SED AP 54980

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2267
subject Authors Marilyn Friend, William D. Bursuck

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During class, students with behavioral disorders frequently ____.
a. prefer to engage in creative, artistic activities
b. adjust quickly to the social demands of their peers
c. engage in aggressive or disruptive behaviors
d. display excessive boredom
Which of the following steps in the consulting process must come before the others?
a. The consultant observes in the classroom.
b. A timeline for implementing strategies established.
c. The teacher indicates a concern.
d. Problem solving options are discussed.
How quickly a student is able to perform a skill or recall academic material is called
student ____.
a. fluency
b. accuracy
c. potential
d. response
____are basic skills necessary for performing more complex skills.
a. Prior skills
b. Preskills
c. Post skills
d. Primary skills
High-stakes tests ____.
a. are criterion-referenced
b. are norm-referenced
c. compare growth between individuals
d. are teacher-made
All of the following are important to include when teaching students to use schedule
books except ____.
a. showing students how to organize with divide tabs
b. encouraging students to make entries in their neatest handwriting
c. teaching students to record daily assignments
d. teaching students to self-monitor their performance
Introduced for the first time in the 2004 reauthorization of IDEA, an approach for
exploring whether students have learning disabilities is ____.
a. achievement-ability discrepancy
b. universal screening
c. response to intervention
d. evidence-based instruction
To be an efficient member of a collaborative team, a teacher must have excellent
communication skills, which includes all of the following except____.
a. listening
b. taking the lead
c. paralanguage
d. speaking in a non-threatening way
When assigned independent student practice, students are more likely to be successful if
they ____.
a. are first learning a new skill
b. have a little practice on several skills
c. achieve increasing levels of success
d. have a desire to learn what they are practicing
A general term for outlines, abstracts or questions that emphasize important information
in the textbook is ____.
a. study guide
b. preskills organizer
c. anticipation guide
d. advance organizer
The most common intervention for students with ADHD demonstrated to have
significant benefit is ____.
a. setting up a token economy
b. helping students learn to monitor their own behavior through self-talk
c. parent education
d. medication prescribed by physicians
"Instructional methods' includes which of the following?
a. learning outcomes
b. strategies for managing behavior
c. ways in which teachers present content
d. grouping arrangements
To view a situation from another person's perspective is ____.
a. family-centered practice
b. collaboration
c. frame of reference
d. parity
The role of the school nurse in educating a student with disabilities is often to ____.
a. interview and visit parents to create a family history
b. provide direct training in large muscle movement
c. assist in interpreting information from physicians and other medical personnel
d. arrange group sessions with students to share specific needs
____ is a set of procedures designed to improve educators' understanding of a problem
a. Cognitive behavior management plan
b. Behavior contract
c. Functional behavior assessment
d. Behavior intervention plan
____ can be used as a way of differentiating report card grades.
a. Credit/no credit system
b. Pass/fail systems
c. Including improvement grades
d. Individualized clarification of the meaning of grades
Students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities often are ____.
a. educated solely in general education classes from elementary through high school
b. dependent upon ongoing support throughout and beyond their school years
c. unable to live independently or semi-independently as productive citizens
d. identified solely by their overall score or a general test of intelligence
Ms. Applebee prepared a ____ to help her students know what the important material
was for the upcoming test.
a. study guide
b. competency checklist
c. portfolio
d. revised grading system
The largest group of students with orthopedic impairments in public schools is ____.
a. spina bifida
b. muscular dystrophy
c. spinal chord injury
d. cerebral palsy
Each of the following interventions is recommended when teaching students at risk
a. establish peers as teaching partners
b. set realistically low expectations
c. seek assistance from other professionals
d. establish peers as teaching partners
The IEP helps to accomplish all of the following except____.
a. guide education of students with disabilities
b. clarify expectations for the student
c. provide a means for educators and parents to understand the student's educational
d. remove students with mild intellectual disabilities from general education
____ help writers focus on background information needed for writing as well as on the
audience and purpose of the paper.
a. Graphic organizers
b. Concept maps
