SED CE 33252

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 29
subject Words 3573
subject Authors William L. Heward

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The federal definition of learning disabilities has been universally accepted.
An individualized transition plan must be a part of the IEP once a student attends
middle school.
The Nemeth code consists of braille symbols for mathematical and scientific notation.
Compared to youths without disabilities, fewer youths with disabilities are employed
after completing high school.
The terms impairment, disability, and handicap are synonymous.
Between 5% and 15% of children with cerebral palsy also have a hearing loss.
Culturally and linguistically diverse students are both over- and underrepresented in
special education.
A person with a severe disability needs instruction in skills that most children without
disabilities acquire in the first five years of life.
Educational outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities have improved greatly.
A plateau usually signals the end of functional improvement for a student with
traumatic brain injury.
Languages grow and develop as communities and cultures change.
There has been a decrease in the number of due process hearings in recent years.
Most children with autism share the same set of behaviors.
Theoretically, over 500,000 combinations of cognitive or socioemotional problems can
be exhibited by a person with a learning disability.
Co-teaching is commonly used in self-contained classes.
African American and Latino males score better than their female counterparts on
achievement tests.
Applied behavior analysis is not effective for students in general education classes.
The eyes and the liver are most likely to be affected from untreated diabetes.
Financial assistance provided to children with disabilities from federal, state and local
agencies covers the cost of their expenses.
Children from culturally diverse backgrounds tend to remain in programs for the gifted
and talented once they are identified.
Students with intellectual disabilities cannot be taught metacognitive skills.
Macular degeneration is more common in children than adults.
Least restrictive environment and inclusion are not synonymous.
The presence of a child with a disability has a negative impact on marital relationships.
The rise in the prevalence of autism has mainly been reported in the United States.
There is one-to-one correspondence between graphemes and phonemes.
One or two children in a typical classroom will show symptoms of ADHD.
Children usually outgrow learning disabilities.
Students with disabilities are exempt from the requirements of No Child Left Behind.
The classroom skills needed by a student with autism are different than those needed by
other students.
Educational, therapeutic and recreational activities that are suitable for students with
neurological impairments are not suitable for students with orthopedic impairments.
There is a universally accepted definition of giftedness.
Two thirds of the children who have parents who are English language learners live in
Elementary students should develop career awareness by shadowing employees at their
work sites.
An IFSP must be evaluated once a year.
The most common form of spina bifida, myelomeningocele, affects more girls than
About twice as many males as females receive special education services.
Children who use dialects need speech and language services.
In the long run, early intervention programs save society money.
Differences in the rates of social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth and
development experienced by some gifted children is called
A) acceleration
B) asynchrony
C) developmental lag
D) precocity
Individualized transition plans (ITPs) specify postsecondary goals in the areas of
A) accessibility, community involvement, and family
B) functional behavior, performance and socialization
C) employment, postsecondary training, and independent living skills
D) adaptive behavior, child rearing, and interpersonal skills
Which of the following conditions is excluded from the IDEA definition of emotional
A) bipolar disorder
B) depression
C) schizophrenia
D) social maladjustment
Hearing loss may not be detected in very young children because
A) all infants smile, babble and coo
B) most deaf children are born to deaf parents
C) screening for hearing loss in infants is not possible
D) parents don"t usually seek diagnosis until the child starts school
GO 4 IT ... NOW! is a tool to teach
A) self-monitoring in the context of reading
B) self-determination in the context of writing
C) self-advocacy in the context of selecting transition services
D) self-advocacy in the context of communicating post-school desires to parents
Which of the following is a characteristic of primary prevention?
A) It is designed to eliminate the effects of risk factors on those so exposed.
B) It is designed to reduce the number of new cases of disabilities.
C) It is designed for people who are already affected by a problem.
D) It is designed to prevent the effects of a disability from worsening.
Which of the following is true regarding a free appropriate public education (FAPE)
under IDEA?
A) Parents may choose their child's school.
B) Students must attend the school closest to their home.
C) Students are entitled to an individualized education program.
D) Parents are expected to pay for related services such as physical therapy.
Identification and placement of gifted and talented children from diverse racial, ethnic,
and cultural groups
A) is a persistent problem in education
B) is addressed in the federal legislation for the gifted
C) is increasing, as disproportionate numbers of children from these groups are served
D) was an issue resolved in the last decade, as these groups are served in proportion
similar to that of other populations
Which elements of instruction are critical for students with severe disabilities?
A) active engagement and repeated practice
B) contrived prompts and guided practice
C) response prompts and independent practice
D) task analysis and time delay
What percentage of parents' rights documents are written so that most parents are able
to read and understand them?
A) 4%"8%
B) 24%"28%
C) 44%"48%
D) 64%"68%
Which of the following is not an element of positive behavior support?
A) teaching a student a desirable alternative behavior
B) understanding the function of the behavior for a student
C) using natural aversive consequences when the inappropriate behavior occurs
D) arranging the environment so that the inappropriate behavior is less likely to occur
All of the following are true about closed circuit television except
A) it can be easily moved from class to class
B) it enables students with low vision to read regular sized print materials
C) students with low vision can adjust the brightness and contrast of materials
D) students with low vision can use them to create negative white-on-black materials
Which statement about unproven treatments for autism is most accurate?
A) Unproven treatments are easy to identify.
