SED AP 67659

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 28
subject Words 4517
subject Authors Daniel P. Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen

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A student with disabilities cannot be expelled from school.
Response to intervention is the federally preferred method of identifying learning
Precocity refers to remarkably early development.
Transition from school to work is usually not a significant problem for those with E/BD
because they tend to be so independent.
"Manifestation determination"means that the circumstances surrounding a particular
incident are not weighed in deciding what the consequences should be.
Due to denial, many parents of infants with disabilities go from physician to physician
'shopping"for an optimistic diagnosis.
Children spontaneously compensate for poor vision by developing superior listening
A child can attain a gifted level of performance even if he or she has a disability.
Motor skills need to be taught in isolation to avoid confusing the learner.
Parents of a child with a disability who choose not to be involved with decision making
at school probably are neglectful at home.
A disability is always a handicap.
Children and youths with learning disabilities comprise about half of all students who
receive special education.
Most people with autism exhibit remarkable ability or talent in particular splinter skills,
such as playing music, drawing, or calculating
Long-term memory involves the ability to keep information in mind while
simultaneously doing another cognitive task.
In the vast majority of cases, we are unable to identify the exact reason why a child is
About one-fourth of individuals diagnosed with ADHD in childhood will continue to
have significant symptoms into adulthood.
Cued Speech is used by the majority of people with hearing impairments.
Blindness is primarily an adult disability.
There are numerous anecdotal accounts of parents who report that having a child with a
disability has some positive results.
Punishment as a contingency for inappropriate behavior is especially important for
self-management techniques to be effective.
Most authorities believe that lack of vision significantly alters the ability to understand
and use language.
People with Prader-Willi syndrome inherited it from their father.
The majority of people who are legally blind have some useful vision.
Itinerant teacher services to a general education classroom is the most popular
placement for students with visual impairments.
Nonproductivity is not equivalent to underachievement.
Praxis: I.B.
In the case of most children with learning disabilities, there is little neurological
evidence of actual damage to the brain tissues.
In general, academic achievement of children with physical disabilities is below that of
their nondisabled peers.
Giftedness is a stable trait that is evident throughout all periods of a person's life.
Even though a person's brain may be intact and functioning properly, he or she may
have neurological impairment because of damage to the spinal cord
Litigation is now focused on ensuring that every child receives an education appropriate
for his or her individual needs.
The majority of people with autistic spectrum disorders have autism rather than
Asperger syndrome.
Children who are deaf reach language development milestones in sign later than
hearing children do in spoken language.
Praxis: I.B.
The best place to teach domestic skills is not always the student's home.
Seizures occur more often in children with developmental disabilities than in children
without disabilities.
Suicide is now a leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24.
Public school systems must make extensive efforts to screen and identify all children
and youths of school age who have disabilities.
When performance tests are used, there is no difference in IQ scores between those who
are deaf and those who are hearing.
IQ is generally considered the single best index of how well a person will do in school.
Special education legislation has become increasingly permissive rather than
The least restrictive environment (LRE) is not always the general education classroom.
Grammatical structure of American Sign Language consist of each of the following
A) handshape.
B) location.
C) intensity.
D) movement.
All credible conceptual models of education have two objectives. They are
A) controlling misbehavior and teaching academic and social skills.
B) controlling misbehavior and teaching academic skills.
C) teaching academic and social skills.
D) controlling misbehavior and teaching social skills.
Which condition reduces the effectiveness of strategy training for adolescents with
speech and language disorders?
A) use of natural group settings
B) emphasis on vocational goals
C) poor reading skills
D) involvement of peers
According to the Council for Exceptional Children special education teachers of
students with learning disabilities should be able to do all of the following EXCEPT
A) address a variety of academic learning problems, such as reading, math, and
B) help students apply these academic skills in the general education content areas,
such as science and social studies.
C) teach the exact same content as the general education teacher.
D) to teach academic skills in several different settings, such as individually or in small
or large groups.
