SED AP 69753

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2008
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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In a reality therapy group, the leader:
a. is responsible for evaluating the clients' behaviors.
b. performs an assessment to determine if the client is truly getting what he or she wants
in life.
c. withholds feedback when members are designing their plans.
d. may encounter resistance from members when providing suggestions for how clients
can best get what they want.
Feminist therapists reject:
a. the interactionist view.
b. the androcentric view.
c. the life-span perspective.
d. the relational-cultural theory.
This approach emphasizes anxiety as a catalyst for living authentically.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. existential therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. behavior therapy
e. family systems therapy
A central tenet of multicultural counseling holds that cultural competence is reflected in
the therapist's:
a. awareness of his or her own cultural values and biases.
b. awareness of how his or her culture might impact working with the client.
c. knowledge of the client's cultural values and beliefs.
d. skills in making appropriate interventions.
e. all of the above
The founder(s) of solution-focused brief therapy is (are):
a. Michael White and David Epston.
b. Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer.
c. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.
d. Donald Meichenbaum.
e. Albert Bandura.
The technique whereby the analyst explains the meaning of certain behavior is known
a. transference.
b. rationalization.
c. countertransference.
d. interpretation.
e. free association.
Narrative therapists believe that "The person is not the problem, but the problem is the
problem." This phrase illustrates which of the following interventions that is likely to be
made with Ruth?
a. mapping the effects
b. deconstruction of a problem-saturated story
c. co-authoring alternative stories
d. externalizing conversation
e. building an audience as a witness to an emerging preferred story
The therapeutic process in solution-focused brief therapy involves:
a. the premise that to some degree clients already know the solutions to their problems.
b. asking clients about those times when their problems were not present or when the
problems were less severe.
c. believing that clients are the experts on their own lives.
d. trusting that solutions evolve out of therapeutic conversations and dialogues.
e. all of these
Which person is not associated with the existential movement?
a. May
b. Frankl
c. Yalom
d. Skinner
e. Sartre
The concept that "unfinished business" from our past gets in the way of our current
functioning is central to this approach.
a. cognitive-behavioral therapy
b. person-centered therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. existential therapy
e. Adlerian therapy
Time-limited existential treatments:
a. mirror the time-limited reality of human existence.
b. are by definition, lacking in depth and richness.
c. lack structure and clear goals.
d. are well studied and shown to be effective.
Which of the following Gestalt techniques would help Stan deal with his unfinished
business concerning his ex-wife?
a. having him 'speak" to her in the present
b. 'staying with the feeling"
c. the rehearsal experiment
d. all of these
A key concept of Gestalt therapy is:
a. externalizing conversations.
b. unfinished business.
c. belief systems.
d. family of origin issues.
e. importance of the past.
Person-centered therapy is:
a. an approach that has been researched extensively.
b. an experiential therapy.
c. a therapy that focuses on the subjective world of a client.
d. an approach to developing understanding of people.
e. all of the above.
The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is:
a. attaining awareness, and with it greater choice.
b. to understand why we feel as we do.
c. to uncover repressed material.
d. to help clients develop better social skills.
Which of the statements below about social interest is true?
a. While Adler considered social interest to be innate, he also believed that it must be
learned, developed, and used.
b. Adler believed most people to be incapable of developing social interest even though
it was something to which they should aspire.
c. In his later years, Adler recanted his beliefs about social interest and focused on
addressing unconscious dynamics as the key to mental health.
d. The concept of social interest was originally introduced by Freud, and Adler
incorporated it into his theory.
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) cognitive disputation, (b) cognitive homework, (c) rational-emotive imagery,
(d) shame-attacking exercises, (e) solution-focused therapy
Which of the following is considered to be a major contribution feminists have made to
the field of counseling?
a. pioneering research in the therapy process
b. creation of a brief, solution-focused therapy approach
c. integrating a diagnostic perspective in counseling practice
d. paving the way for gender-sensitive practice
e. all of the above
Another term for Adlerian therapy is:
a. the psychosocial approach.
b. control theory.
c. humanistic psychology.
d. individual psychology.
The techniques of externalization and developing unique events are associated with:
a. solution-focused therapy.
b. the linguistic approach.
c. the narrative approach.
d. the reflecting team.
e. the social constructionist approach.
