SED CE 77299

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1665
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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Spencer is an 8-year-old whose doctor has just diagnosed with ADHD. His parents want
him to receive special education services. What will happen next?
A) Spencer qualifies for services because of his doctor's diagnosis.
B) Spencer qualifies for services under Section 504 because of his doctor's diagnosis,
but not for services under IDEA.
C) School personnel will also assess Spencer to determine whether or not special
services are warranted.
D) An IEP team will meet to determine what accommodations and services Spencer
Jerome, a high-school student, is taking taking an advanced class in chemistry. He
qualified for this class due to his high achievement in this area. This is an example of
A) honor sections.
B) advanced placement.
C) individualized instruction.
D) ability grouping.
Alegria takes an alternate assessment. Instead of having four multiple choice options,
her test has only three. Alegria's assessment differs in which of the following?
A) fewer objectives
B) less complex questions
C) format
D) narrower range of topics
Most children with ASD also
A) are gifted.
B) have unique talents, such as extraordinary math abilities.
C) have physical disabilities.
D) have intellectual disabilities.
Mr. Thomas, a special education teacher, serves as a resource to the general education
teachers in his school. He determines appropriate accommodations for the students in
class, and helps design services and supports that the teachers can implement in their
classrooms. Mr. Thomas
A) provides pull-in programming.
B) is a consulting teacher.
C) co-teaches with his colleagues.
D) provides pull-out programs for students with special needs.
How well a person sees at various distances is described as
A) field of vision.
B) visual effectiveness.
C) visual acuity.
D) peripheral vision.
One benefit of PECS is that students who use it
A) are more successful in the adult workplace.
B) develop advanced language skills.
C) learn to initiate requests for items.
D) learn to wait for an adult to attend to their needs.
When considering the educational environment for students with physical and health
disabilities, what is meant by the term accessibility?
A) a special school bus
B) ability to get into classroom
C) availability of all areas and activities
D) access to restroom
Which of the following is NOT a social characteristic of ASD?
A) maintains eye contact for extreme periods of time
B) inability to pretend
C) does not establish attachments to parents, family members or caregivers
D) difficulty establishing friendships
LRE provides for each of the following EXCEPT
A) education with nondisabled peers to the maximum extent possible.
B) a continuum of alternative placements.
C) individually determined placement based on student evaluations.
D) evaluated at least monthly.
Miguel is a high school student who is blind. In order for him to graduate with a regular
diploma, the school professionals need to ensure that he has access to
A) the general education curriculum.
D) a sign language interpreter.
Elizabeth has difficulty holding a pencil, cutting with scissors, and many of the other
fine motor tasks required in elementary school. Which professional would work with
her on these skills?
A) speech/language pathologist
B) school counselor
C) occupational therapist
D) rehabilitation engineer
During which time period was treatment of people with mental disorders enlightened
and humane?
A) 17th-century France
B) ancient Egypt
C) the Middle Ages
D) 18th-century America
Transition planning for adults with ASD often focuses on
A) academic achievement.
B) verbal skills.
C) living and working in the community.
D) personal hygiene.
__________ determines whether a student's disciplinary problems are due to his or her
A) A behavioral intervention plan
B) The stay-put provision
C) A functional behavioral assessment
D) Manifestation determination
Cooperative learning is an effective strategy to use with culturally and linguistically
diverse students for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A) peers can help each other learn academic tasks.
B) peers are more effective instructors than teachers.
C) not all teachers can offer bilingual education or support in a child's native language.
D) children who come from cultures that do not value individual competition feel more
Dr. Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard is best known for
A) designing instructional techniques to teach Victor, the "wild child."
B) developing a sign language to communicate with deaf people.
C) discovering strategies to cope with depression.
D) designing a mobility cane.
Theories regarding causes indicate that ASD is NOT
A) linked to behavioral characteristics.
B) tied to complex genetic patterns.
C) caused by inadequate parenting.
D) a lifelong neurological disorder.
Donald has __________, a condition of recurrent convulsions or seizures caused by
abnormal brain electrical activity.
A) multiple sclerosis
B) muscular dystrophy
C) cerebral palsy
D) epilepsy
Educational programs for twice-exceptional students should incorporate gifted
education methods as well as __________ for areas in need of remediation.
A) inferential learning
B) direct instruction
C) creativity training
D) lowered expectations
Ms. Pittman is a school principal who has decided to use RTI. In order to quickly
identify all struggling students in her school, she will use
A) an IQ test.
B) universal screening.
C) a standardized achievement test.
D) portfolio assessment.
Why is there no precise count of the number of gifted and talented students being
served by special programs nationwide?
A) Most states keep inaccurate paperwork.
B) Funding cuts have slowed data collection procedures.
C) Gifted education is not covered under the authority of IDEA, so there is no reporting
requirement for states.
D) Arguments about which students qualify as gifted have hindered accurate reporting
Ms. Waters initially interacts with her student Mario in the same manner as the rest of
her students. Yet, in Mario's culture, the way she uses praise, humor, and personal space
are all considered inappropriate. As a result, Mario views her with distrust. Sensing this,
she in turn decides that he has "an attitude" and begins to view him negatively. This is
an example of
A) multiculturalism.
B) cross-cultural dissonance.
C) code switching.
D) inconsistency of educational programming.
Possibly the greatest challenge for individuals with deaf-blindness is
A) gaining acceptance from peers.
B) overcoming resentment and hostility from family members.
C) moving from place to place.
D) learning to communicate.
Two deaf friends are in their early twenties. Based upon information in your text, which
of the following is probably true?
A) All of them have very high reading abilities.
B) They have no friends who are not deaf.
C) Their math skills are lower than their reading abilities.
D) They can only read at the fourth-grade level.
__________ is based on the premise that people with intellectual disabilities should
experience life's challenges and not be overprotected.
A) Normalization
B) Dignity of risk
C) Deinstitutionalization
D) Systems of support
Mr. Deol is teaching self-management techniques to one of his students. He has selected
the behavior and developed the self-management component. What is his next step?
A) evaluate the student's performance
B) teach the student to use self-management
C) assess the student's skill maintenance
D) assess the student's skill generalization
Parker developed blindness after an ATV accident when he was 12 years old. Parker
A) has residual impairments.
B) is congenitally visually impaired.
C) is adventitiously blind.
D) has a low level visual disability.
Which of the following statements explains the current perspective about the education
of gifted students?
A) "Gifted education is imperative in order for the United States to continue to lead the
world in technological advances."
B) "Students in gifted education deserve separate programs in separate schools in order
to maximize their educational potential."
C) "These children do not require special supports, as they can make it on their own."
D) "In spite of shrinking funding dollars, we'll find a way to pay for gifted education
SLPs do NOT __________ during the prereferral stage.
A) analyze the student's school records
B) provide direct services to the child
C) conduct evaluations in the classroom
D) suggest alternative instructional procedures
Mr. and Mrs. McGill-Chris have just started their son, who has ADHD, on stimulant
medication to help him focus better in school. Which of the following is NOT a typical
side effect that they should watch for?
A) weight gain
B) sleeplessness
C) appetite reduction
D) dizziness
Ms. Whelan, a general education teacher, and Ms. Church, a special education teacher,
teach together in the same classroom for the entire day. They are practicing
A) consultation.
B) collaborative teaching.
C) co-teaching.
D) pull-out programming.
Cullen has Asperger syndrome. He, along with the majority of children with Asperger
A) is able to interpret non-verbal language.
B) exhibits normal social functioning.
C) has an intellectual disability.
D) has normal intelligence.

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