SED CE 51926

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 30
subject Words 3761
subject Authors Claudia Eliason, Loa Jenkins

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A great way to teach math is through childrens everyday experiences.
Early childhood teachers should use play money instead of real money because the
children may lose the real money.
Television, movies, and media can create stress in young children by
I. negatively impacting relationships and emotional development.
II. creating a sense of insecurity and a lack of predictability.
III. exposing young children to too much violence.
IV. giving information that is too complex for them to understand.
a. I, III, IV
b. I, II, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. I, II, III
e. II, III, IV
Group-administered standardized tests are recommended once children are in 1st grade.
Every activity in the lesson plan should relate to the theme or concept being explored
that day.
Part of planning includes arranging the classroom environment.
The best measure of a childs success will be the childs performance on a standardized
During the 17th and 18th centuries, children were not looked upon as being important
and valuable.
Toy boxes are not an appropriate means for storing young childrens toys.
Assessment tests should be used to determine grade or level placement for children.
One of the greatest benefits of free play or self-directed, self-discovery play, is that it
allows children the opportunity of making choices for themselves, and of having some
control over their learning and activity.
Rotating and changing areas and materials in the room creates insecurity in the
Curriculum should be planned according to a timetable or clock schedule.
In America, Margaret McMillan started the first nursery school.
Reflection is an important element for children in an early childhood portfolio.
Friedrich Froebel originated the first kindergarten in Germany.
The entire book supply should be out at all times so that children have a good variety
from which to choose.
Early childhood professionals should use entrance tests to determine readiness and
admittance for kindergarten.
Competition in games and physical activities adds a fun and rewarding dimension for
children in the early childhood stage of development.
Teachers should not interact or interfere with children during free play experiences.
Play is most valuable when teachers plan, define, shape and carry out childrens play
Rubrics are not an appropriate use of self-assessment in early childhood.
There is no such thing as a universal curriculum that is appropriate for all.
Even in an early childhood classroom with a one-year age range, teachers can expect a
wide range of individual differences in children.
Letter grades and scores should not be used until after 3rd grade.
When taking field trips with parents driving, it is not necessary for children to use seat
How a child feels about himself/herself is reflected in his/her behavior.
Pestalozzi emphasized the importance of individual differences.
At least daily children should have a block of time for spontaneous, free play.
The focus in teaching math in the early childhood years should be on
I. producing the correct answer.
II. teaching the thinking skills.
III. the analyzing involved.
IV. making math fun.
V. the reasoning involved.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III, V
c. I, II, IV
d. II, III, IV, V
The benefits of creative movement include
I. brain development
II. creativity
III. accommodating children with special needs
IV. social and emotional development
V. combats boredom
a. I, II, III
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, III, IV
d. I, II, V
Finger painting
I. is too messy to use with 3-5 year old children.
II. must be well organized.
III. can be done on a variety of surfaces, including directly on the table.
IV. requires wearing an apron.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, III
d. I, III, IV
The Teacher Work Sample approach to planning
I. provides evidence of a teacher candidates ability to design and implement
standards-based instruction, assess student learning, and reflect on the teaching and
II. emphasizes social and emotional skills.
III. is for developing units of study, not just lessons.
IV. includes an analysis of the contextual factors involved.
V. shares a clear interpretation of the assessment data on student learning.
a. II, III, IV
b. I, II, IV
c. III, IV, V
d. I, III, IV, V
Suggestions to help children expand their thinking through music include which of the
I. Invite children to create new songs based on familiar tunes.
II. Encourage children to teach one another and their families songs they learn.
III. Read stories and invite children to provide sound effects.
IV. Sing number and counting songs to help children develop math skills.
V. Listen to classical music.
VI. Invite children to participate in simple rounds.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III, IV, VI
c. I, II, V, VI
d. II, III, IV, VI
Indicators of an effective early childhood curriculum are
I. active engagement of children.
II. it is evidence-based.
III. goals and objectives are clear and shared by all.
IV. it builds on prior learning and experiences.
V. it is narrow and corresponds directly to standards.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III, V
c. II, III, IV, V
d. I, II, III, IV
Suppose you are planning a unit on weight. What are some concepts that would be
appropriate to teach in your kindergarten class?
