SED CE 57171

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 2530
subject Authors Deborah Chen, M. Diane Klein, Ruth E. Cook

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Anything that happens after a behavior is called
a. Consequences
b. Contingencies
c. Antecedents
d. Reinforcers
According to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, when do children begin to
develop a conscience?
a. One
b. Two
c. Five
d. Seven
The child who is most likely to have concept and vocabulary affected is a child who has
a disability of
a. Hearing loss
b. Visual impairment
c. Cognitive impairment
d. Autism
A common inclusion support model approach is
a. Peer coaching
b. Co-teaching
c. Administrative support
d. Inclusion therapy
A good game for object permanence is peek-a-boo.
The content of curriculum must be ecologically relevant.
Piaget believed that each child's capacity to learn is uniquely experientially based.
All states are required by IDEA to develop training for paraprofessionals.
Infants will begin to become attached to their primary care-givers at the age of 9-18
Most intervention approaches for autism have sufficient research to establish their
Apgar scores indicate the intelligence levels of newborns.
Teaching nonspeech communication, like sign, interferes with learning speech.
During the early years, the educational focus is more on the process than on the content
of learning.
An interpreter is the same as a translator.
Children with special needs do not need to have a program with educational
experiences individualized.
In the preschool years, girls appear to perform better on fine motor tasks while boys
tend to be more adept at large motor tasks.
The IEP includes goals and objectives.
Object permanence is mastered in children without disabilities by the sensorimotor
substage 3 at 5 to 8 months.
One of the major barriers to successful inclusion is the philosophical differences
between ECSC and ECE staff.
Anger and resentment are the first expected parental reactions.
Adequate planning time is an essential component of co-teaching.
Extreme disillusionment with one's job is common among paraprofessionals.
Around the age of 30 months, children begin to think about and understand the logical
connections between ideas
Children with disabilities need only be put in the same environment with children
without disabilities for peer imitation to occur.
The IFSP and the IEP documents are secondary to the process the team uses in
developing them.
The professional responsibility for testing hearing in order to make sure that a child
receives the most from his residual hearing is an audiologist.
Guidance about what to do now is a basic need of parents who seek professional help.
Positive peer interactions for children with special needs and/or social delays may not
develop without specific interventions from the caregiver.
Play is probably the single most important concept in early childhood special education.
The range of "normalcy" in children 0"5 is quite narrow.
Scaffolding is the range between what a child can do on his/her own and what he/she
can do with a bit of help.
Vygotsky described zone of proximal development as providing just the right amount of
help and support that a child needs to finish the task independently.
Symbolic play usually comes before functional play.
Most teachers tend to teach predominately through talking.
Teachers in a Montessori program use sequenced lessons.
The use of a one-on-one assistant can actually impede the progress of a child.
Motor development follows a highly predictable sequential and overlapping pattern.
Creating short term behavior objectives are not necessary to prevent children from
experiencing failure.
A one-on-one assistant is a great help to the classroom teacher because the assistant will
meet the needs of that one child, thus freeing the teacher to help the others.
The term "developmental delay" can be misleading because it implies that children will
eventually "catch up" to their peers who do not have disabilities.
Planning is the key for using a paraprofessional's time and talents.
A paraprofessional need only have the motivation to serve to be a good aide or
The IFSP and the program plan are one and the same.
A diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) can be made if a child
demonstrates symptoms of facial malformations, central nervous system effects and
deficiency in
a. Prenatal growth
b. Postnatal growth
c. Both prenatal and postnatal growth
d. Speech and language skills
At the present time it is thought that the best way to provide learning opportunities for
children with special needs is
a. In classrooms called non-categorical
b. In classrooms with typically developing children
c. In classrooms for developmentally delayed
d. In classrooms especially equipped for their disability
A good way to help parents with developmental disabilities is to
a. Provide a concrete, written list of things to do
b. Help parents interpret child's behavior
c. Shift child care to someone in the home who is more capable
d. Explain what you want them to do at great length so they will understand
_________, or ordering according to relative differences, is thought to be an early step
towards understanding number concepts.
a. Assimilation
b. Cognition
c. Object permanence
d. Seriation
Providing just the right amount of help and support to a child is ____.
a. Zone of proximal development
b. Reinforcement
c. Scaffolding
d. Contingencies
Montessori developed a:
a. Nursery school for children who are gifted
b. Day-care center for young Italians in New York City
c. Casa dei Bambini in Rome
d. A test to determine if children are retarded
Addressing the child's individual objectives, identifying adaptations within an activity,
and deciding what team members will do is called
a. Ecological inventory
b. Partial participation
c. Interdisciplinary support participation plan
d. Discrepancy analysis
Pragmatics can be defined as
a. The rules for word order in language
b. The sounds of the language
c. The social skills of language