In supported competitive employment, a worker with intellectual disabilities has a
competitive employment position and receives
a) incentive money.
b) ongoing assistance from a job coach.
c) sub-minimum wage.
d) pay from a social agency rather than from the employer.
Standardized tests may be biased for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. Most test items draw on specific experiences that students from some subcultures
may not have had.
b. Language used may be unfamiliar to members of some subcultures.
c. Tests may be administered in ways that penalize students with impaired ability to
answer in a standardized way.
d. Minority group members are inherently more likely to score lower on any
achievement test.
Jennie is a preschooler with delayed language development. Language intervention at
this level generally focuses on
A) articulation.
B) verb forms and plurals.
C) discourse.
D) concept development.
In the case of discipline,"zero tolerance"means that
A) the circumstances surrounding an incident are not weighed in deciding what the
consequences should be; only the act itself is questioned.
B) the circumstances surrounding an incident are weighed in deciding what the
consequences should be, and the act itself is questioned.
C) the circumstances surrounding an incident are weighed in deciding what the
consequences should be, but the act itself is not questioned.
D) the circumstances surrounding an incident are not weighed in deciding what the
consequences should be, and the act itself is not questioned.
Cultural diversity presents the challenges for special educators in all of these areas
a. instruction
b. assessment
c. submersion
d. socialization
In a typical school of 1000 students, about how many students identified as learning
disabled would you expect to find?
A) 10
B) 50
C) 150
D) 250
According to the federal government, what percentage of the school-age population is
identified for special education services under the category of"emotional disturbance"?
A) less than 1%
B) about 2%
C) 3"5%
D) 6"10%
Which approach to mathematics instruction is most efficient for students with learning
A) constructivist
B) discovery-oriented
C) teacher-directed
D) student-centered
Each of the following characteristics is an essential feature of appropriate education for
students with TBI EXCEPT
a) emphasis on catching up to academic content, rather than spending time trying to
develop basic cognitive skills.
b) assistance with transition from a hospital or rehabilitation center to the school.
c) educational procedures to help solve problems in focusing and sustaining attention
for long periods.
d) an IEP concerned with cognitive, social/behavioral, and sensory-motor domains.
Cruickshank's work was important with respect to ADHD for all of the following
reasons EXCEPT
A) The children he studied had cerebral palsy, definitely caused by brain damage.
B) Most of the children had average intelligence.
C) He was among the first to have an educational program for children with
characteristics of what is now called ADHD.
D) He showed that hyperactivity could exist concomitantly with mental retardation.
With respect to monitoring the progress of students with E/BD,
A) academic as well as behavioral assessment is usually necessary.
B) standardized assessments are more accurate than teacher rating scales.
C) curriculum-based assessments are outdated.
D) teacher rating scales are all that are actually required to assess the students' behavior.
Providing support for the child's body and arranging instructional or play materials in
certain ways is known as
A) positioning.
B) handling.
C) assisting.
D) adapting.
Dyslexia refers to a severe impairment in the ability to
A) read.
B) write.
C) compute.
D) use expressive language.
A language disorder that involves problems with functional and socially appropriate
communication is
A) communication.
B) semantics.
C) speech.
D) pragmatics.
Which statement is TRUE?
a) Instruction of daily living skills is more effective in a controlled classroom setting.
b) It is easier to hold instruction in classrooms than in real-life settings.
c) Instruction in daily living skills should not include instruction in classroom settings.
d) There is no benefit to using real products and money when teaching daily living
Each of the following is a misconception about multicultural and bilingual aspects of
special education EXCEPT
a. It addresses the concerns of ethnic minorities who want their children to learn more
about their history.
b. Everyone agrees that it is critical to our nation's future.
c. Educators must make sure that students understand the language of school, not just
informal conversation.
d. Disproportionate representation of minorities in special education is no longer a
A traveling notebook
a. allows different professionals to communicate with parents.
b. requires a great deal of preparation.
c. is a formal method of communication, i.e., legally it needs to be approved by an
administrator, such as a principal during routines that families normally engage in.
d. should remain in school at all times so that the professionals who work with the child
will have access to it when they need it.
