SED CE 82760

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 28
subject Words 4374
subject Authors Kristin M. Powers, Thomas J. Kampwirth

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School climate can be determined by observing one teacher in one classroom.
Some of the essential components to an assertive message include an objective behavior
description and a statement of purpose.
There is a preponderance of empirical support the effectiveness of school consultation.
Self-determination has been found to be associated with many positive outcomes,
including more positive academic achievement and employment experiences.
The goal of an ecological assessment is to further define the problem in terms of a gap
between the student's developing capabilities and the demands of the environment.
There are two distinct components to the transition planning processtransition
assessment and determination of transition services.
Academic learning time is a strong predictor of academic success.
Offering advice and false reassurances could inadvertently act as a barrier to effective
The increased focus on satisfying legal requirements may lead professionals to find
ways of exploiting technicalities, and loopholesleading to less meaningful transition
Progress monitoring system can help identify and modify ineffective plans.
Males with disabilities generally experience less favorable postsecondary outcomes
than females with disabilities do.
The form of social power, known as referent, refers to the ability to bestow benefits,
valued praise, or awards on another person.
One of the elements of a "good" goal is including the program or strategy that will be
used to attain the goal.
According to Caplan, when a consultant works with a consultee, the consultant should
understand that he/she is entering the world of the consultee.
Edmonds (1979) identified highly effective schools with having 7 characteristics that
include: clear and focused school mission, safe and orderly environment, high
expectations of students and staff, opportunity to learn/time on task, instructional
leadership, frequent progress monitoring, and positive home-school relations.
One effective strategy to promote positive behaviors in students is to provide general
praises to the students, such as "good job" and "way to go."
When attending in consultation it is important to ask your consultee to cut to the chase,
so you can get a faster and accurate perception of the problem.
Differentiated instruction and adaptive instruction are basically the same concept.
One should assume that if a person has had a course of study in their training program
that included information about consultation, that person is competent to engage in
school-based consultation practices.
Without ownership of the solutions, educators and other practitioners may lack the
sense that they are personally needed to see that these solutions are carried out correctly
or successfully.
Effective schools are too rigid or too open in their response to external pressures and
engage in episodic change.
Although it is appropriate to evaluate the rights, responsibilities, and welfare of all
affected parties, this process may be curtailed in the interest of moving the consultation
process forward in a timely manner.
A postsecondary goal reflects a young adult's aspirations for life after completing high
According to Erchul (2011), MTSS and school consultation are closely aligned because
they both involve problem solving and emphasize prevention, evidence based
interventions, and treatment integrity.
Issues of confidentiality do not apply when consultants discuss or observe teaching
Professional development can consist of any formally established approach that has an
agenda, a structured set of goals and activities, and a method of evaluation.
Empirical observations may include counting how many times a behavior occurred.
White youth with disabilities are less likely to be employed than peers from minority
ethnic peers.
Well-validated treatments will naturally be found acceptable to consultees.
Formal interviews are more common than informal interviews.
Consultants should always strive to be empathetic and engage in therapy.
Empathy is one of the most important skills that school consultants need to acquire.
The Coercive Pain Control cycle begins when a child does not comply with a demand
because previously there has been no consequence for ignoring a demand.
Consultation ends only when the consultant can no longer assist the consultee.
A critique that a consultant may face when collaborating with a teacher who is not
trained in behaviorism would be that a child should be intrinsically motivated to follow
rules, and should not be bribed.
Any person with the skills and knowledge to serve in a staff development capacity
should be encouraged to do so.
Charisma is one of the most important qualities of being a good leader.
Many of the leaders of HP2 schools describe their leadership style as governed by a
sense of moral responsibility that evokes in their staff and students a feeling that they
are part of something important and bigger than themselves.
A student with ADHD can potentially be covered under 504, or IDEA under OHI, if the
child is adversely affected by ADHD symptoms, even with reasonable
The person who should ultimately choose which strategy to implement to resolve an
identified problem is the administrator.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) involves all of the following except:
a. FERPA stipulates that the school cannot release records on a student without parental
permission in any circumstance.
b. HIPPA protects patients' privacy by prohibiting the sharing of medical information in
away that could be overheard by others.
c. Consultants who provide mental health services may need to ensure that their
procedures are HIPPA-compliant.
d. School-based consultants should be sure that they are sharing information only with
people who need to know.
