SED CE 54797

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 4065
subject Authors Kristin M. Powers, Thomas J. Kampwirth

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Indicator 13 concerns itself with the outcomes that youth with disabilities achieve once
they exit high school.
Community resource mapping is a strategy that focuses on what communities have to
offer by identifying assets and resources that can be used for building a system of
Communication skills are more likely to be successful if they are delivered in the
context of a positive and professional interpersonal relationship.
Ethically speaking, consultants should not try to influence the thinking of consultants.
Multi-tiered system of support is a term for organizing school resources to provide
empirically supported prevention and intervention programs proportional to student
In a collaborative model, the consultant decides the roles and responsibilities for the
The problem identification stage is the most important step in ensuring a successful
consultation outcome.
One way that a consultant can help parents with children with social, behavioral and/or
emotional problems is to provide parent training that target parent consistency,
interactions and emotional communication skills.
Like academic or behavioral interventions provided at a school, technical assistance can
occur in multi-tiered system of service.
Despite transition supports and services, students with disabilities, as a group, continue
to experience poorer postsecondary outcomes compared to individuals without
Informational power derives from valuing scientific findings or the experiences of
people who know about the topic.
Resistance can be BOTH healthy and unhealthy.
Community resource mapping involves
a. Pre-mapping, mapping, taking action, and maintaining
b. Pre-mapping, taking action, maintaining, and evaluating
c. Mapping, taking action, maintaining, and evaluating
d. Mapping, taking action, and maintaining
_______________is central to MTSS because it helps identify students who are
exhibiting academic or behavior problems early on.
a. progress monitoring
b. universal screening
c. functional behavior analysis
d. treatment integrity
Which one of the following is NOT an expectation about the nature of collaborative
a. The consultant is a trained professional.
b. Establishing a relationship based on mutual respect and trust is essential for
successful consultation.
c. The problem lies within the child.
d. The referral concern should direct the problem-solving process.
The term "treatment integrity" refers to:
a. The degree to which the intervention is implemented as planned.
b. The degree to which an intervention is evidence-based.
c. The degree to which an intervention goal is attained.
d. The degree to which the progress monitoring measure is valid and reliable.
MTSS stands for
a. Multiple Treatments Standards System
b. Math Tertiary System of Services
c. Multiplication, Times, Subtraction and Substitution
d. Multi-Tiered System of Services
An initial response to an academic learning problem may be addressed in all of the
following ways EXCEPT:
a. increase the student's skill
b. refer to special education evaluation
c. provide instructional support
d. decrease or modify teacher's expectations
Data collected using a "dual discrepancy model" includes:
a. achievement level and cognitive functioning
b. cognitive functioning and psychological processing
c. rate of learning and cognitive functioning
d. achievement level and rate of learning
PEP and PIP are
a. Feedback loops to inform policy and practice
b. A common organizational infrastructure
c. Typical of school-based oversight
d. Generally very easy to implement with little technical assistance
What does NOT warrant moving from Tier 1 to a Tier 2 or 3 intervention?
a. referral to the student study team
b. failing the reading benchmark in the fall.
c. remaining in the bottom 15% of his/her class after 2 consecutive benchmarks and
receiving small group supplemental instruction.
d. Failing to respond to a targeted intervention implemented with good integrity.
What are the two types of transition assessments?
a. Open and closed
b. Formal and informal
c. Closed and formal
d. Open and informal
The Common Core Standards are designed for what purpose?
a. To have clear expectations of what students are expected to learn and the skills
needed to be successful in college and the workforce.
b. Standards that require a deep understanding of academic content, as demonstrated
through application of the knowledge and skills in real world context.
c. None of the above.
d. A and B
The Council on Exceptional Children (CEC) code of ethics requires members to do all
of the following except:
a. Maintain challenging expectations to individuals with exceptionalities to develop the
highest possible learning outcomes
b. Promote meaningful and inclusive participation of individuals with exceptionalities
in their schools and communities.
c. Develop relationships with families based on the consultant as the expert.
d. Protect and support the physical and psychological safety of individuals with
What are the 4 stages in the behavioral consultation interview, in order?
a. Problem identification, problem analysis, plans implementation, plan evaluation.
b. Plan evaluation, problem analysis, and plan implementation, problem identification.
c. Problem identification, FBA, problem solving, plan evaluation.
d. FBA, problem identification, plan evaluation, problem solving.
School reform, such as implementing Safe and Civil Schools, is unlikely to occur unless
a. The state mandates the reform and provides sufficient technical assistance
b. The district office and local school have re-written the policies to support the new
c. The administrator and at least 80% of the staff buy-into the program.
d. Parents and the community are consulted ahead of time
The process of brainstorming are the following EXCEPT:
a. Evaluate strategies as they are being generated.
b. Consider redistributions of resources.
c. Generate as many interventions as possible.
d. Creativity and novelty are at a premium when generating a list of possible
Roadblocks to active listening include
a. Ordering, commanding, directing
b. Advising, offering solutions, or suggestions