I. Gravity determines weight of an object.
II. Anything that takes up space has weight.
III. Weight can change.
IV. Air does not have weight.
V. Weight is determined by size, shape, or age.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, V
c. I, II, III
d. II, III, IV.
Teachers questions and comments influence childrens scientific inquiry by
I. helping children evaluate their experiences.
II. helping them extend their experiences.
III. giving children an involved, elaborate answer or comment.
IV. creating a mystical and interesting response.
V. encouraging them to solve problems.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, III
d. I, II, V
Some of the benefits of parent involvement for parents are
I. greater confidence in their parenting skills.
II. more likely to communicate with teachers and support their efforts.
III. greater understanding of child growth and development.
IV. more willing to support children at home with their homework.
V. more likely to expect their children to go to college.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, IV
c. I, II, III
d. II, III, IV, V
The following can be said about science for young children:
I. It should be a natural part of a childs daily experiences.
II. It is a list of facts and information that have been discovered by other people.
III. It should be integrated or an interdisciplinary program, not a separate subject.
IV. The children should be anxious to explore it, discover answers, and build
V. Boys will be more interested in science than girls will be.
a. All of the above
b. II, IV, V
c. I, II, IV
d. I, III, IV
When the temperature of items changes, some items
a. expand.
b. contract.
c. expand or contract.
d. stay the same.
The National Early Literacy Panel identified the key components of early literacy that
affect later literacy achievement. These are
I. oral language development.
II. phonemic awareness.
III. vocabulary.
IV. alphabetic knowledge.
V. print knowledge.
VI. invented spelling.
a. I, II, IV, VI
b. I, III, IV, VI
c. I, II, IV, V, VI
d. All of the above
Each person in the United States annually consumes how much sugar?
a. 10 pounds
b. 25 pounds
c. 50 pounds
d. 75 pounds
e. 100 pounds
In terms of eliminating religious bias in early childhood, a teacher should
I. be sensitive to the religious beliefs of all children in the class.
II. provide an example of respect and acceptance for different religious beliefs of class
III. openly teach about his or her own religious beliefs and values.
IV. recognize that religious perspective affects childrens friendships, so try to find some
ways to push friendship among children of different religions.
V. be aware that when religious perspective impacts such things as dress standards and
dietary habits, care must be taken to be sensitive to the childs needs in whether to
openly discuss these preferences with the class.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, IV, V
c. I, II, V
d. I, II, III, IV
Match the phrase in the right column with the correct definition in the left column:
is set up during individual play A. Creative dramatics
for the children who choose to participate. B. Free dramatic play
is one of the great joys of childhood, and is the C. Dramatic play
most highly developed form of symbolic play.
is more structured and sophisticated and generally
involves all of the children.
Some of the values of stories for young children are
I. they model correct patterns of speech, including vocabulary and comprehension
II. giving children enjoyment and relaxation.
III. building social skills and values.
IV. helping children learn to follow a sequence of events.
V. organizing their thoughts and expressing emotions.
VI. offering opportunities for children to enjoy the world of pretend or fantasy.
a. All of the above
b. I, IV, V, VI
c. I, II, IV, V
d. I, III, IV, VI
Mainstreaming means
a. teaching children with disabilities in special education classes.
b. teaching children with disabilities in regular classes for part of the school day.
c. teaching children with disabilities in regular classes for the entire school day.
d. teaching children with disabilities in regular classes for part or all of their school day.
Research indicates when fathers are involved in school children are less likely to
I. be disrespectful of other familys unique values.
II. behave violently in school.
III. repeat a grade.
IV. be involved in acts of juvenile delinquency.
V. be involved with drugs.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III
c. II, III, IV
d. II, III, IV, V
Sounds can be taught by
I. sharpening childrens awareness of sounds.
II. discussing what sounds they hear in a day.
III. having the children make up sound riddles.
IV. having the children complete sound similes.
V. clapping rhythm patterns and having the children clap the exact rhythm pattern back.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, V
c. II, III, IV
d. I, III, V
When planning a music activity, teachers should
I. think of a fun activity.
II. know the functioning level, musical abilities and interests of individual children in
the class.
III. align the activity to one or more of the National Standards for Music Education.
IV. individualize goals for the class and for individual children in the group .
a. I, II, III
b. I, II, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. II, III, IV
Authentic assessment
I. is often referred to as performance assessment because it considers what children can
do rather than what they know.
