SED CE 73961

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 28
subject Words 3646
subject Authors William L. Heward

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On-task behavior usually results in an increase in productivity.
Parents are to blame for their child's emotional problems.
Asperger syndrome is a mild form of autism.
School districts may exceed the requirements of the law when creating an IEP.
Children with asthma cannot participate in sports.
Having two teachers in a classroom ultimately improves instructional effectiveness.
Articulation errors are easy to diagnose and treat.
Exceptional children are more like other children than they are different.
School districts must use RTI to identify students with learning disabilities.
A child who has a language delay may not have a language disorder.
Teachers of students with intellectual disabilities should provide instruction at a slow
Visual impairments have both legal and educational definitions.
According to IDEA, special educators are responsible for implementing transition goals
and services.
Speech sounds are produced by four separate but related processes.
Instruction in academic skills is minimally important to many employers.
Young adults with disabilities have a lower rate of involvement with the criminal justice
system than their peers without disabilities.
Students with visual impairments were among the first to be included in general
education classes.
Adult employment should be the major focus and outcome of transition services.
The cause of an intellectual disability is known in approximately 2/3 of the cases.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires a completely barrier-free
environment for students with disabilities.
Related services provided under IDEA are only for parents of students with disabilities.
Parents of children with disabilities usually receive ample help in caring for the child
from friends and relatives.
Improvements in delivery practices and neonatal care have greatly reduced the
incidence of cerebral palsy.
Many deaf people do not view themselves as disabled.
Contusions usually accompany mild brain injuries.
Studies of actual IEPs support the consistency between what is written and what is
A child who is deaf can still use hearing to understand speech.
The MMR vaccine can cause autism.
A child with low vision learns primarily through other senses.
Children with emotional and behavioral disorders usually identify themselves.
The special education needs of a child who is deaf can be determined by the results of
an audiometric test.
It is extremely useful for teachers to know the legal definition of blindness.
Children with severe disabilities are not able to benefit from instruction in reading and
About 75% of students with learning disabilities experience social problems.
One-to-one instruction is the only effective teaching arrangement for students with
severe disabilities.
Usually, a person's visual field deteriorates rapidly.
Children with severe disabilities cannot benefit from center-based programs.
Which of the following is not true of content enhancement?
A) It may involve teaching mnemonics.
B) It includes a wide array of teaching techniques
C) It may increase the complexity of the curriculum.
D) It requires the teacher to simultaneously teach content and how to learn the content.
As light passes through the eye, what does it hit first?
A) the cornea
B) the lens
C) the pupil
D) the retina
Which of the following is an example of an iconic sign used in ASL?
A) a sign that involves intense motions
B) a sign that represents a proper name
C) a sign that resembles the action or object it represents
D) a sign that can easily be translated into a foreign language
Which of the following would not be included as assistive technology under IDEA?
A) grabbers
B) a wheelchair
C) a cochlear implant
D) a flexible drinking straw
Which clause appears in the IDEA definition of orthopedic impairments and other
health impairments?
A) chronic condition
B) adversely affects educational performance
C) deficits in communication and social functioning
D) cannot be attributed to other disabling conditions
A strong argument for including students with autism in general education is that
A) it is cost effective
B) parents prefer inclusion
C) they are exposed to a more rigorous curriculum
D) they can learn from socially competent children
Exceptional children
A) differ from the norm in learning and/or behavior
B) all need related services
C) cannot benefit from general education
D) outgrow their problems by the time they reach adulthood
Which of the following students would be identified as having difficulty with
generalization of learning?
A) Billy can tie his sneakers but not his dress shoes.
B) Keelee can add three-digit numbers but she can"t subtract them.
C) Jacob has learned how to read music but he refuses to help his brother learn it.
D) Melvin has learned to write his name in cursive at school, so he wants to write it at
home and at church.
Which of the following statements about attention and students with intellectual
disabilities is most accurate?
A) They have a great capacity for sustained attention.
B) They are slower to attend to relevant features of a task.
