism.
e. the role of the therapist's values in therapeutic outcomes.
In psychoanalytic therapy, dream analysis:
a. reveals a client's unconscious wishes, needs, and fears.
b. gives insight into some areas of unresolved problems.
c. often involves free association.
d. all of the above
e. all but (c)
Which anxiety reduction technique involves creating a hierarchy of the client's fearful
a. assertive training
b. operant conditioning
c. systematic desensitization
d. social reinforcement
e. stress inoculation
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) joining and accommodation, (b), deconstructing problem-saturated stories, (c)
family reconstruction, (d) tracking interactional sequences, (e) enhancing interpersonal
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) power analysis and power intervention, (b) assertion training, (c) stress-management
training, (d) eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, (e) exposure therapies
A major characteristic of the classical psychoanalytic therapist is:
a. openness and self-disclosure.
b. a deeply personal and sharing relationship.
c. a sense of being anonymous.
d. a focus on specific behavior and an objective appraisal of learned patterns of
The therapy approach most likely to focus directly on helping Stan to stop using alcohol
and drugs would be:
a. person-centered therapy.
b. Gestalt therapy.
c. behavior therapy.
d. existential therapy.
e. psychoanalytic therapy.
When reality therapists explore a client's past, they tend to focus on:
a. relationships within the family.
b. early traumatic events.
c. problems in school performance.
d. past successes.
e. developmental problems.
One strength of cognitive behavioral therapy group counseling is that:
a. emphasis is placed on symptom prevention.
b. clients can remain relatively emotionally disengaged.
c. leaders take a non-directive stance.
d. leaders believe that insight is necessary for behavior change.
REBT views emotional disturbances as the result of:
a. inadequate mothering during infancy.
b. failure to fulfill our existential needs.
c. excessive feelings.
d. irrational thinking and behaving.
Existential therapy is best considered as:
a. an approach to understanding humans.
b. a school of therapy.
c. a system of techniques designed to create authentic humans.
d. a strategy for uncovering dysfunctional behavior.
The Adlerian approach is well suited to multicultural counseling because:
a. the approach encourages clients to define themselves within their social context.
b. the approach has few rigid techniques.
c. the focus on early recollections allows clients to explore their past.
d. the focus on a lifestyle assessment is appealing to most cultures.
Clients are viewed from a systemic perspective.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. family therapy
d. cognitive behavior therapy
e. person-centered therapy
Skillful use of questioning is central to this model of brief therapy.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. solution-focused therapy
c. person-centered therapy
d. Gestalt therapy
e. existential therapy
________ consists of evaluating the relevant factors in a client's life to identify themes
for further exploration in therapy, whereas ________ consists of identifying a specific
category of psychological problem based on a pattern of symptoms.
a. Diagnosis, assessment
b. Life evaluation, assessment
c. Assessment, life evaluation
d. Assessment, diagnosis
e. none of the above
An Adlerian therapist asks for the client's earliest recollections in order to:
a. discover goals and motivations.
b. reveal their beliefs and basic mistakes.
c. give clues as to the development of that individual's lifestyle.
d. all of these
Strategic family therapy stresses some of the same basic concepts as the structural
approach to family therapy.
The id is related to the concept of libido.
There is little empirical support for ACT.
Feminist group work uses a structured approach and focuses on the use of techniques.
In the existential approach, techniques are primary, while subjective understanding of
clients is secondary.
By considering contextual variables, symptoms are reframed as survival strategies.
The relational model of psychoanalysis regards transference as an interactive process
between the client and therapist.
Natalie Rogers is no longer an active contributor to the person-centered approach.
Strategic therapists do not rely on therapy techniques to bring about change but instead
give more stress to the therapist's relationship with a family.
In the Gestaltist view, unfinished business is best explored in the present.
Feminist therapy is not static, but is continually evolving.
In Whitaker's experiential therapy, there is a greater focus on exploring past experiences
than on here-and-now interaction between the family and the therapist.
Assessment and therapy techniques are more important than empathy to a social
Techniques can counteract a client"therapist relationship that is lacking in certain
According to Freudians, greediness and hoarding may develop as a result of not getting
oral needs properly met.
The focus of Bowen's multigenerational approach is on dealing with family of origin
issues and detriangulating relationships.

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