According to the Noell et al. study, the consultation activity that led to the most
treatment integrity was
a. Weekly meetings to discuss student progress
b. Stressing the personal and social significance of the intervention to the students' lives
c. Involving the student's parents
d. Providing teachers with performance feedback and discussing their student's progress
Self-determination skills are commonly taught through all of the following EXCEPT
a. Direct instruction
b. Counseling
c. Modeling
d. Role playing
What are the four lacks that a consultee might have concerning their client?
a. Expertise, confidence, skill, objectivity.
b. Classroom management, teacher relationships, confidence expertise.
c. Knowledge, skill, confidence, objectivity.
d. Knowledge, skill, teacher relationships, objectivity.
Elements of a "good" goal include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. measurable
b. attainable
c. meaningful
d. intervention
The State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices focuses on
a. Providing technical assistance to initiate and sustain reform
b. Improving student test scores and AYP
c. Developing new state law to redefine learning disabilities from an RtI model
d. All of the above
Increasing student performance by encouraging them to be more willing to take
academic risks is likely the result of
a. Improving the safety of the school
b. Fostering psychological bonds between students and educators
c. Providing targeted interventions
d. Eliminating policies and practices that manufacture low achievement
When a consultee shows no interest in consultation and simply stonewalls the whole
process, the consultant is experiencing this type of resistance:
a. "I did it, but it didn't work"
b. "Yes, but..."
c. Direct block
d. None of the above
Self-determination is defined as
a. Learning how to speak up for yourself and your beliefs.
b. The ability to determine if another person is acting in ones self-interest.
c. A set of skills that includes being able to access resources and express one's needs
and preferences in order to achieve desired outcomes.
d. Learning how to make your own decisions about your own life and future.
It is recommended that an MTSS consultant not spend time analyzing problems on an
individual level for all students in a school, rather use a _____ rule of thumb for the
percent of students served at each level.
a. 70-20-10
b. 50-40-10
c. 80-15-5
d. 50-30-20
Which of the following is not an ethical code according the Council on Exceptional
Children's Code of Ethics:
a. Maintain average expectations for individuals with exceptionalities.
b. Protect and support the physical and psychological safety of individuals with
c. Use evidence, instructional data, research, and professional knowledge to inform
d. Neither engage in nor tolerate any practice that harms individuals with
The main goal of mental health consultation is
a. Following the problem-solving process
b. Increasing the client's capacities
c. Increasing the capacity of the consultee
d. Identifying evidence-based interventions.
An "academic learning problem" is defined in this chapter as
a. A mismatch between a student's developing skills and the teacher's expectations
b. Below the 25th percentile on a standardized test
c. Basic or far below basic on the state-wide test
d. All of the above
The law that protects the rights of students with disabilities to attend public school is
a. No Child Left Behind
b. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
c. Common Core State Standards
d. Response to Intervention
The present levels of academic achievement and functional performance includes
a. A summary of the student's academic achievement and performance
b. Strengths of the student and areas of growth
c. A copy of the student's disciplinary file
d. A and B
e. All of the above
The suggested way to proceed with assessing a student for a disability is:
a. Interview, Review, Observe, Test
b. Curriculum-based tests followed by norm referenced tests
c. Interview, Observe, Test, Interview
d. Review, Interview, Observe, Test
Progress monitoring is
a. A process of obtaining on-going information regarding a student's responsiveness to
an implemented intervention, and whether the student is on-track to meet his or her
intervention goal.
b. The extent to which the essential intervention components are delivered in a
comprehensive and consistent manner by an interventionist trained to deliver the
c. Is a method is to determine whether a student exhibits a skill or performance deficit.
d. A collaborative consultation in which involves a teacher, parents, administration, and
consultant planning an effective intervention for the student.
What is a common misstep that consultants engage in during the problem identification
a. Seeking feedback from an experienced consultant.
b. Admiring the problem.
c. Giving the consultee little time to identify the problem.
d. Discussing the conditions in which the student does better.
Reeves (2003) defined high poverty, high-performing schools (HP2) or 90/90/90
schools as
a. Schools with 90% fewer students for special education services, retain 90% fewer
students, and have a 90% decrease in disciplinary office referrals.
b. Schools that have a student body in which 90% are poor, 90% are minority and 90%
meet or exceed academic standards
c. Schools that have 90% of teachers engaged in 90% of the reform practices 90% of
the time.
d. Schools that have 90% of their special education students included in general
education programs 90% of the day for at least 90 days
The popular belief that teachers need to teach student according to their specific
modality is known as:
a. Aptitude-by-Treatment interactions
b. Instructional match
c. Cognitive emphasis
d. Relevant practice
Burns, Riley-Tillman and VanDerHeyden suggest consultants should treat low
academic skills as a classwide problem when ______________________________.
a. one fourth of the class falls in the frustration range
b. 2/3 of the class falls in the instructional range
c. the median score on fall and winter benchmarks for the class fall in the frustration
d. a hand full of students are in the frustrational range.