Which of the following would not be considered a feature of a good self-contract?
a. It emphasizes the positive.
b. It is a verbal agreement between client and therapist.
c. It is clear and specific.
d. It is based on realistic change goals.
e. It includes a balance of appropriate rewards and sanctions.
Jim told Margie, a cognitive therapist who has adopted a constructivist perspective, that
he is a prisoner of his dysfunctional past. Margie should do all of the following except:
a. help Jim appreciate how he has constructed reality and examine the implications and
conclusions hedraws from his stories.
b. encourage him to tell the rest of his story.
c. steer Jim away from telling his story since storytelling is regarded as a form of
d. help Jim to see himself as a survivor of dysfunction who has thrived despite the
barriers he has faced.
Which of the following did Adler not stress?
a. the unity of personality
b. focus on early childhood experiences as determinants of later personality functioning
c. behavior is purposeful and goal-oriented
d. a unique style of life that is an expression of life goals
e. feelings of inferiority
Albert Ellis views Ruth's problems primarily from the vantage point of:
a. injunctions she accepted and early decisions she made.
b. her clinging to dogmatic, rigid "musts" and commands that she continues to live by.
c. the impact of early childhood experiences.
d. negative conditioning from her parents.
e. societal standards of what is acceptable for a woman.
Synthesizing the approaches covered in the text:
a. can easily be accomplished after taking an introductory course.
b. is usually mastered by the end of the first year of one's graduate program.
c. often requires many years of study, training, and practical counseling experience.
d. rarely, if ever, happens and is a completely unrealistic goal.
Which of the following approaches most emphasizes principles of learning?
a. Gestalt therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. narrative therapy
d. family systems therapy
e. solution-focused brief therapy
All of the following are a part of Gestalt therapy except:
a. unfinished business.
b. striving for superiority.
c. energy and blocks to energy.
d. avoidance.
The defense(s) that is (are) considered the major channel of resistance is (are):
a. introjection.
b. projection.
c. retroflection.
d. sublimation.
e. all but (d)
All of the following are techniques used in solution-focused therapy except for:
a. using the reflecting team
b. scaling questions
c. the miracle question
d. formula first session task
e. exception questions
With regard to the role of counselors' personal values in therapy, it is appropriate for
counselors to:
a. teach and persuade clients to act the right way.
b. maintain an indifferent, neutral, and passive role by simply listening to everything the
client reports.
c. avoid challenging the values of clients.
d. avoid the imposition of their values, yet expose their values to clients.
All of the following are associated with solution-focused therapy except:
a. Insoo Kim Berg.
b. Michelle Weiner-Davis.
c. Steve de Shazer.
d. Michael White.
Feminist therapy incorporates techniques from many of the various traditional
Reality therapy applies the principles of learning to the resolution of specific behavioral
Adlerians maintain that the priorities we choose arise from our personality strengths.
The person-centered therapist's most important function is:
a, to begin therapy with a comprehensive lifestyle assessment.
b. to challenge clients to examine their past.
c. to skillfully confront clients when they engage in self-destructive behaviors.
d. to be his or her real self in the relationship with a client.
e. to be an agent of social change.
Choice theory is based on the assumption that people are in charge of their own destiny.
The Oedipal complex and the Electra complex are associated with the genital stage of
Feminist therapists work to demystify the counseling relationship.
The goal of structural family therapy is to break down any hierarchical structure and
replace it with equal relationships among all family members.
Because Bowen's multigenerational approach looks at families from a
three-generational perspective, the therapist is mainly interested in past happenings and
does not pay much attention to present issues.
Ellis suggests that most clients attend both individual and group therapy at some point
in time.
The person-centered model has become stagnant and shows little sign of evolution.
Therapy is based upon the successful resolution of the transference relationship.
Currently, there is high international interest in the existential approach to
In psychodynamic group work, symbolic figures from a client's past may emerge.
According to feminist therapists, gender equality permeates most narratives about
normal human development.
In the existential framework, inaction is a choice.
Reality therapy tends to be a long-term approach.
During the anal stage, children typically experience a range of negative feelings,
including rage, hate, and hostility.
During the initial phase of counseling, existentially oriented therapists assist clients in
identifying and clarifying their assumptions about the world.

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