C) They are more likely to focus on complex tasks rather than simple ones.
D) They have extreme difficulty coming to attention but can focus once a stimulus
grabs their attention.
Which of the following is an example of an informal transition assessment?
A) an adaptive behavior inventory
B) a curriculum-based assessment
C) an independent living assessment
D) a personality preference assessment
Which part(s) of the eye is/are responsible for detecting color?
A) the cones
B) the iris
C) the retina
D) the aqueous humor
Which of the following is not a drawback to providing a job coach for people with
A) They can disrupt the natural work setting.
B) They gradually reduce the time spent in onsite training and support.
C) The supported employee may behave differently with the job coach.
D) The supported employee may interact mainly with the job coach rather than other
Which of the following is an example of a measurable annual goal?
A) By the end of the school year, Jason will learn to read.
B) By May of 2012, Elizabeth will control her anger when teased.
C) By the end of the school year, Mary Ellen will improve her study skills.
D) By the end of the school year, Erin will read a third grade level reading selection
with 95% accuracy.
Which of the following represents an accurate distinction between arguing and
A) The arguer yells; the dialoguer is calm.
B) The arguer tries to persuade; the dialoguer stands firm.
C) The arguer tries to convince; the dialoguer wants to discover.
D) The arguer wants to win the argument; the dialoguer strives for harmony.
Which school policy best illustrates the concept of least restrictive environment?
A) All students with disabilities are included in general education classrooms.
B) Students with severe disabilities spend part of the day in segregated settings.
C) Students with disabilities are educated with peers without disabilities to the
maximum extent appropriate.
D) Students with disabilities cannot be removed from general education classes for
more than 45 minutes each day.
Marvin is a second grade student with a moderate intellectual disability. His teachers
claim that his gnome costume for Halloween was perfect for him. They say that he is
always happy and that he never meets a stranger. Recently his teacher had to stop him
from leaving the classroom with a man who had come to fix the computer. Marvin
displays characteristics of a person with
B) fragile X syndrome
C) Prader-Willi syndrome
D) Williams syndrome
Current research on academic achievement and students with emotional disabilities
indicates that
A) they perform at or above grade level
B) they are less likely to succeed in advanced courses
C) they are less likely to pass grade-level competency exams
D) they are less likely to receive failing grades than other students
Mr. Santori has just attended an IEP meeting with Carl's parents. Mr. Santori explained
all of the services that Carl was receiving and discussed the progress that Carl has made
in reading. Mr. Santori suggested that Carl may be able to focus better if he had
medication for his hyperactivity. Other members of the IEP team agree, but Carl's
parents do not want to put him on medication. Mr. Santori tells them that being resistant
to suggestions will not help Carl. How has Mr. Santori's response hindered
A) He is labeling Carl's parents.
B) He is keeping professional distance.
C) He is disrespecting Carl's parents as less intelligent.
D) He is blaming Carl's parents for their son's disability.
Which of the following reasons for educating students with severe disabilities in
neighborhood schools has the most empirical support?
A) Parents and families have greater access to school activities.
B) Inclusion has beneficial effects on social skills and relationships.
C) Integrated schools are more meaningful instructional environments.
D) Students without disabilities learn to accept diversity and they function better as
Which of the following students would not qualify as learning disabled according to the
federal definition?
A) Ashley, a student with dyslexia
B) Blake, a student with cerebral palsy
C) Carmen, a student with perceptual problems
D) Damien, a student with developmental aphasia
Maria is a high school student with a disability. She is very interested in hair and
makeup and has expressed a desire to work in a beauty salon after she graduates. Which
of the following would be the least appropriate transition service for her?
A) passing a beautician licensing exam
B) attending art classes to learn to mix colors
C) work-based experience with a local beautician
D) attending classes in beauty culture at a vocational school
Which of the following research methodologies is considered the gold standard for
identifying an effective instructional practice?
