SED CE 22020

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 26
subject Words 6417
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Which of the following children will be most successful in dealing with delay of
A) a frustrated child
B) an immature child
C) an angry child
D) an inhibited child
The expression "sleeping like a baby" was probably meant to describe the __________
state of arousal.
A) REM sleep
B) drowsiness
C) NREM sleep
D) quiet alertness
Ms. Weems believes that Donny is a slow learner and poor reader. He begins having
reading difficulties and does poorly in class. Donny is showing evidence of
A) an educational self-fulfilling prophecy.
B) learned helplessness.
C) passive learning.
D) teacher neglect and bias.
Public policy research shows that
A) the United States has more public policies safeguarding children than any other
developed nation.
B) extreme poverty is no longer a major problem among U.S. families with children.
C) U.S. public policies safeguarding children and youths lag behind policies in other
developed nations.
D) the United States has an excellent system in place for guaranteeing high-quality
child care to all citizens.
Which of the following children born with cataracts will likely show permanent
A) Jon, who had corrective surgery at 4 months old
B) Jesse, who had corrective surgery at 4 years old
C) Jennifer, who had corrective surgery at 12 years old
D) Jackson, who had corrective surgery at 18 years old
Overall, about _____ percent of U.S. preschoolers lack essential immunizations.
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 40
Opportunities to seriate objects, to learn about order relations, and to remember the
parts of complex problems are probably responsible for
A) the development of the imaginary audience.
B) improvements in decision-making strategies.
C) mastery of Piagetian tasks.
D) advanced abstract thinking.
Dr. Bayor found a correlation of ".89 between music lessons and levels of adolescent
delinquency. This correlation is __________ and __________.
A) moderate; positive
B) low; negative
C) high; negative
D) high; positive
Recent research shows that Wernicke's area
A) controls tongue movements required for speech production.
B) is unrelated to language production or comprehension.
C) controls speech comprehension.
D) is more strongly associated with comprehension of nonverbal than of verbal sound.
Jaynie walks down stairs, alternating her feet. Jaynie is probably _____ year(s) old.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Research on adolescent aggression shows that late-onset youths
A) first display antisocial behavior around the time of puberty, gradually increasing
their involvement.
B) commit more serious crimes and spend more time in prison than early-onset youths.
C) often have deficits in cognitive functioning, as well as a diagnosis of
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
D) first display antisocial behavior in late adolescence, which then peaks in the
A researcher who flips a coin to determine in which treatment group participants will be
assigned is using
A) a confounding variable.
B) matching.
C) a natural, or quasi-, experiment.
D) random assignment.
When Kayla sees a truck on the floor she wonders, "Should girls play with trucks?" She
decides to leave the truck on the floor and looks for a different toy. Kayla is
A) not using a gender-salience filter.
B) using an interest filter to determine with what to play.
C) a gender-aschematic child.
D) a gender-schematic child.
Which of the following types of nonsocial activity are cause for concern?
A) putting together a puzzle and building with blocks
B) drawing a picture and reading a book
C) playing on the computer and talking to an imaginary companion
D) aimless wandering and hovering near peers
According to Mary Rothbart's model of temperament, which dimension measures an
individual's distress level when desires are frustrated?
A) rhythmicity
B) attention span/persistence
C) fearful distress
D) irritable distress
When her newborn brother cried, two-year-old Melly watched her mother's reactions.
On a later occasion when her brother cried, Melly patted him and spoke softly to him.
This is an example of
A) joint attention.
B) self-efficacy.
C) social referencing.
D) emotional self-regulation.
Teenagers do not perform as well as adults on tasks requiring self-restraint, planning,
and future orientation because
A) the prefrontal cognitive-control network still requires fine-tuning.
B) adolescent brains are less plastic than adult brains.
C) brain lateralization is not complete until the mid- to late 20s.
D) production of synapses and myelination of the corpus callosum do not peak until
early adulthood.
The sense of __________ is a fundamental means of interaction between parents and
A) taste
B) smell
C) touch
D) hearing
Which of the following pairs are examples of fine-motor activities?
A) sitting and crawling
B) standing and grasping
C) reaching and grasping
D) walking and crawling
Kiaser has average intelligence, persists at challenging tasks, and displays initiative in
the face of challenges. Kiaser is demonstrating
A) a social comparison.
B) average self-esteem.
C) identity achievement.
D) achievement motivation.
Women of advanced maternal age are primary candidates for
A) fetoscopy.
B) ultrafast MRI.
C) preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
D) chorionic villus sampling.
The most important hormones for human growth are released by the __________ gland,
which is located at the base of the brain near the __________.
