SED CE 12553

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1713
subject Authors Daniel P. Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen

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One person having the authority, granted by the courts, to make decisions for another
person is
a. wardenship.
b. proxy.
c. paternalism
d. guardianship
By definition, every student with learning disabilities has
A) academic problems.
B) brain damage.
C) hyperactivity.
D) deficits in all academic areas.
Children whose development and accomplishments meet or exceed those of adults with
extraordinary talent are known as
A) precocious.
B) prodigies.
C) geniuses.
D) super-gifted.
Carl was three years old when he acquired TBI. Which of the following was the most
likely cause of his brain injury?
a) He was accidentally shot by a playmate when showing off his father's gun.
b) He was violently shaken by a babysitter.
c) He was in a car that was hit by another car.
d) He had an accidental fall.
People with Asperger syndrome tend to be
A) overly literal but not logical
B) logical and able to see situations in a nuanced way
C) focused on emotion over logic, and are quite literal.
D) overly literal and focused on logic over emotion.
According to one survey, what percentage of families reported that one or more family
members adjusted their employment situation because of having a child with a
disability in the family?
a. about 5%
b. less than 10%
c. about 20%
d. over 50%
What percentage of deaf children have hearing parents?
A) 10%
B) 5%
C) 50%
D) 90%
One of the most common misconceptions of the field of gifted education is
A) the idea that gifted students are more likely to be bullies.
B) the idea that gifted students are superior in every way, including strength and beauty.
C) the idea that giftedness and mental illness are linked.
D) the idea that gifted students are physically stronger and more socially adept.
Evidence suggests that Latino families are more likely than Anglo families to view
having a child with a disability as a positive experience because of
a. resignation to the fact that bad things happen in life.
b. their religious views.
c. the importance of the family and the social supports it provides.
d. the importance of following advice from authority figures.
Which term was once commonly applied to mothers of children with autism?
A) warmhearted moms
B) refrigerator moms
C) egocentric moms
D) neglectful moms
In co-teaching,
a. students take turns assuming the role of teacher.
b. general and special educators teach together in the same classroom.
c. general and special educators provide in-service training for each other.
d. teachers and students take turns assuming the role of teacher.
A good way to teach a person who is blind to pour a liquid is to start
a. by having them estimate how much liquid has poured into a cup based on auditory
b. with a substance that is less likely to spill, like rice.
c. with a carbonated beverage so they can better hear the liquid being poured.
d. by making sure they don"t accidentally put their fingers over the container's lip.
A disorder due to brain damage that affects a person's respiratory support for making
speech sounds is
A) apraxia.
B) echolalia.
C) dysarthria.
D) aphasia.
All of the following are barriers inhibiting the development of programs for preschool
children who are gifted EXCEPT
A) laws preventing early admission to school.
B) unavailability of intelligence tests.
C) lack of appropriate teacher training.
D) lack of parental advocacy.
Compare and contrast two major laws that affect individuals with disabilities: IDEA and
ADA. In doing so, describe the unique contribution of each and briefly discuss the ways
in which the two laws are similar.
The most obvious problem of children with E/BD is
A) imaginary friendships.
B) aggression aimed at others.
C) lack of close emotional ties.
D) social fear or disinterest.
Loss of voice is apraxia.
Which condition is associated with tunnel vision?
a) Down syndrome
b) Usher syndrome
c) CHARGE syndrome
d) Asperger syndrome
The most frequent type of fluency disorder is
A) stuttering.
B) acquired aphasia.
C) echolalia.
D) dysarthria.
Articulation disorders
A) are easily distinguished.
B) are genetically based.
C) have no known causes.
D) involve errors in sound production.
A condition that becomes more and more severe over time is
A) progressive.
B) episodic.
C) chronic.
D) acute.
Discuss the effect of recent legislation on (a) early intervention and (b) transition.
Parent-teacher conferences can benefit the teacher primarily because
a. the teacher can learn more about the student from the parents' viewpoint.
b. conferences are easier to arrange than other forms of communication.
c. conferences provide an opportunity for the teacher to visit the home.
d. the teacher does not have to be as diplomatic as in written communication.
Cultural sensitivity requires
a. choosing activities that"fit"a student's culture.
b. using empirically validated instructional strategies.
c. adding materials that include examples of contributions by members of all cultural
d. being"blind"to differences in the classroom.
Each of the following statements about severe and multiple disabilities is true EXCEPT
a) A person with TBI can be expected, with time and care, to recover completely and
function without disabilities.
b) Many people with severe and multiple disabilities can now live independently or
c) People who cannot speak can still carry on conversations.
d) Many people with severe and multiple disabilities can be employed outside of
sheltered workshops.
A therapeutic technique that involves identifying someone whom the person with
ADHD can rely on for support is
A) training.
B) coaching.
C) encouraging.
D) directing.
The educational definition of legally blind
a. Refers to a person who has visual acuity of 20/200 or less.
b. Stresses the method of reading instruction.
c. Refers to a person with 20/20 vision
d. Refers to a person who has 20/70 vision.
Sign language interpreters
A) use ASL.
B) use transliteration.
C) use a hybrid of ASL and transliteration, Signed American Sign Language (SASL).
D) can use either ASL or transliteration.
All of the following are prenatal conditions that can result in deaf-blindness EXCEPT
a) German measles
b) rubella
c) coloboma
d) congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Each of the following is a reason why most students with physical disabilities are
integrated into public schools EXCEPT
A) advances in medical treatment allow greater mobility and functional movement.
B) decreases in architectural and transportation barriers.
C) federal law defined the least restrictive environment (LRE) as the general education
D) movement toward public education for all children.
The intelligence of children with cerebral palsy is
A) almost always in the range of intellectual disabilities.
B) clearly higher than the average for the general population.
C) nearly the same as for the general population.
D) difficult to assess due to difficulties in perception, movement, or response speed.
The trend in programs for students with EBD is toward
A) institutionalization.
B) resource rooms.
C) integration into more restrictive placements.
D) integration into general education classrooms whenever possible.
Of the following, the special education intervention that represents the highest level of
specialization is
a. instruction by an itinerant teacher.
b. instruction in a diagnostic-prescriptive center.
c. consultation by a special educator.
d. instruction in a self-contained special education classroom.
Autism is a separate category under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) since 1990.
When siblings, one of whom is disabled, are adults, which is true?
a. Men have more favorable attachments than women to their sibling with a disability.
b. Women have more favorable attachments than men to their sibling with a disability.
c. Adults of the same gender as their sibling with a disability have less favorable
emotional responses.
d. Adults of the opposite gender of their sibling with a disability have more favorable
emotional responses.

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