SED AP 63210

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1382
subject Authors Daniel P. Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen

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All of the following factors help to explain the underrepresentation of females in
programs for giftedness EXCEPT
A) the glamorization of sex differences.
B) that teachers pay less attention to high achieving girls.
C) that parents have overly high expectations for girls.
D) the societal stereotypes of males and females.
Contemporary educational methods for exceptional children can be traced directly to
techniques pioneered during the
a. 1700s.
b. early 1800s.
c. late 1800s.
d. 1900s.
Which one of the following students most resembles the"typical'student who receives
special education services?
a. Sam is a high school student with a physical disability.
b. Lisa is an elementary school student with intellectual disabilities.
c. Edna is a middle school student with a learning disability.
d. Joe is an elementary school student with a learning disability.
The ability to make personal choices, regulate one's own life, and be a self-advocate is
a) self-determination.
b) self-reliance.
c) self-consciousness.
d) self-promotion.
Which of the following findings about acceleration is TRUE?
A) It is less effective in raising student achievement than most school reforms.
B) Accelerated students are no more likely to aspire to advanced degrees than are
nonaccelerated students.
C) When the curriculum moves at a slow pace, boredom frequently ensues.
D) There are no proven instruments for making acceleration decisions.
A teaching model that includes content instruction by one teacher to a large group of
students and remedial or supplementary instruction by the other teacher to a small
group of students is
A) Alternative Teaching.
B) Parallel Teaching.
C) Team Teaching.
D) Station Teaching.
The family systems approach emphasizes
a. interrelationships among the family and other social systems.
b. the effects of the environment on the family.
c. quality of interactions between parents and professionals.
d. need for ongoing and systematic family intervention.
Special education teachers must attain special expertise in
a. delivering large-group instruction.
b. using technology.
c. cooperative learning.
d. counseling.
A particularly controversial point of view held by many members of the Deaf culture is
A) children should not receive cochlear implants to improve their hearing.
B) parents should not permit children who are deaf to learn English.
C) all students who are deaf should attend residential schools until the age of 16.
D) all citizens should be required to learn American Sign Language.
Cerebral palsy is classified by
A) the limbs involved and type of motor disability.
B) time period during which brain damage occurred.
C) severity of the symptoms.
D) the effect on intellectual functioning.
What percentage of children with autism appears to experience autistic regression?
A) 10%
B) 33%
C) 40-50%
D) 50-75%
Approximately what percentage of the school-age population is thought to have a
language disorder?
A) 1%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 20%
What percentage of school-aged children does the federal government classify as
visually impaired?
a. 0.4%
b. 0.04%
c. 4.0%
d. 0.004%
Each of the following is suggested as an explanation for why boys outnumber girls in
the learning disabilities category EXCEPT
A) greater biological vulnerability of boys
B) decrease in prevalence of intellectual disabilities
C) other behavior by boys (hyperactivity) leads to referral
D) lower academic expectations for girls
When did deinstitutionalization begin?
a. 1900s
b. 1950s
c. 1960s
d. 1980s
In children, the leading cause of blindness is
a. cortical visual impairment.
b. retinitis pigmentosa.
c. injuries, athletic and otherwise.
d. brain tumors.
Abrupt, involuntary movements and difficulty in maintaining balance is known as
A) spastic movements.
B) atonic movements.
C) choreoathetoid movements.
D) atonic spasticity.
Which two issues particularly complicate teaching about cultures and engendering an
acceptance of cultural diversity?
a. the money and time we have for curriculum changes
b. deciding which cultures should be represented and the predominate religious beliefs
within a school system
c. deciding which cultures best illustrate the concepts of universality of cultural pride
and shame
d. deciding which cultures should be included and how to teach about them
Ms. Chico, a sixth-grade teacher, arranges a parent-teacher conference with Mr. and
Mrs. Yuba to discuss a problem she is having with their son, Bobby, who has learning
disabilities. Most authorities would recommend that Ms. Chico
a. emphasize positive things about Bobby, along with the negative.
b. end the conference by summarizing Bobby's deficit areas.
c. start with business first rather than informal social conversation.
d. use professional language so that the Yubas will view her as a professional.
For children with most physical disabilities and other health impairments, a common
cause of academic difficulties is
A) discrimination and prejudice.
B) erratic school attendance.
C) poor study skills.
D) inadequate motivation.
Larry, a student who is gifted, skipped third grade. This is an example of which
programming strategy?
A) acceleration
B) independent study
C) enrichment
D) special class
Sociosexual education for students with physical disabilities includes instruction in all
of the following EXCEPT
A) structure and functions of bodies.
B) suppression of sexual desire.
C) alternative modes of sexual gratification.
D) human relationships and responsibilities.
IDEA recognized the category of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the year
a) 1995
b) 1993
c) 1999
d) 1990
Students who are deaf who do not go on to postsecondary training may face increased
obstacles to employment in the future because
A) increasingly fewer employers are willing to employ workers who sign.
B) the manual trades that they typically prepare for are disappearing.
C) antidiscrimination laws do not cover students with inadequate training.
D) there will be increased competition for the same jobs by individuals with other
All of the following are principles of identifying giftedness and talent that help ensure
fairness EXCEPT
A) assessments that go beyond a narrow conception of talent.
B) reliable and valid instruments.
C) multiple measures/criteria approach.
D) appreciation of large group studies and focus on a combination of scores.
A condition that may be severe but resolves with treatment is
A) progressive.
B) episodic.
C) chronic.
D) acute.
Persons with autism savant syndrome
A) make up a rare proportion of those with ASD.
B) make up about 25% of the ASD population.
C) are more sociable than others with ASD.
D) are more likely to come from families with a high prevalence of twins.
Possible effects of TBI include each of the following EXCEPT
a) problems learning new information.
b) difficulty processing information.
c) sudden improvement in memory.
d) becoming easily tired.
The middle ear consists of each of the following EXCEPT
A) incus
B) malleus
C) auricle
D) stapes
Bill is a student with low vision. His teacher provides him with a set of large-type notes
at the beginning of each lecture. This is an example of
a. accommodation.
b. adaptation.
c. tiered assignment.
d. partial participation.
All of the following factors identify the Deaf community as a true culture EXCEPT
A) voluntary organizational networks such as National Theater of the Deaf.
B) historical awareness documenting people and events significant to deafness.
C) predominant pattern of marrying individuals with people outside of the Deaf
D) well-established behavioral guidelines with regard to such things as eye contact and
physical touching.

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