SED CE 95079

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 3469
subject Authors Anita Woolfolk, Nancy E. Perry

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Maria learns to tie her shoe by watching her older sister successfully tie her own shoe.
Rather than shaping Maria's behavior by using reinforcements, Bandura's social
learning theory relies on:
a. vicarious learning.
b. negative reinforcement.
c. enactive learning.
d. information processing.
Sasha wants to impress her parents by going into the family business. Although she has
no interest in working in her family's jewelry store at the mall, she decides to major in
accounting in college so she can begin her career in the jewelry store immediately after
college. The description of Sasha's identity designation seems to fit which of James
Marcia's four categories of identity status?
a. identity achievement
b. identity diffusion
c. identity foreclosure
d. moratorium
According to Lev Vygotsky, private speech:
a. reveals that a child struggles with impulse control.
b. reveals a developmental language delay.
c. does not develop until middle or late adolescence.
d. helps children regulate their thinking.
When his mother fell down and bruised her knee, her son brought her an apple. Apples
are the boy's favorite fruit and he wanted to make his mother feel better. The boy's
action demonstrates both __________ and ______________.
a. sympathy; moral imperatives
b. inductive reasoning; temperament
c. perspective-taking; social conventions
d. empathy; egocentricism
The causes of childhood depression are not well understood. What is generally believed
about causality?
a. Temperament, biology, and social factors cause childhood depression.
b. Competition and stress are responsible for childhood depression.
c. Stress and socio-economic factors are the greatest causes of childhood depression.
d. A genetic predisposition is responsible for childhood depression.
One of the most common birth complications is ______, which is a lack of oxygen to
the fetus.
a. anoxia
b. alpha-fetoprotein
c. amniocentesis
d. phenylketonuria (PKU)
The following girls are all 14 years of age. Which of them most likely experienced
menarche at the youngest age?
a. Corrinne's mother experienced menarche at the age of 13.
b. Candace lives in a stressful, unsupportive home environment.
c. Penny lives in a border town where street gangs threaten citizens on a daily basis.
d. Katie lives in a warm, protective home environment.
James Marcia (1966, 1993) expanded on Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages by focusing
on two processes Erikson deemed essential to achieving a mature identity. These two
processes are:
a. self-questioning and peer adjustment.
b. rational decision-making and questioning tradition.
c. exploration of different roles and commitment to beliefs.
d. self-evaluation of beliefs and establishment of intimate relationships.
Which of the following is an example of universal design?
a. schools built to enhance the use of technology in every classroom.
b. word processing software that improves writing skills for struggling writers
c. learning programs that consider the needs of all users in creating learning
d. academic software that simulates real-world environments for problem-based
Mr. Lim is supportive and firm when he tells his daughter that she must return the cup
to her older brother. Though he is not harsh, he does not negotiate with his daughter
when she tries to explain why she should get to keep her brother's cup. His daughter
believes that the cup should be hers because she saw it first on the kitchen counter. Mr.
Lim is demonstrating what type of parent style?
a. uninvolved
b. authoritative
c. authoritarian
d. punitive
A zygote forms from reproductive cells. How does the zygote then transform into cells
that perform all of the functions in the human body?
a. DNA controls cell differentiation for various functions.
b. Genes guide cell differentiation for unique functions.
c. Dominant-recessive inheritance transforms cells for diverse functions.
d. Co-dominant factors transform cells for diverse functions.
Which of the following children is most at risk for maltreatment in the US?
a. 16-year-old Sandy
b. four-year-old Tanya
c. White/Caucasian children
d. Asian American teens
Sarah and Mario just learned that their newborn child has Down syndrome. In order to
get support and services, what source should they contact immediately for assistance?
a. federal learning system
c. state's Early Intervention System
d. Connecting with Kids agency
A researcher wants to understand resiliency in children after they experience failure.
Although the researcher did not obtain approval from the Institutional Review Board,
she did obtain signatures of parents/guardians on informed consent forms. The children
in the study do not know it, but the researcher programmed the computer software so
that the students will not be able to complete the science problem they are given in their
virtual online science laboratory. The researcher is most interested in seeing which
children become frustrated to the point of crying or giving up prior to solving the
problem. What is our major concern with this research study?
a. The researcher collected informed consent forms from the parents and guardians, but
not the children.
b. The researcher may cause harm to the children, who may become frustrated and
ultimately distrustful of adults. The researcher is using deceptive practices in her
research design.
c. The research design actually discriminates against children from lower income
families. They have less experience with technology such as the virtual online science
d. The research design ultimately examines intelligence. The more intelligent children
will recognize the impossibility of the task and stop trying. Children with lower
intelligence will keep trying.
Nicholas' parents were shocked when his teacher, Mr. Sims, called to tell them that
Nicholas had been bragging that he invited all of the boys in class to his birthday party,
with the exception of Terry. Nicholas' parents shared Mr. Sims' concern and perceived
that Nicholas was developing a pattern of behavior that demonstrated:
a. heteronomous reasoning.
b. relational aggression.
c. moral reasoning.
d. instrumental aggression.
Which of the following is the best way for parents to ensure that their children develop
quality relationships with their peers?
a. Place their child in organized peer activities before age 3.
b. Develop a satisfying relationship with their child.