Cross-cultural competency involves
a. Seeking social justice, excellence, and equity
b. Understanding variations in actions, communication patterns, and worldviews across
c. Understanding social justice issues, and variations communication patterns
d. Seeking out cross-cultural education, and training experiences
If the referral is for a three-year reevaluation of a special education student (i.e.,
triennial) the psychologist conducting the assessment
a. Does not need parental permission
b. Should begin with testing, because there is no need for observation or review of
c. Should want to determine whether the IEP has produced the desired results
d. Should re-administer all the same tests that initially qualified him for special
education to see if his relative standing has changed with time.
Which is NOT a criteria that make a progress monitoring measure effective?
a. Sufficient evidence of reliability and validity.
b. Used by the school's RTI or PBIS support.
c. Capacity to model growth.
d. Feasibility.
Schools are required to provide evidence that
a. Vocational assessments have been conducted
b. The student has been invited to the IEP in which transition services will be discussed
c. Representatives from participating agencies attended the transition planning meeting
d. All the above
All of the following are barriers to parental participation in transition planning for
culturally and linguistically diverse families EXCEPT:
a. Lack of interest in transition planning process
b. Divergent goals
c. Lack of parental knowledge about their rights and the transition procedures
d. Logistical barriers
Critical pedagogy and Critical Race theory
a. Have little to no influence in teacher preparation programs
b. Are widely supported by scientific research
c. Explains the underachievement of culturally and linguistically diverse students
d. Is inconsistent with RtI practices
________ identifies the skills and materials that exist within the school to promote the
targeted change.
a. Treatment fidelity
b. Implementation science
c. Resource mapping
d. Professional development
Person-family centered planning emphasizes thinking about the transition process from
the perspective of
a. The student
b. The student's parents
c. The student's family
d. All of the above
A risk-benefits analysis
a. Considers the outcomes of the choices you have already made.
b. Weighs the potential harm for the student against the cost savings for the school
c. Enumerates the consequences of each decision.
d. Considers various outcomes and their likelihood of occurring.
What is a critical component to sustainability?
a. Multi-tiered Systems of Support
b. Developing an effective SST (Student Support Team)
c. The 9 Leadership characteristics defined by Porras and Hoffer (1986)
d. Reassess student and implementation fidelity outcomes continuously over time
Kratochwill, Volpiansky, Clements, and Ball (2007) define systems change as a
complex interaction between which two variables:
a. Home and school communities
b. Teachers and administration
c. Micro (individual) and macro (systematic) factors
d. Consultants and consultees
Consultation is essentially a problem-solving process that is dependent on
_______________ and _________________.
a. Interpersonal skills and Questioning
b. Effective communication and interpersonal skills
c. Questioning and effective communication
d. Effective communication and active listening
The Matthew effect
a. Describes the increase in average scores on intelligence tests around the world with
each re-standardization
b. Suggests the likelihood of a teacher implementing a consultant's suggestion is
proportional to the number of suggestions offered
c. Includes the observation that skilled readers get more skilled over time, while poor
readers fall further and further behind
d. Is erroneously and commonly thought to be best practice.
Describe one of the functional consultation models. Summarize the main
focus/difference of this model.
When a school has a pullout model, general education teachers learn more about
working with students with special needs than when the school uses a push-in model.
Name the 3 assumptions to a functional understanding of behavioral problems, and why
consultant takes this approach.
What is a SST?
Define self-determination, and discuss ways in which self-determination skills can be
The end of a consultant's Functional Behavioral Assessment should answer what
Describe three of the 9 questions Parrett and Bundge (2009) suggest effective schools
continuously examine. How might a school consultant help promote best practices in
this area?
Discuss the concept of treatment fidelity in the consultation process.
What is the difference between diagnosis and intervention under IDEA and under the
What are some differences between elementary and high schools? How might these
organizational or structural differences affect systems change?
At what point does a school psychologist or other pupil personnel staff member need to
gather parental permission to continue his assessments?
Describe the difference between a postsecondary goal and an annual goal.
Name the 5 of the 9 leadership characteristics that Porras and Hoffer (1986) identified
as promoting change. What is a leadership characteristic/style that many leaders in
high-performing, high-poverty school have and why is it important?
What are some strategies a consultant can use when working with a paraprofessional?
Koocher and Keith-Spiegel designed a problem solving model to assist consultants in
determining if and ethical violation has occurred. Name the five of the ten components
of this model.
How can consultants assist in helping students with Traumatic Brain Injury?
Describe four of the eight methods for dealing with and overcoming resistance in
Define academic skill problem and identify the three ways in which it can be addressed.

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