II. should be used very sparingly in early childhood.
III. is the process of acquiring information through organized observation to make
decisions about a child.
IV. is a requirement in most early childhood programs.
V. is usually conducted in the significant context of the childs normal work and play
a. All of the above
b. II, IV, and V
c. I, III, and V
d. I, II, IV, and V
The following are early childhood concepts relating to air:
I. Air can be hot or cold.
II. Air cannot be heard.
III. There is air in dirt.
IV. Air has no weight.
V. Fire needs air in order to burn.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. I, III, V
Assessment of the childrens development
I. is the process of determining the degree to which childrens individual needs are being
II. is of importance in planning what will be taught and how it will be accomplished.
III. does not take into account each childs cultural background, needs, and interest.
IV. should be shared with parents.
V. should consider multiple sources of data across time.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, IV, V
c. II, III, IV
d. I, III, V
In a science notebook or journal, children can be encouraged to record
I. predictions.
II. work on collaborations.
III. questions.
IV. observations over time.
V. reflections.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III, V
c. II, III, IV
d. I, II, IV
Which of the following are appropriate color concepts for children in early childhood?
I. Some animals change color to disguise themselves.
II. Color is an attribute of an object.
III. Color can be modified or changed.
IV. All objects have a color.
V. Some items, like cars, trees, or rocks may vary in color.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV, V
c. II, III, V
d. I, II, III, V
One of the most long-term, significant happenings of the 1970s was the
a. establishment of Head Start.
b. Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
c. establishment of the Childrens Defense Fund.
d. release of the report, A Nation at Risk.
Which of the following are considered creative dramatics in early childhood?
I. Pantomime
II. Story dramas
III. Role-playing
IV. Choral reading
V. Readers theater
a. All of the above
b. II, IV, V
c. I, III, IV
d. III, IV, V
Signs of stress in young children might be
I. proneness to injury or accidents.
II. any nervous habit such as finger tapping, twisting hair, nail biting, etc.
III. eating disorders.
IV. forgetfulness.
V. reverting to immature behaviors.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, V
c. I, III, V
d. I, II, III
Skill in which of the following concept areas has the most influence on a childs reading
a. Shape and form
b. Number
c. Size
d. Weight and balance
e. Color
Locomotor movements
I. are often referred to as axial movements.
II. that are very basic include walking, climbing, marching, running, and jumping.
III. adapt readily to music and rhythm activities.
IV. are important facets of physical fitness.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III
c. III, IV
d. II, III, IV
An effective fire safety program for young children must address the following key
I. A small flame can grow into a dangerous fire.
II. Preventing fire play.
III. Keeping children safe in a fire.
IV. Crawl low under smoke.
V. The firefighter is a friend.
a. II, III
b. I, III, IV
b. II, IV, V
d. I, IV
Your textbook authors propose some of the main processes by which young children
learn and gain knowledge and skills are
I. real experiences.
II. cooperative learning.
III. modeling.
IV. questioning and inquiry.
V. clarifying misconceptions and extending beyond the concept.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III, V
c. I, II, IV
d. I, III, IV, V
Describe some activities you might do on a grocery store field trip with a focus on
What are some of the key ideas (at least four) you would include for discussion
and activities in a unit on water for children in an early childhood classroom.
If you were going to make two teacher-made materials with a focus on color, describe
what you would do.
Answer:(no answer provided)
What are some ways of making art activities easier to clean up?
Describe some activities you would include if you were planning a unit on fish for a
preschool class.
Answer:(no answer provided)
Four basic steps to problem solving generally include:
What are some of the criteria you need to keep in mind when selecting toys and
materials for early childhood classrooms?
Science will be most effective when teachers themselves demonstrate a sense of
curiosity and wonder for their world and environment.
It is not important for early childhood teachers to understand metric measurement.
Teachers should avoid trying to get children to sing loudly because it distorts their
Materials in the dramatic play area can be changed frequently to support various
concepts and ideas. List some suggestions for themesat least eight.
Magnets attract items made of ___________.
What are some guidelines for effective creative movements?
You are going to teach a new song to your children. What are some of the things to keep
in mind in order for this to be a successful experience?
Describe some general food and nutrition concepts that are appropriate for teaching
young children.
List some of the vocabulary words relating to time that children in early childhood will
come to understand.
Children could have a keen sense of rhythm and still not be able to carry a tune.

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