SED CE 65471

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1688
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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An improved ability to reason about social relationships leads adolescents to
__________ their parents.
A) resent
B) admire
C) deidealize
D) seek separation from
Research on the Aka of Central Africa reveals that a strong father"infant relationship is
due in great part to a(n)
A) unusually cooperative and intimate bond between husband and wife.
B) lack of respect for women within the tribe.
C) lack of respect for men within the tribe.
D) strong division of male and female duties in the tribe.
Karina has just been placed in a "low-ability" reading group. What is a probable
outcome of this placement?
A) Karina will view herself as more intelligent than others in the group.
B) Karina will exhibit a drop in academic self-esteem.
C) Karina will exhibit an increase in academic motivation.
D) Karina's reading achievement will quickly improve, which will increase her
Which of the following factors accelerate the Flynn effect among specific children of a
given generation?
A) decreased test-taking motivation
B) improved education
C) college-educated mothers
D) college-educated fathers
Which of the following activities would promote experience-dependent brain growth?
A) weaving an intricate rug
B) sharing a meal
C) playing peekaboo
D) bathing before bedtime
Initially, infants respond to videos of people
A) as make-believe characters.
B) in a fearful manner.
C) with indifference, paying little attention to the characters.
D) as if viewing people directly.
Studies of heritability and SES variations in IQ show that
A) factors associated with low income and poverty prevent children from attaining their
genetic potential.
B) heritability estimates provide strong evidence that ethnic differences in IQ have a
genetic basis.
C) the heritability of IQ is higher under low-SES than high-SES rearing conditions.
D) heritability estimates can be used to account for between-group differences.
Which of the following is an example of a secondary sexual characteristic?
A) development of the uterus
B) breast development in females
C) development of the vagina
D) development of the testes
Ninety percent of infants will crawl between _____ months.
A) 2 to 7
B) 5 to 9
C) 5 to 11
D) 7 to 15
Research indicates that attachment security is more likely when the interactional
synchrony between adult and infant reflects __________ coordination.
A) constant
B) tight
C) minimal
D) moderate
For both boys and girls, persistently high physical or relational aggression
A) predicts later externalizing problems but not internalizing problems.
B) predicts involvement in aggressive sports like hockey and rugby.
C) is associated with peer admiration and respect.
D) predicts later internalizing and externalizing difficulties and social skills deficits.
Which of the following statements is true regarding mirror neurons?
A) Brain-imaging studies confirm that human adults have especially elaborate systems
of mirror neurons.
B) Mirror neurons do not appear until visual acuity is fully developed.
C) Mirror neurons undergo a short period of development during infancy.
D) Mirror neurons develop at the same rate as the development of the child's self-image
and ego.
In studies involving children, many child development specialists believe that
A) debriefing should not be used.
B) deception should not be used.
C) deception and debriefing should be used in the same manner they are used with
D) deception should be used only if the risk of harm is minimal.
Research on Sternberg's triarchic theory indicates that
A) the three intelligences are relatively distinct.
B) practical intelligence is especially common in ethnic minority children.
C) creative intelligence and high IQ are highly correlated.
D) the three intelligences are interrelated.
Of all motor skills, __________ may play the greatest role in infant cognitive
A) rolling over
B) reaching
C) crawling
D) walking
Donna's young daughter, Cali, is terribly afraid of cats. Donna can help Cali manage her
fear by
A) encouraging daily contact with kittens to alleviate her fear.
B) showing Cali how small a cat is compared to humans, and tell her she should not be
afraid of something so small.
C) letting Cali approach cats at her own pace, showing her that cats can be friendly
when treated gently.
D) accepting her fear and helping her to avoid cats whenever possible.
Societal order responsibilities that were once a function of the family are now assumed
A) schools.
B) political and legal institutions.
C) farms and stores.
D) churches.
Which of the following forms of child maltreatment is most commonly reported?