B) Parents are more susceptible to them than teachers.
C) Schools are reluctant to adopt unproven treatments.
D) Many treatments that claim to help have no scientific evidence
Which statement best exemplifies current research on the importance of early
A) "The earlier the intervention, the better."
B) "All children need intensive early intervention to grow and develop."
C) "Early intervention is unnecessary. Most children outgrow problems."
D) "Early intervention is effective as long as services start before first grade."
Which of the following need not be considered when deciding what items to include in
a child's augmentative vocabulary?
A) what peers are saying
B) the words a student can pronounce
C) the vocabulary that the student is currently using
D) the vocabulary that is needed in school and in the community
According to recent estimates, how many children have autism?
A) 1 in 50
B) 1 in 110
C) 1 in 230
D) 1 in 350
Group homes are the most common living arrangement for
A) adults with intellectual disabilities
B) adults with severe physical disabilities
C) adults with emotional and behavioral disabilities
D) adolescents with emotional and behavioral disabilities
Seth works for a large landscaping service along with coworkers who also have
disabilities. They have support on the job and also work with workers without
disabilities. This is known as
A) competitive employment
B) customized employment
C) mobile work crew
D) small business enterprise
What is the role of an orthotist on a multidisciplinary team for a student with a physical
A) to design and fit braces
B) to make and fit artificial limbs
C) to teach students to navigate the environment effectively
D) to develop or adapt technology to meet specialized needs
Which of the following exemplifies learned helplessness?
A) Ayden listens to the teacher as she gives directions.
B) Brenda asks for help when she does not understand how to solve a math problem.
C) Colleen counts on her fingers to multiply 4 9 because she does not know the answer.
D) Darla has studied for a spelling test but she refuses to write any of the words the
teacher dictates.
Grant is a high school student with diabetes. During chemistry class, he becomes
irritable for no apparent reason. He appears to be drowsy and complains of being
nauseated. What should the teacher do to help Grant?
A) administer a dose of insulin
B) send Grant to the gym to exercise
C) give Grant a candy bar or a sugar cube to eat
D) contact a doctor or nurse for immediate medical help
Prior to the 1970's
A) students with disabilities could not enroll in public schools
B) students with disabilities had individualized education plans
C) students with disabilities were included in extracurricular activities
D) students with disabilities were routinely included in general education classes
Which of the following has not been identified as a cause of severe disabilities?
A) refractive errors
B) infectious diseases
C) premature birth
D) Rh incompatibility
Which of the following is NOT identified, by the author of your textbook , as likely to
improve the math performance of students with learning disabilities?
A) discovery learning
B) fluency training
C) guided practice
D) systematic instruction
How many phonemes are contained in the word chips?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Which of the following statements about the hearing ability of people who are blind is
A) Blind people have super hearing ability.
B) Blind people listen better than sighted persons.
C) Blind people use their hearing more efficiently.
D) Blind people develop better hearing to compensate for the loss of sight.
Which of the following types of sentences is not a part of a social story?
A) affirmative
B) comparative
C) descriptive
D) perspective
Benchmarks or short-term objectives are required
A) for all students with disabilities
B) for infants and toddlers with disabilities
C) for students with disabilities in segregated settings
D) for students with disabilities who take alternate assessments
All of the following are strategies that help students with disabilities succeed in
postsecondary environments except
A) providing an IEP for college
B) training students to use learning strategies to solve new content
C) providing exposure to increasingly rigorous content at the secondary level
D) training students to use assistive technology to access and manipulate content
What is the kingpin in the behavior of students with emotional disabilities?
A) fighting
B) noncompliance
C) tantrums
D) vandalism
The academic achievement gap between deaf and hard-of-hearing students and their
hearing peers
A) remains constant over time
B) increases as students get older
C) decreases as students get older
D) increases in reading but decreases in math as students get older
Cherell is a 9th grader who is experiencing some difficulties at school. She has been
sent to the principal's office for slapping a classmate. She tearfully tells the principal
that she is tired of being teased by other students who claim that she sounds like a man
when she talks. The term used to describe the quality of Cherell's voice is
A) cluttering
B) denasality
C) disnomia
D) dysphonia
Which of the following is true regarding languages?
A) Languages are static.
B) Languages are made up of concrete symbols.
C) The codes that constitute languages are informal.
D) The symbols and rules that govern languages are arbitrary.
Amelia is a student with autism who does not speak. Instead she types what she wants
to say into a device that converts the text to speech. The device helps Amelia to express
her desires and needs. This is an example of
A) assistive technology
B) an instructional strategy
C) interdisciplinary services
D) universal design for learning
What kinds of questions are most effective when communicating with parents? Provide
an example of this type of communication technique.
Why is early and intensive intervention especially critical for children with autism?
Compare and contrast the terms disability, handicap and impairment.
Parents are the primary teachers in a/an _____ program. In this service option, parents
receive guidance and support from a paraprofessional. Contrast this service option to a
different service option.
Explain deinstitutionalization.
Define and give examples of environmental risk conditions.
What is the only legal reason a child with HIV/AIDS can be excluded from attending
public school?
Why is the term "gifted" losing popularity?
IDEA presupposes what placement alternative as the starting point for the least
restrictive environment? Why?
List 10 externalizing behaviors.
List and describe the different types of ability grouping.
Explain the court case Armstrong v. Kline and the outcome.
Explain the difference between academic achievement and intelligence as it pertains to
a student who is deaf.
What is the first step in designing effective instruction for a student with
severe/multiple disabilities?
List and explain the three educational classifications of visual impairments?
Define and give an example of self-advocacy.

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