d. The rules for correct grammar
A statement such as "It must be very frustrating and tiring to take your child to so many
medical appointments" shows
a. Bargaining
b. Crisis intervention
c. Empathy
d. All of the above
An example of a low-tech device or system would be
a. Photo book
b. Computer keyboard
c. Software program
d. Switch-activated toy
The job design is the responsibility of the
a. Teacher
b. Paraprofessional
c. Team including parents
d. Both a and b
Itinerant consultant strategies and activities should include
a. Ongoing therapy
b. Lesson plans
c. Observation
d. Only working directly with the child, to give the staff release time
Another word for content in language is
a. Phonology
b. Semantics
c. Syntax
d. Morphology
If you were asked to prepare a lesson involving the development of fine motor skills,
which of the following would not be considered?
a. Pasting colored strips of paper together
b. Following the movement of a penlight
c. Kicking a ball toward a target
d. Assembling a wooden puzzle
Public Law 94-142 was enacted in:
a. 1935
b. 1955
c. 1975
d. 1979
Providing graduated cues to assist a child through problem solving was described by
Bruner as
a. Zone of proximal development
b. Reinforcement
c. Scaffolding
d. Successive approximations
Which of the following is probably not a necessary condition for the normal
development of communication skills?
a. Intact central nervous system
b. Development of normal gross motor skills
c. Normal cognitive skills
d. Adequate hearing
Which adult-child communication strategy may need to be taught first before the other
strategies can be used effectively?
a. Mapping
b. Turn-taking
c. Progressive matching
d. Redundancy
If you were asked to prepare a lesson involving the development of gross motor skills,
which of the following would not be considered?
a. Outlining with stencils or templates
b. Walking on a balance beam
c. Throwing a ball to a partner
d. Playing "Simon Says"
A service or services commonly provided by teaching assistants are
a. Planning individual goals for the children
b. Greeting the children and assisting with all routines
c. Representing the teacher in IEP meetings
d. All of the above
Parents of young children with disabilities often report that
a. They are confused because even the "experts" disagree about causes of
developmental delays
b. Their pediatrician called their attention to their child's problem shortly after birth
c. They were told exactly how to help their child, and they were successful the first time
d. Professionals who examined their child agreed on the cause of their child's problem
_______ are what a child with disabilities can be expected to accomplish in one school
a. Program plan
b. Behavioral objectives
c. Criterion
d. Annual goals
The most useful way to assess motor skills primarily involves
a. Norm-referenced tests
b. Criterion-referenced tests
c. Observation
d. Standardized tests
"When the teacher points to any of the eight primary colors, and says, What is this
color?" Audrey will name the color correctly 80% of the time. "All 8 colors must be
checked" is a (n)
a. Short term behavior objective
b. Individual objective
c. Positive reinforcer
d. Terminal objective
A job description for a paraprofessional should be
a. Kept on the wall of the classroom
b. Written and kept by the teacher
c. Written at least once a year
d. Written by the principal
Children without disabilities begin to act out "what would happen if..." scenarios at
about age
a. 1 or 1 years
b. 2 or 3 years
c. 4 or 5 years
d. 6 or 7 years
The least restrictive environment is
a. In a regular classroom if appropriate
b. Always in a regular classroom
c. Usually in a special education classroom
d. Never in a special education classroom
Proficiency level on a task is usually defined as
a. 50%
b. 60%
c. 80%
d. 100%
The three basic cognitive processes are
a. Attention, perception, memory
b. Phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, symbolic ability
c. Construction of reality, intentionality, problem solving
d. Focus, assimilation, accommodation
Learning correct word order is an aspect of
a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Semantics
d. Syntax
The fact that children increasingly learn to eliminate unnecessary body movement
demonstrates which of the following basic principles of growth?
a. Bilateral to unilateral development
b. Gross motor to fine motor development
c. Proximo-distal growth
d. Maximum to minimum muscle involvement
Children with significant intellectual disabilities
a. Have short-term memory deficits and language problems
b. Have difficulty focusing and sitting still
c. Have difficulty solving problems and using symbolic play
d. Have significant motor problems and are talkative
The main focus of positive behavioral support is on prevention of undesirable
The main purpose of P.L. 94-142 was to establish free appropriate public education.
It is much easier to fade physical prompts then verbal prompts.
Loud, lively music can be upsetting for children who have difficulty with control.
A child who is hypotonic is often called a child who is "floppy."
Play is different from other activities in the classroom because it has no intended
outcome or goal.
One area in which all cultures are similar is in infant-parent communication.
Formal meetings with all parents present should be conducted once-per-week in
center-based programs.
Physical therapists are usually concerned with large muscle movement while
occupational therapists are more often involved with fine motor function and activities
of daily living.
A current paradigm shift in ECSE is the focus on the caregiving environment rather
than on the infant or child.
The primary purpose of most teacher observation is to determine the etiology of the
child's disability.
Pragmatic language includes nonverbal as well as verbal behaviors.
The most obvious characteristic of children with intellectual delay is their slower rate of
One job of the service coordinator is informing families of the availability of advocacy

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