A) pituitary; hypothalamus
B) pituitary; cerebellum
C) thyroid; cerebrum
D) endocrine; hypothalamus
Kendrie's preschool class changes the calendar at the beginning of class every day and
looks at words that tell the month and day. This activity contributes to Kendrie's
A) cardinality.
B) emergent literacy.
C) fuzzy-trace theory.
D) autobiographical memory.
Each person is made up of trillions of __________ and 23 __________.
A) genes; billion cells
B) cells; matching pairs of chromosomes
C) matching pairs of chromosomes; genes
D) cells; chromosomes
Which of the following statements is true about intervening with adolescent parents?
A) Teenage mothers who have a long-term mentor relationship are less likely than those
without a mentor to stay in school.
B) Home-visited mothers have less frequent contact with the child's father than those
who are not in a home-visiting program.
C) Teenage mothers who receive financial assistance from the child's father are more
distressed than those who do not receive assistance.
D) As with teenage mothers, support from family members helps teenage fathers stay
involved with their children.
According to Vygotsky, infants are endowed with basic perceptual, attention, and
memory capacities that they share with other animals. These develop during the first
two years through
A) stimulating interactions with adults.
B) direct contact with the environment.
C) the biological unfolding of genetic structures.
D) independent exploration of the environment.
__________'s model is the most comprehensive factor-analytic classification of mental
abilities to date.
A) Spearman
B) Thurstone
C) Cattell
D) Carroll
Accumulating evidence suggests that the gender gap in mathematics is related to
A) achievement motivation.
B) early parental interactions.
C) faster development of the right cerebral cortex in boys than in girls.
D) boys' superior spatial reasoning skills.
More than one-__________ of physically punishing U.S. parents report having used a
hard object, such as a brush or a belt.
A) fifth
B) fourth
C) third
D) half
Children who are skilled at cognitive inhibition have the ability to
A) produce a variety of strategies when faced with a novel task.
B) control internal and external distracting stimuli.
C) continuously monitor progress toward a goal, checking outcomes and redirecting
unsuccessful efforts.
D) think out a sequence of acts and allocate attention accordingly to reach a goal.
Mara is 10 months of age. Research suggests that Mara can
A) engage in sociodramatic play.
B) imitate novel behaviors.
C) engage in analogical problem solving.
D) appreciate the symbolic nature of pictures.
Kinship research suggests that
A) nonshared environmental factors are more powerful than shared influences on IQ.
B) in adolescence, the IQ resemblance between fraternal twins increases.
C) the impact of nonshared environmental influences is greatest in childhood.
D) shared environmental factors are more powerful than nonshared influences on IQ.
During the late teens and twenties, attendance at religious services
A) dramatically increases.
B) drops to its lowest level throughout the lifespan.
C) increases for males but decreases for females.
D) increases for females but decreases for males.
__________ are combinations of __________ that occur over a wide range of
situations, creating an enduring child-rearing climate.
A) Child-rearing styles; parenting behaviors
B) Social systems; peer group influences
C) Public policies; government regulations
D) Support groups; educational techniques
Which of the following statements best describes growth during puberty?
A) It follows the cephalocaudal trend.
B) The hands, legs, and feet accelerate first, followed by the torso.
C) It proceeds from near to far.
D) It occurs in brief but steady spurts.
Discuss how children typically respond to being raised in a blended family.
Describe the clinical, or case study, method, including its strengths and limitations.
Describe the development of aggression, including individual differences in aggressive
Describe laboratory, field, and natural, or quasi-, experiments. Explain the strengths and
limitations of each.
Describe the nativist and interactionist perspectives of language development.
Describe the five infant states of arousal.
Describe how Vygotsky's ideas influence trends in education today.
Describe incomplete dominance, and provide an example.
Summarize milestones in the development of touch, taste, smell, and hearing that are
present at birth and during the first half of the first year.
Describe Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and its similarity to the core
knowledge perspective (discussed in Chapter 6).
Describe how memory strategies develop, and explain how cultural circumstances
influence memory performance.
Describe the three-stage sequence of children's understanding of friendship.
List and give examples of the four forms of child maltreatment. Who is most likely to
commit each form of child maltreatment?
Discuss the concepts of stability and plasticity with regard to individual differences
among children.
Describe the beginnings of self-awareness in infancy, citing examples of this
Describe and evaluate Siegler's model of strategy choice.
List and briefly describe the five vital services for society that were performed by the
family unit of our evolutionary ancestors.
Describe common labor and delivery medications in the United States, and give the
possible problems associated with their use.
Describe the biological bases for morality.
Describe the interaction between education and emerging adulthood.

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