c. Allow their child to be in the presence of peers every day during early childhood.
d. Ignore peer conflicts in order to allow their child to develop resiliency skills.
What is the general attitude of the Deaf community toward cochlear implants?
a. Deafness is not a deficit that needs a cure.
b. Every child who is born deaf should receive a cochlear implant.
c. Cochlear implants are more effective with adults than with children.
d. Cochlear implants are recommended for adults who experience gradual hearing loss.
Which child is most likely to experience social anxiety and extreme social wariness?
a. Susan, a highly aggressive 8-year-old girl
b. Bobby, a withdrawn 8-year-old boy
c. Patsy, a friendly but shy 9-year-old
d. Rory, a boy who seems immature for a 10-year-old
Mrs. Gibbs cannot seem to catch up with the eating habits of her 14-year-old daughter
Zondra and 16-year-old son Austin. Her weekly grocery shopping is never enough to
keep the pantry stocked. What is the recommended calorie intake for her two
a. 1800 calories per day for Zondra and 2200 per day for Austin
b. 2200 calories per day for Zondra and 3000 per day for Austin
c. 2400 calories per day for each of them
d. 2000 calories per day for each of them
Puberty is a series of synchronized, interconnected changes. These biological changes
are regulated by
a. secondary sex characteristics.
b. hormones.
c. reproductive organs.
d. adolescent growth spurt.
When a researcher is concerned about the extent to which her findings will generalize
to other schools beyond the one school she included in her initial research, she is most
concerned about:
a. internal validity.
b. external validity.
c. absence of bias.
d. reliability.
Paul is an avid reader and has read more books about history and science than any other
fifth grader in his school. He understands what he reads and continues to develop
deeper and broader knowledge in both disciplines. What type of intelligence is Paul
expanding in this context?
a. hierarchical
b. incremental
c. crystallized
d. interpersonal
Which one of the following five-year-old girls endorses gender-specific schemas?
a. Ginger gets her dad to play dolls with her.
b. Ariel tells her sister to beat the boy she is competing against in wrestling.
c. Mandy asks her brother to stop teasing her about playing with cars.
d. Sophia tells her brother he can"t play with dolls.
What effect does participation in sports have on shy children?
a. Shy children tend to become increasingly anxious and struggle with the competitive
nature of organized sports.
b. Organized sports have a positive effect on the physical well-being of shy children,
but a negative effect on self-esteem.
c. Organized sports help shy children reach higher levels of self-esteem and decrease
their social anxiety over time.
d. Organized sports tend to have a negative effect on shy children, increasing their
levels of social anxiety.
When someone tries to sit next to her at her birthday party, Samantha politely says
"This seat is taked." Her grammar reveals that she is:
a. fast-mapping.
b. overregularizing the rules of language.
c. experiencing syntax confusion.
d. accommodating her decoding skills.
Which one of the following best describes Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning?
a. Most children move from moral relativism to moral realism.
b. Moral development moves from universal principles to eventually being able to
apply the rules to one's specific situations.
c. Moral development moves from making judgments on the basis of one's own needs
to judgments based on the expectations of others close to you.
d. Children who demonstrate advanced reasoning about distributive justice also
demonstrate effective social problem-solving skills.
Bonnie is fairly typical of Millennials or contemporary Generation Y teenagers because
a. is confident, assertive, and at times disrespectful.
b. believes hard work pays off and achievement requires concentrated focus.
c. believes traditional values are outdated and marriage is too conventional for her.
d. is pessimistic about the state of world affairs and likes to drink and smoke.
Many studies have been conducted to determine the effects of computer usage on
learning. Does computer use support academic learning?
a. Using computer tutorial programs appears to improve achievement test scores for
K-12 students.
b. Simulations appear to result in the greatest increases in achievement test scores for
K-12 students.
c. Enrichment programs appear to yield the greatest advances in academic development
for K-12 students.
d. Using technology-rich learning environments (TREs) appears to improve
achievement test scores for K-12 students.
One of the biggest problems related to multiple births is:
a. premature deliveries.
b. competition among fetuses for entrance into the birth canal.
c. mortality rate of the mother.
d. extended gestation period (longer than 40 weeks).
Which one of the following groups of adolescents is most likely to take an early
pathway to sexual activity?
a. Latino males
b. Latina females
c. Asian males
d. African American males
The color of our hair and eyes is determined by our:
a. chromosomes.
b. genes.
c. cytoplasm.
d. chorions.
Which of the following young children most likely has parents with a view of "critical
periods" of development?
a. Martin lives in an upperclass community and goes walking daily with his dad. They
visit with neighbors who are jogging and pet a neighbor's dog as they make their
b. Gorge lives with his single mom who takes him everywhere with her in their bustling
neighborhood. She makes sure he has opportunities to play with peers, and she reads to
him every night at bedtime.
c. Stephano lives with parents who travel extensively with their business. They take
Stephano with them and allow time for strolling in parks and visiting local zoos.
d. Bruno lives with an upper middleclass family and is learning to speak Mandarin from
his caregiver. He is also taking violin lessons.
Carlotta (an immigrant from Mexico) is worried about her 6-year-old granddaughter
who is learning English at school, but hearing Spanish spoken at home. What will help
her granddaughter become a balanced bilingual?
a. She needs to hear English spoken at least 25% of the time.
b. She needs to stop speaking Spanish at home and speak English around her family.
c. She needs to continue developing her Spanish and speak Spanish at school when
d. She needs to hear English spoken more than half the time.

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