c. Name-calling, stereotyping, labeling
d. All of the above
Key components to systems change are
a. Time, commitment to long-term goal, continuous program evaluation
b. Sufficient personnel and financial resources and a detailed strategic plan
c. Transparency, buy-in from majority of stake-holders, and program evaluation
d. None of the above
Effective communication includes any of the following
a. Attending, active listening, reframing, and empathy
b. Attending, active listening, reflective listening, and directing
c. Active listening, empathy, directing, and attending
d. All of the above
_______________ planning is a broadly defined practice philosophy in which families
and service providers work in partnership, and supports and services coincide with the
changing needs and priorities of the family.
a. Person-centered
b. Student-family centered
c. Family-centered
d. Person-family centered
Attending skills are characterized by
a. eye contact
b. head nods
c. squinting or lifting of the eyebrows
d. All of the above
Communication has been defined in a variety of ways, all of which include
a. the message, the meaning, and a receiver
b. the sender, the message, and a receiver
c. the sender and a receiver
d. the sender, the meaning, a receiver
A "won"t do" compared to "can"t do" describes
a. A performance versus a skill deficit
b. One of the hypotheses Daly et al. (1997) suggested testing to determine the cause of
a learning problem
c. A student whose academic problem is due to a lack of motivation
d. All of the above
A manifestation determination is conducted by an IEP team to determine if the
a. Was caused by the disability of the child.
b. Against the law.
c. Was caused by peer pressure
d. Constituted bodily harm
Academic learning time is defined as
a. Percent of time devoted to teaching academic content
b. Amount of time a student is actively engaged in academic content with at least 80%
c. Amount of time a student is interacting with the curriculum.
d. Percent of time student independently produces academic responses.
__________ for learning is more predictive of academic achievement than family socio
economic status.
a. Teacher-student bond
b. Consultant-consultee relationships
c. Parental support
d. Community support
When a consultee refuses to try a new approach because his or her approach works "just
fine," the consultant is experiencing this cause of resistance:
a. Habit strength
b. Too much work
c. Philosophical belief conflicts
d. All of the above
The Effective Schools Movement studies schools that
a. Perform well on state-wide tests of students
b. Have sustained systems-reform for more than five years
c. Have lower than average dropout rates
d. Produce positive student outcomes with economically poor students
Poor classroom management skills, failure to engage students and _________________
are the common reason for attrition with teachers.
a. Many students with learning disabilities in a classroom
b. Lack of support by the principal
c. A belief of fixed intelligence
d. Feeling of isolation
Questions serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT
a. to gather information
b. to seek opinions
c. to detect attitudes
d. to gain influence
An effective strategy for teaching English Language Learners is
a. Total immersion with little to no use of their first language
b. Avoid drawing parallels between their first and second language, like words that look
the same, because it will further confuse them
c. Minimize the amount of time ELLs speak and maximize the amount of time native
English speaker's model speaking English well
d. Judge students' answers based on content, not English grammar and pronunciation
Which of the following problem-solving steps is the most important in ensuring a
successful consultation outcome?
a. Problem identification
b. Problem analysis
c. Plan implementation
d. Plan evaluation
The evidenced based approach to teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) which
emphasizes building background knowledge and vocabulary is known as:
a. Academic learning time (ATL)
b. Learning Styles (LS)
c. Common Core Standards (CCS)
d. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
Sources of resistance to effective collaboration with families include all of the
following EXCEPT
a. Feelings of inadequacy
b. Previous bad experiences with schools
c. Limited interest in consultation
d. Limited knowledge about school policies
Describe the 4 types of resistance.
Describe four strategies for differentiating instruction (adaptive instruction) to promote
a good instructional match.
What are ways that a consultant can help a teacher with classroom management
Name and define the four steps to follow in consultation process?
What are some steps that should be conducted by a consultant when conducting an
List and briefly describe the principles of ethical behavior.
Why is it important for a consultant to follow-up with the referring teacher soon after an
initial SST? What are possible scenarios if follow up does not occur?
Describe consultation at each tier of MTSS.
What is the difference between RTI and SWPBS?
Describe a system you are involved with and how it has changed over time. Compare
these changes with the concept of episodic or continuous change.
What are the underlying basic beliefs of a behavioral approach to consultation?
Describe the five components of the transition planning process.
Describe the differences between the problem-solving stage of "problem identification"
and "problem analysis". Provide examples of data that may be collected during both
Describe 7 broad area of competence consultants should develop.
Cultural competence requires ongoing learning and reflection.
Describe the barriers to parental participation in transition planning for culturally and
linguistically diverse families.
What is the mental health paradigm and how does it differ from the behavioral
Name and define the five system-change phases used in the MTSS example.
The Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior (FAAB) includes a series of
observations and interviews that a consultant utilizes in order to gather information on
11 characteristics of effective instruction. Identify these characteristics.

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