c. Anticipation guides
d. Planning think sheets
Skills that help student make decisions and direct their own behavior to achieve their
goals are ____.
a. self-advocacy skills
b. preskills
c. retrieval skills
d. preparatory skills
Which of the following is a recommended strategy for taking objective tests?
a. Complete true-false questions first.
b. Never guess.
c. Consider all the alternatives.
d. Begin with the last item.
In order to support student comprehension, textbook content should be ____.
a. uniquely organized for each topic heading
b. organized with meaningful headings and subheadings
c. presented with minimal use of bold or italicized words
d. organized with creative, attention-grabbing headings
Each of the following is true about reviewing IEPs EXCEPT:
a. Legally, it only has to be reviewed annually.
b. It must be reviewed whenever a lack of progress is noted.
c. It must be reviewed whenever reevaluation information is gathered.
d. If parents bring new information to the MDT, it must be reviewed.
Which of the following is not a reason why students have social skills problems?
a. They have had no models for how to act in social situations.
b. They have trouble reading the social cures of others.
c. They focus too much on the feelings of those with whom they interact.
d. The act impulsively, regardless of what they know to be appropriate.
Two major types of reading problems that students with learning and behavioral
disabilities have are ____.
a. fluency and encoding
b. decoding and comprehension
c. word recognition and pronunciation
d. accuracy and reading rate
Each of the following is an example of Gardner's multiple intelligences EXCEPT:
a. verbal/linguistic
b. artistic/creative
c. visual/spatial
d. interpersonal
This category is used only when a student's disabilities are so serious and interrelated
that none can be identified as a primary disability.
a. developmental disabilities
b. orthopedic impairments
c. traumatic brain injury
d. multiple disabilities
The definition of a disability is much broader in IDEA than it is in Section 504 so
students with a larger range of needs are eligible for assistance through IDEA.
Students with learning and behavior problems ____.
a. are more likely to make social adjustments just from being in a general education
b. are not likely to make social adjustments just from being in a general education
c. make huge gains in academic and social skills while in a general education setting
d. make little to no academic gain, but significant social gains while in a general
education setting
Accommodations for students with "orthopedic impairments' take into consideration
each of the following except the ____.
a. student's social skills
b. severity of the disability
c. student's personal needs
d. nature of the disability
Which of the following is a recommended test construction modification for students
with disabilities?
a. Add a word bank for fill-in-the-blank questions.
b. Increase the number of fill-in the blank items.
c. Use machine-scored answer sheets.
d. Eliminate spacing between items to make the test seem shorter.
Jenna has been identified as a "gifted underachiever" by your colleagues. Explain two
strategies you could adopt in your classroom that would improve the learning
environment for Jenna.
Effective classroom rules share three key characteristics. List the three characteristics.
List two defining characteristics of the Federal disability category "emotional
Explain "twice exceptional" student.
Explain what is meant by 'students with behavioral disabilities are passive learners."
What criteria would be used to determine if a student receives instruction in a separate
classroom for a significant part of their day?
What is the key technology used in the "SLiCK" strategy?
Approximately 5.5 million students take medication for ADHD.
Describe three general strategies for working with students with health impairments.
Using a topic of your choice, explain how you would use the three steps of the "PReP"
strategy to assess how much background information the students already have about
the topic.
Tasks used to assess independent learning should directly parallel the tasks students are
faced with in the classroom
Accommodations for students with special needs can be made in three contexts. Provide
one context listed in the textbook and one example of a specific accommodation for that
As a teacher, what can you prepare that will tell students what to study for a test?
Explain "removal punishment."
Students with learning and behavior disabilities struggle with organizing and
interpreting information presented during instruction but excel at independent learning.
The range of instructional examples should match the range of the problem types used
when assessing student learning.
Shared problem solving sometimes occurs informally between general and special
education teachers.
Discuss three steps for teaching terms and concepts using definitions that employ
positive and negative examples.
Individuals who demonstrate problems with social adjustments in school settings are
frequently at risk for academic problems.

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