SED CE 91304

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1573
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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At age 6, Edda understands that a person's sex remains constant, even if that person
dresses in "cross-gender" clothes or engages in nontraditional activities. Edda is in
which stage of gender-constancy development?
A) androgyny
B) gender stability
C) gender consistency
D) gender labeling
Correlating Bert's IQ score at different ages
A) is necessary for calculating Bert's mental and chronological age.
B) tells whether Bert, who scored high in comparison to his agemates at one age,
continues to do so later.
C) compares Bert's test performance to younger and older children's scores.
D) can determine the percentage of younger and older children who fall above or below
Bert's score.
Zara has a career-oriented mother. Compared to other girls, Zara is more likely to
A) view her mother as distant and unavailable.
B) have higher educational aspirations.
C) have lower educational aspirations.
D) have lower self-esteem and achieve poorly in school.
Research on brain plasticity shows that when healthy brain regions take over the
functions of damaged areas,
A) children's IQ scores increase by 10 to 15 points, on average.
B) the brain processes information more quickly and accurately than it would if it were
C) a "crowding effect" occurs in which multiple tasks must be done by a smaller than
usual volume of brain tissue.
D) neurons in the healthy regions tend to die, leaving those areas vulnerable to future
By middle childhood, girls' relational aggression is
A) more malicious than boys'.
B) displayed more frequently.
C) more likely to be directed at same-sex peers.
D) more likely to be directed at other-sex peers.
Fifteen-year-old LaRon feels highly dissatisfied with his parental relationships.
Research suggests that LaRon is likely to be
A) anxious and unfocused.
B) aggressive and antisocial.
C) anxious and depressed.
D) socially popular but engages in risky behaviors.
One neo-Piagetian perspective combines Piaget's stage approach with
A) ecological systems theory.
B) information processing.
C) behaviorism.
D) the core knowledge perspective.
A researcher would like 9-year-old Simon to participate in a study. The researcher
should obtain permission from
A) Simon only.
B) Simon's parents only.
C) Simon and his parents.
D) neither Simon nor his parents.
__________ are more often produced by Chinese than U.S. babies as their first words.
A) Sound effects
B) Animals
C) Common objects
D) Action words
Development is often divided into which of the following three broad domains?
A) infancy, childhood, and adolescence
B) social, cultural, and historical
C) physical, cognitive, and emotional and social
D) biological, social, and intellectual
High rates of miscarriage, physical deformities, and slow physical growth have
occurred in __________ due to __________.
A) Native American reservations; ARND
B) inner city neighborhoods; lead exposure
C) Minimata; mercury poisoning
D) Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl; radiation exposure
Aaron's memory of his family's vacation to Yellowstone National Park resides in his
__________ memory.
A) semantic
B) eyewitness
C) short-term
D) autobiographical
Emerging adulthood is
A) limited to cultures that postpone entry into adult roles until the twenties.
B) found only in highly industrialized countries.
C) found primarily in developing countries.
D) a universal developmental phenomenon.
Twin comparisons reveal that the heritability of attachment is
A) virtually nil.
B) low to moderate.
C) moderate to high.
D) very high.
Studies of standardized testing provide evidence that
A) dynamic assessment is more efficient and less time-consuming than traditional tests.
B) static assessment frequently overestimates how well children do on test items after
receiving adult assistance.
C) dynamic assessment is more effective than traditional tests in predicting academic
D) U.S. education is placing greater emphasis on traditional test scores.
When parents make frequent comparisons between same-sex siblings who are close in
A) children strive harder to develop independent personality traits.
B) siblings make gains in perspective-taking skills.
C) sibling rivalry tends to increase, particularly during toddlerhood and the preschool
D) it results in more quarreling and antagonism for the children.
Among the !Kung, a hunting-and-gathering society living in the desert regions of
Botswana, a child's first words generally include words meaning "__________" and
A) mine; yours
B) No; I"ll do it myself
C) I want it; That belongs to my family
D) Here, take this; Give it to me.
According to Piaget, a form of egocentrism emerges during the formal operational stage
in which adolescents have difficulty
A) distinguishing their own and others' perspectives.
B) with day-to-day decision making.
C) comparing the merit of their accomplishments with that of others.
D) establishing a sense of self that is independent from their parents.
By late childhood and early adolescence,
A) boys outperform girls on math achievement tests.
B) girls outperform boys on math achievement tests.
C) boys and girls perform similarly on math achievement tests.
D) girls are slightly advantaged in counting and arithmetic computation.
Dr. Quinn uses neurobiological methods. She is interested in studying the relationship
between __________ and __________.
A) genes; the environment
B) developmental functions; individual differences
C) neurological maladies; biological processes
D) nervous system processes; behavior
Social interactionists believe that children's __________ language development.
A) built-in LAD is solely responsible for
B) native language dictates the pace of
C) social competencies and language experiences greatly affect
D) neural processing speed determines
By the end of the first year, babies become increasingly skilled at
A) establishing an internal working model.
B) joint attention.
C) social smiling.
D) labeling their feelings.
Between the seventh and ninth days, during the period of the zygote,
A) the one-celled zygote multiplies and forms a blastocyst.
B) fertilization occurs.
C) the face forms.
D) implantation occurs.
Mr. Chidie chases his 2-year-old son, Fana, saying, "I"m going to geech you!" When he
catches Fana, he tickles him. Fana replies, "Geech, Daddy, geech!" in an attempt to
receive another tickle. Fana's connection of the term "geech" with tickling is an
example of
A) fast-mapping.
B) shading.
C) syntactic bootstrapping.
D) semantic bootstrapping.
Victoria carries the abnormal allele for hemophilia. Which of the following children is
most likely to inherit the disorder?
A) her oldest daughter, Maryanne
B) her second daughter, Alice
C) her oldest son, Albert
D) her youngest daughter, Beatrice
Valerie is a college student studying to become a speech/language pathologist. In one of
her classes, she is learning about the rules that govern the structure and sequencing of
speech sounds. Valerie is studying
A) phonology.
B) semantics.
C) grammar.
D) pragmatics.
Which of the following sounds is newborn Cherise most likely to prefer?
A) nonspeech sounds
B) her mother's voice
C) children laughing
D) an unfamiliar speaker's voice
Maternal stress
A) during pregnancy is associated with higher birth weight.
B) hormones cross the placenta, causing a dramatic rise in fetal heart rate.
C) is especially detrimental during the third trimester of pregnancy.
D) is a concern for a pregnant mother, but does not affect her growing baby.
According to fuzzy-trace theory, __________ preserve(s) essential meaning without
details, whereas __________ memory contains precise details.
A) scripts; autobiographical
B) recognition memory; recall
C) semantic memory; episodic
D) gists; verbatim
Twin studies reveal that empathy is __________ heritable.
A) rarely
B) slightly
C) moderately
D) highly
Behavioral genetics
A) is devoted to uncovering the contributions of nature and nurture to the diversity in
human traits and abilities.
B) is a communication process designed to help couples assess their chances of giving
birth to a baby with a genetic disorder.
C) is devoted to proving that heredity, not the environment, is responsible for human
D) strives to identify variations in DNA sequences and uses these genetic markers to
explain almost all variations in human behavior.
Which of the following characteristics is Justin, who has autism, likely to exhibit?
A) the use of frequent nonsensical expressions
B) a strong capacity for establishing joint attention
C) good social referencing skills
D) the use of eye contact to gain someone's attention
Like longitudinal research, cross-sectional studies
A) can be threatened by cohort effects.
B) often rely on biased observation procedures.
C) can be threatened by selective attrition.
D) can be threatened by practice effects.

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