A) Action Research
B) Correlation Coefficients
C) Qualitative Research Designs
D) Randomized Controlled Trials
An approach toward identification of gifted and talented children that is gaining
popularity among educators is best described as
A) a nomination system
B) group analysis
C) multidimensional screening
D) standardized test administration
Rodney has autism. He is a bright student and is extremely interested in insects. His
classmates are sometimes amazed by his knowledge. This morning, he found a ladybug
in class and he has been talking about beetles for 20 minutes. His classmates are
yawning and looking away from him. How is Rodney most likely to react?
A) He will have a temper tantrum.
B) He will continue to talk about beetles.
C) He will play with an object on his desk.
D) He will stop talking and look for other insects.
Which of the following is not a process involved in the production of speech?
A) articulation
B) intonation
C) resonation
D) respiration
Mrs. Gardner is using a peer support strategy to motivate her students to behave more
appropriately. Students have been asked to watch their classmates and catch them being
good. Mrs. Gardner praises students who have noticed positive behavior. Which of the
following strategies is she using?
A) peer monitoring
B) peer tutoring
C) positive peer reporting
D) peer support and confrontation
A person who engages in intraindividual communication
A) talks to a single person
B) talks to himself/herself
C) talks to more than one person
D) talks to a large group of people
A summary of performance (SOP) is required for
A) all high school students in special education
B) all students over the age of 16 in special education
C) all students who exit special education by dropping out of school
D) all students who exit special education by graduating or exceeding age requirements
Julia was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of six. It was necessary for doctors to
amputate her right leg below the knee. According to current terminology, Julia is
A) at-risk
B) challenged
C) handicapped
D) impaired
According to current research, which of the following is NOT an outcome associated
with fluency?
A) improved social relationships
B) greater endurance
C) improved retention
D) improved application and generalization
Mr. Tozzi teaches job skills to high school students with disabilities. However, his
students are able to go to work in a community restaurant only one day a week. Mr.
Tozzi does not want his students to forget what they learned. How can he maximize the
effectiveness of their on-the-job training?
A) He can discuss their work experiences in class.
B) He can simulate work experiences in the classroom.
C) He can take the students on a field trip to Pizza Hut.
D) He can invite a restaurant manager to speak to the students.
Which disease is marked by abnormal pressure in the eye caused by disturbances or
blockages of fluids that normally circulate?
A) cataracts
B) glaucoma
C) nystagmus
D) strabismus
How do cochlear implants benefit students with hearing loss?
A) They restore normal hearing.
B) They reduce background noise.
C) They help students understand speech.
D) They deliver amplified sound directly to the middle ear.
Which of the following strategies is least preferred by adults with disabilities who are
emergent readers?
A) adapted novels
B) books on tape
C) echo reading
D) describing events in pictures
Explain what differentiation is. Be sure to include its guiding premise, why it's used,
what a teacher's role is in a differentiated curriculum, and some examples.
One of your culturally diverse students is an undocumented immigrant. Her parents
refuse to respond to your communication efforts. What can you tell your student to tell
her parents that might make communication more likely?
What are the two most common treatments for ADHD?
Explain and give examples of supported employment.
What are the three reasons forincreased emphasis on parent and family involvement?
What is the defining characteristic of students with learning disabilities?
Testing a child's ability in the ______ area or domain might involve evaluating his
ability to share toys, take turns with others, or resolve conflicts. Why is this domain
What curricular program that challenges students to "learn to learn" is advocated by
faculty at the College of William and Mary for gifted and talented students? Provide a
definition of that program.
Define early intervention services for infants and toddlers.
Explain why predictable text is not useful for a child who needs to improve
word-recognition skills.
Describe the three tiers of support in schoolwide positive behavioral support (SWPBS)
and explain what happens at each tier.
Explain the importance of choice making for students with severe disabilities.
What are the five dimensions by which behavior can be objectively measured?
What are the three areas of functioning in which students with severe disabilities show
significant deficits?
What are the three goals of therapy to correct articulation problems?
A/an _____ is a brief, systematic instructional interaction that focuses on the child's IEP
objectives in the context of naturally occurring classroom activities. Why is this
strategy important.

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