SED CE 99124

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1387
subject Authors Ann A. Turnbull, H. Rutherford Turnbull, Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer

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Which of the following allows teachers to track two aspects of a behavior together?
A. A checklist
B. A T-chart
C. Curriculum-based measurement
D. Goal attainment scaling
Which of the following means providing services, resources, and personal assistance on
a constant basis?
A. Limited
B. Intermittent
C. Extensive
D. Pervasive
An IDEA-related service for students with visual impairments to know where they are
in their environment and how to move around that environment safely is:
A. Environmental Education
B. Kinesthetic instruction
C. Orientation and mobility training
D. Transition services
A systems-level, problem-solving oriented, data-based approach to reducing problem
behavior, improving appropriate behavior, and achieving important academic, social,
and communication outcomes throughout the school building is:
A. Response to intervention
B. Universal Design for Learning
C. Alternative assessment
D. Positive behavior supports
Considering the quality and nature of students' replies and work to determine if they are
mastering content is:
A. Adequate processing time
B. Frequent student responses
C. Appropriate instructional pacing
D. Monitoring responses
How many principles are outlined in IDEA?
A. Two principles
B. Four principles
C. Six principles
D. Eight principles
There is research to support braid differences in children with ADHD. Which of the
following is not a brain difference noted in children with ADHD?
A. Cerebellar volume differences
B. Less activation in networks related to cognition.
C. Neurochemical differences.
D. More activation in the frontal cortex.
Alfred, a 16 year old student with a specific learning disability in reading, is getting
ready to enter high school. Alfred reads at a fifth grade level. Which of the following
English Language Arts class placements may be most appropriate for Alfred?
A. Pre-college ELA course
B. General ELA course
C. General ELA course with occasional support from the special education teacher
D. Specialized ELA course with individualized content on Alfred's reading level.
A person who has a hearing loss of 70 to 90 decibels or greater is considered:
A. Hard of hearing
B. Congenitally deaf
C. Deaf
D. Partially deaf
A 14-year-old boy with mild autism would be LEAST likely to have which of the
following components in his curriculum?
A. Functional academics on how to read bus schedules
B. Social-skills training in how to join a conversation
C. Reading instruction in a second grade text
D. Career interest development
The process of determining whether a student's behavior is a direct result of the
student's disability is:
A. Equal treatment
B. No cessation
C. Interim alternative placement
D. Manifestation determination
Chelsea, a student with a mild hearing loss, often has difficulty following the teacher's
directions in class, particularly when the teacher is doing work at the whiteboard.
Which of the following suggestions would be a most appropriate first step for the
teacher to try to improve Chelsea's behavior?
A. Repeat all directions directly into Chelsea's ear.
B. Do not give directions when facing the board.
C. Provide an interpreter for Chelsea.
D. Have another student write down all assignments for Chelsea.
What is not a main difference between 504 and IDEA?
A. 504 is an anti-discrimination law
B. IDEA provides for federal funds to support its principles
C. 504 provides for federal funds to support its principles
D. IDEA deals with birth through age 21 only
Services, resources, and personal assistance for enabling a person to develop, learn, and
live effectively are called:
A. Transitions
B. Supports
C. Supplements
D. Advocates
Most individuals with visual impairments:
A. Use braille
B. Read print
C. Use audiobooks
D. Rely on others to read to them
Which of the following IEP team participants are seen as optional participants?
A. Parents or guardians
B. Special education teacher
C. Advocate
D. General education teacher
Which social, behavioral, or educational factor is associated with intellectual
disabilities more than with any other disability?
A. High divorce rate
B. Large family size
C. Poverty
D. Poor nutrition
An extreme deviation in either a depressed or an elevated direction, or sometimes in
both directions at the same time is:
A. Anxiety disorder
B. Conduct disorder
C. Oppositional defiant disorder
D. Mood disorder
Specialized settings in schools may include resource rooms and which of the following?
A. General education classrooms
B. Self-contained classrooms
C. Least restrictive classrooms
D. Gifted and talented classrooms
Which dimensions of language determine the content and social use of language?
A. Semantics and pragmatics
B. Syntax and pragmatics
C. Semantics and phonology
D. Syntax and morphology
Fidgeting, leaving the seat in the classroom, running or climbing excessively, difficulty
playing or engaging in leisure activities, blurting out answers, difficulty waiting to take
turns, and talking excessively are characteristics of:
A. ADHD inattentive type
B. ADHD hyperactive/impulsive type
C. ADHD with learning disability
D. ADHD combined type
Howard Gardner's model of intelligence proposed each of the following types of
intelligence except:
A. Logical-mathematical
B. Spatial
C. Intrapersonal
D. Leadership
The extent to which research and practice in instruction and assessment take into
consideration the cognitive, linguistic, and social assets of an individual that are
culturally determined and shape the ways in which that individual learns and makes
sense of his or her experiences is:
A. A micro culture
B. Culture
C. Cultural responsiveness
D. A macro culture
Autism is a developmental disability that significantly affects a student's verbal and
nonverbal communication, social interaction, and:
A. Educational performance
B. Intellectual abilities
C. Vocational skills
D. Functional skills
Which of the following students are more likely to attend residential schools?
A. Students with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and physical disabilities
B. Students with autism, traumatic brain injury, and intellectual disabilities
C. Students with hearing impairments, visual impairments, and deaf-blindness
D. Students with autism, visual impairments, and traumatic brain injury
The belief that racial and class inequity are reproduced over time to maintain the status
quo at the expense of less privileged groups is associated with:
A. Cultural deficit theory
B. Eugenics
C. Cultural reproduction theory
D. Genetic deficit theory
Teachers helping students to understand, investigate, and determine how the implicit
cultural assumptions, frames of references, perspectives, and biases within a discipline
influence the ways in which knowledge is constructed within it is:
A. Content integration
B. Knowledge construction process
C. Equity pedagogy
D. Prejudice reduction
Recording the occurrence or nonoccurrence of specific behaviors during short,
predetermined intervals is:
A. Portfolio-based assessment
B. Time sampling
C. Event recording
D. Field observation
What fraction of students served under the category that includes ADHD actually have
A. Greater than 2/3
B. Less than
C. Almost
D. About
Neuroimaging is helpful in determining the presence of each of the following except:
A. Cerebral palsy
B. Asthma
C. Epilepsy
D. Spina bifida
Students who are involved with the autonomous learner model do all of the following
A. Consider strength and limitations
B. Explore what it means to be gifted
C. Participate in more frequent testing
D. Learn organizational skills
Amplification, speech reading, reading, and writing are all used in combination with
signs in which of the following approaches?
A. Pidgin signed English
B. Oral/aural format
C. Cued speech
D. Total communication

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