A) physical abuse
B) neglect
C) sexual abuse
D) emotional abuse
According to the core knowledge perspective, physical and numerical knowledge
A) permitted our ancestors to secure food and other resources from the environment.
B) does not emerge until children start formal schooling.
C) helps children understand people as agents who have mental states that influence
their behavior.
D) helps children understand certain bodily processes, such as birth, growth, illness,
and death.
According to Sternberg's and Lubart's investment theory of creativity,
A) high intelligence is the main determinant of creativity.
B) people are born with greater or lesser creativity potential.
C) only a small minority of people have the genetic potential to be highly creative.
D) creativity depends on a person's cognitive, personality, motivational, and
environmental resources.
Dr. Jenka wonders if the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have heightened children's
fears and anxieties. This is an example of a
A) theory.
B) research method.
C) hypothesis.
D) research question.
Vygotsky regarded make-believe play as a major source of cognitive development
because it __________ in which children advance themselves.
A) is a zone of proximal development
B) fosters intersubjectivity
C) promotes cooperative learning
D) provides opportunities for private speech
Victoria is an emerging adult who views religion as important in her life; therefore, she
A) is likely to engage in more community service.
B) has not evaluated her beliefs against alternatives.
C) is likely to get married at a later age.
D) views stressful and confusing events through an unrealistic filter.
As adolescents establish autonomy and independence from the family, they
A) invest less time and energy in their sibling relationships.
B) spend more time and energy with their extended-family members.
C) remain heavily involved with their younger siblings.
D) begin to deidealize their siblings and often resent their constant presence.
Teenage boys who are "partyers" and "burnouts" tend to have parents who are
A) authoritative.
B) uninvolved.
C) permissive.
D) authoritarian.
In Piaget's theory, adaptation refers to
A) the back-and-forth movement between equilibration and disequilibration.
B) the process of building schemes through direct interaction with the environment.
C) a rearrangement and linking together of schemes.
D) a steady, comfortable cognitive state.
The prefrontal cortex undergoes especially rapid myelination and formation and
pruning of synapses during
A) infancy.
B) the preschool and school years.
C) early adulthood.
D) midlife.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on dynamic testing?
A) Dynamic testing is a better measure of academic achievement than traditional
intelligence tests.
B) Most ethnic minority children perform less competently following adult assistance.
C) Children's capacity to transfer what they have learned to novel problems adds
considerably to the prediction of future test performance.
D) Dynamic testing is efficient because it requires very little training and can be
completed in the classroom.
According to Piaget's theory, thought becomes abstract in the __________ stage.
A) sensorimotor
B) preoperational
C) concrete operational
D) formal operational
Welfare reform
A) promotes children's development only when it results in a more adequate standard of
B) is beneficial for children and for low-skilled, less-educated single mothers.
C) protects children from the damaging effects of poverty.
D) has been successful, even in families that moved to total reliance on work.
Dr. Thatcher believes that parental responsiveness is adaptive in that it ensures that the
infant's basic needs will be met. At the same time, it brings the baby in close contact
with the caregiver, who encourages the infant to communicate through means other than
crying. Dr. Thatcher probably endorses __________ theory.
A) psychoanalytic
B) ethological
C) behavioral
D) ecological systems
As he prepares for college, 17-year-old Dylan wants to improve his vocabulary and
understanding of figurative language. Dylan should
A) read a wide variety of adult literary works.
B) work with a study group.
C) engage in extensive conversations with adults.
D) enroll in a foreign-language class.
An intelligence test has high reliability if
A) it accurately predicts children's academic performance in school.
B) it yields similar results when given twice within a short period of time.
C) the content of the test is related to theoretical models of intelligence.
D) it is correlated with other established measures of intelligence.
According to Case's neo-Piagetian theory, if Maribelle has begun to tell coherent stories
with a main plot and several subplots, she is most likely age
A) 4 to 6.
B) 7 to 9.
C) 9 to 11.
D) 12 to 14.

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