All of the following are guidelines that teachers and parents can follow when talking
with children with speech and language disorders EXCEPT
A) Lead the discussion.
B) Talk about things the child is interested in.
C) Allow enough time for the child to respond.
D) Do not interrupt the student.
Ideally, screening tests for babies should follow a
A) 2"4"6 year rule
B) 1"3"6 month rule
C) 2"4"6 week rule
D) 2"4"6 month rule
Describe the major problems that students with TBI experience with reentry to school
after their trauma.
Each of the following statements about children with E/BD is true EXCEPT
A) aggressive acting-out behavior is most common.
B) boys outnumber girls.
C) most students identified are psychotic.
D) juvenile delinquency and conduct disorder cannot be clearly distinguished from
emotional disturbance.
The auditory-verbal approach encourages children with hearing impairment to
A) depend on their peers for sound cues.
B) use their residual hearing.
C) learn sign language as quickly as possible.
D) focus on visual cues.
Effective programs for transitioning students with intellectual disabilities to adulthood
a) use direct instruction in reading but not math.
b) focus on community adjustment and employment.
c) always involve behavior modification.
d) focus on mastering the general education curriculum.
As a disability of children, blindness is
a. one of the most prevalent disabilities.
b. about average in prevalence compared to other sensory disabilities.
c. the least prevalent disability.
d. increasing rapidly in prevalence.
The term"hard of hearing"is used to describe people with hearing impairment who
A) were not born deaf but became deaf later in life.
B) find it "hard" (in their own subjective judgment) to hear as well as the rest of the
C) have a conductive hearing loss.
D) have enough residual hearing to process sound with a hearing aid.
The key to improving special education is
a. knowledge of special education law.
b. management of serious behavior problems.
c. exceptional instruction.
d. use of technological advances.
The social interaction, or pragmatic, theory of language development suggests that
A) comprehending language is more important than producing language.
B) language is taught by direct instruction and arrangement of consequences.
C) language development is easily separated from social and cognitive development.
D) the natural environment may be arranged to teach more effective language.
Identify the main features of cognitive training and describe two techniques that fall
under this heading.
Describe three explanations for the increase in the number of students identified as
having learning disabilities in the last 30 years or so.
Compare the language development of children who are blind or have low vision to that
of children with sight and describe a problem associated with measuring intelligence in
students who are blind.
Describe two reasons why many adolescents and young adults with visual impairments
might have problems becoming independent.
Describe four factors that demarcate the Deaf community as a true culture.
Explain why there is a common misconception that people who are blind develop
an"extra sense."
Write a scenario illustrating the relationship between"locus of control"and"learned
Describe how you could use a system like the Picture Exchange Communication
System (PECS) to improve the functional communication of a person with autism.
Describe four psychological or behavioral characteristics of students with learning
Explain why traumatic brain injury (TBI) is sometimes considered "invisible" and a
'silent epidemic."
Write a brief case description of a student with E/BD and explain why this student's
problems need to be addressed with a balance of behavioral control strategies and
academic and social learning techniques.
Which is a more convincing method for determining whether learning disabilities are
inherited: familiality studies (the degree to which a certain condition, such as a learning
disability, occurs in a single family) or heritability studies (comparison of the
prevalence of learning disabilities in identicalmonozygotic versus dizygotic twins)
What is the difference between a primary language disorder and a secondary language
Describe the symbiotic relationship between teachers and parents, providing two
examples of the importance of families to teachers and two of the importance of
teachers to families.
Explain why siblings of a child with a disability might have a more difficult time
adjusting than their parents and list four concerns that children and adolescents might
have about their sibling with a disability.
Describe augmentative and alternative communication systems. What problems are
associated with AAC? What are the benefits of AAC?
Identify and describe two factors that affect the social adjustment of individuals with
hearing impairment.
Define IQ-achievement discrepancy and list three objections to using it for identifying
learning disabilities.

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