SED AP 74417

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2507
subject Authors Allan A. Glatthorn, Bruce M. Whitehead, Floyd A. Boschee

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Based on the most common organizational pattern for social studies, American history
would be treated in all of the years below except
A. Grade 5
B. Grade 8
C. Grade 11
D. Grade 12
Which one of the statements below is most likely a curriculum goal?
a. All students should write well-structured essays
b. All students relate well to cultural diversity
c. The learner will correctly identify the five largest cities in the state
d. Teachers will use appropriate teaching strategies
CAEP standard five requires candidates to demonstrate all of the following except
A. knowledge
B. skills
C. dispositions
D. publication
The Tyler rationale includes all of the following strengths except
A. Relatively easy to understand and apply
B. Increases creativity in curricular development
C. It focuses attention on strengths and weaknesses of curriculum
D. It emphasizes the importance of having a continuous cycle
In the technological approach to course development objectives are usually sequenced
based on, in part by:
A. Task analysis
B. Relationships among objectives
C. School calendar
D. Chapter sequence in selected textbook
Which of the following ways is not suggested to involve three distinct thinking skills
A. Independent thinking
B. Self-managed learning
C. Self-directed learning
D. Higher order thinking skills
True or False. When dealing with assessment, standards are converted to outcome
a. True
b. False
In the third step of the Snyder model
A. Tightly structured teacher guides are produced
B. Research-based instructional strategies are selected
C. Technology becomes very important
D. Textbooks are selected
True or False. The Worker Education and Training Program recommends using
technology for geographical and historical information, but not for simulations until
high school.
a. True
b. False
True or False. The number of unit objectives does not have to be the same as the
number of units.
a. True
b. False
Alternative strategies teachers should use to prepare students for their future when they
leave school include:
A. Greater accountability
B. Common Core Standards alignment
C. A career plan
D. Technology integration
True or False. Once the essential components of a PLC are understood, a building
administrator can develop a strategic plan to put the change in place.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following questions do not belong with the other three?
A. Are the goals congruent with relative curricula goals for the district?
B. Are the goals supported and understood by the parents?
C. Does the grade level of the objectives seem appropriate?
D. Are the goals understood and supported by the students?
The Stufflebeam approach to curriculum evaluation includes four separate factors, the
first of which is:
A. Input
B. Process
C. Context
D. Product
Of the organizations below, which is likely to have the greatest impact on teacher
A. Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation
B. National Science Teachers Association
C. National Council of Teachers of English
D. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
True or False. One teacher and one parent from each school curriculum council should
also serve on the district advisory council.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Using learning in new and concrete situations is called application.
a. True
b. False
The Discovery Method or Socratic instructional method suggests that learning occurs
best when:
A. Exploration is used to enhance understanding
B. Curriculum is integrated
C. Applied to all subjects
D. Applied to all students
True or False. With an abundance of school change, and a focus on testing, we run the
risk of valuing what we measure rather than measuring what we value.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following tasks do not belong with the other three?
A. Develop and monitor processes for materials selection and evaluation
B. Develop curriculum planning calendar
C. Develop and implement plans to evaluate curriculum, based on the calendar
D. Identify and prioritize curricula problems to be solved
When schools implement longitudinal data systems (SLDS), they will not be able to do
which of the following?
A. Measure the growth students make each year
B. Evaluate which curriculum reforms make a difference
C. Link student growth to teachers
D. Close schools that are ineffective
True or False: Doll's (1986). curriculum development process was linear.
a. true
b. false
A materials adoption committee should
A. Identify five appropriate texts and let each school select the one they like
B. Make a final decision based on the results of their rating scale
C. Make a final decision based on lowest cost among the top three books
D. Allow all teachers who will be using the materials to provide feedback on the top
three before making a decision
Which of the following strategies would not be included under metacognition?
A. Memorization of key elements of the process
B. Self regulation
C. Instruction in learning strategies
D. Academic success is related to personal effort
The short life of the open classroom movement was primarily due to:
A. Conservative pressure for more control of the curriculum
B. Desire for emphasis on both the arts and basics
C. Desire for higher achievement in the basics and more teacher control
D. Desire for pure subject discipline and constructive learning
There are many reasons, supporters say, that charter schools are a positive factor in
American education. Which of the following is not one of the reasons usually given?
a. Create choice for parents
b. Create new professional opportunities for teachers
c. Encourage innovative teaching practices
d. Provide a higher degree of fiscal accountability
When using Professional Development and Technology, which one of the goals should
not be included?
A. Learning Goal
B. Student Goal
C. Assessment Goal
D. Teaching Goal
If a faculty survey demonstrates that several departments expect students to have
certain skills, there are three options that will solve the problem. Which of the following
is not an appropriate solution?
A. Develop a new course to teach the skills
B. Have one department assume primary responsibility
C. Each department should teach the skill
D. Initiate the skill earlier so when students arrive at the grade level they will have the
Professional development for implementing new curriculum is
A. Desirable
B. Tightly structured by administration
C. Planned, but flexible
D. Usually conducted by experts outside of the district
Prior to Tier-Three interventions, an eligibility committee must do all of the following
A. Meet and formally determine responsiveness in Tier 1
B. Meet and formally determine responsiveness in Tier 2
C. Determine Rubric for Tier 3
D. Hold a manifestation
True or False. The sample rating sheet provided in the text has a space for the teacher to
make comments.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Curriculum planning is at the heart of school reform.
a. True
b. False
Myths about American schools include:
A. American schools are successful in educating students
B. Unions support teachers in implementing curriculum
C. More effective teachers are the answer
D. Teacher transmits knowledge and concepts
True or False: Brain Matters helps teachers functionally understand neuroscience
research and how it helps in classrooms.
a. true
b. false
Once the Textbook Adoption Committee makes a final decision, what should the district
do prior to placing an order?
Currently, PK-12 students are accessing and sharing information via Web-based
learning, smart boards, and mobile devices. Both ___________ and date sensitive,
classroom technology continues to morph and change with the times.
The Courts continue to hold that the power over education is an essential
_______________ of state sovereignty.
Describe some forms of multimedia that the classroom teacher might integrate into his
or her classroom curriculum.
A rating can be formative or __________.
In 1981 Saylor, Alexander, and Lewis made a distinction between de jure policy and de
facto policy. Construct an essay explaining the difference and why it might be useful
The _________________was probably the first group to recognize curriculum tracking
as a desirable practice.
The text outlines a 16 step process in improving fields of study based on the work of
Snyder. Construct an essay in which you summarize the process. Do not list steps,
describe the process.
Explain the commonalities and differences among the four types of theorists: linear
thinkers, holists, laissez-Faire, and Critical.
In the analysis of Doll's 1986 curriculum development process, the starting point was
Identify three areas included within curriculum and evaluation.
Construct an essay on the important factors from Carbo with her five effective reading
strategies and how you might implement these into a classroom.
The dynamics and logistics of most schools are such that building-level leaders have an
enormous impact on the multicultural environment in which they participate. Explain.
When improving a field of study using the task force approach the usual time allocated
Early American educators were more concerned about identifying the _____________
than consideration of possible elective studies.
In the twenty-six years since the release of A Nation at Risk, states have made great
strides in increasing the academic rigor of education standards. Yet, America's children
still remain behind other nations in terms of academic achievement and preparedness to
succeed. Why would this be considered correct?
In 1964, Faix developed a theory classification approach that identified three distinct
stages. Identify and explain each of the stages.

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