SED AP 50309

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 3443
subject Authors Anita Woolfolk, Nancy E. Perry

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What group of adolescents has the highest suicide rate?
a. adolescents in the age range 10-13
b. adolescent boys
c. adolescent girls from poor, inner city neighborhoods
d. adolescents who are from minority groups
Mr. Duran spends extra time with his 8-year-old son Michael because he is concerned
that Michael is not transitioning well to his new school. Recently Mr. Duran noticed
that his other son, Joseph, was becoming jealous of the time his dad spends with
Michael. Mr. Duran is not too concerned at this point because he knows that 6-year-old
Joseph's moral reasoning skills will expand. Considering Joseph's judgment of his dad's
behavior, Joseph is probably at what level of moral reasoning?
a. benevolence
b. conventional
c. equality
d. post-conventional
Which adolescent is most likely to report low self-esteem?
a. Carlos is strong and bossy, the leader of his gang " a big risk-taker.
b. DeMarcus wants to be the quarterback, but is glad to play on the varsity team as a
running back.
c. Gorge is popular in his clique and bullies the smaller boys into doing his homework.
d. Carrington wants to make good grades, but feels incapable of academic success.
When students are asked what makes a good teacher, they most often say good teachers
a. caring, organized, and good motivators.
b. lenient in their discipline, caring, and innovative.
c. funny, knowledgable, and authoritarian.
d. flexible, willing to give up authority, and make learning fun.
What aspect of development contributes to the rapid growth in brain size during infancy
and toddlerhood?
a. Myelination
b. Synaptic overproduction
c. Synaptic pruning
d. Neural tube development
Adolescents often skip the breakfast meal in an effort to lose weight and reduce
calories. Which of the following adolescents is most likely to eat breakfast?
a. Carla lives with her mom and brother and her brother eats breakfast.
b. Cimmaron lives with her grandmother who eats breakfast.
c. Ron lives in a two-parent household and his parents eat breakfast.
d. DeMarcus lives with his mom and sister and they don"t eat breakfast.
Dr. Julian, a local university professor and researcher, went into a classroom as a visitor
and observed children's behaviors during a science lesson. Dr. Julian did not talk with
the children, but she observed their behaviors and collected data that she later published
in a professional journal. The children were unaware that Dr. Julian was collecting and
analyzing their behavior. Which of the following statements applies to this situation?
a. Dr. Julian should have gone through the Institutional Review Board process and
obtained signed consent from a parent/guardian of each child.
b. As long as Dr. Julian maintains confidentiality and does not use the names of the
children, there are no problems with her research methodology.
c. Dr. Julian did not need to obtain an informed consent from any of the
parents/guardians because she is a university professor. She had been approved for the
classroom visit.
d. Although Dr. Julian did not need the permission of the parents, she should have asked
the children either verbally or in writing for their permission to participate in the
research project.
Maya is a an eleven-year-old girl who is vision impaired. She loves sports and wants to
stay physically active. She even knows a lot about activities for disabled children and
has a supportive family. For Maya and children like her, what barrier keeps them from
a. psychosocial implications
b. high costs for specialized programs
c. high risks and fear of injury
d. experts' recommendations against participation.
According to studies, what common effects associated with excessive TV watching are
found in young children?.
a. negative effects on creativity and language development
b. positive effects on language development and sense of numbers
c. negative effects on technical skill development
d. positive effects on empathy for victims of violence
Mrs. Hernandez is concerned about the common childhood diseases her son may
encounter in early elementary school. Her concerns relate to what domain of
a. Cognitive
b. Emotional
c. Social
d. Physical
Serita is quite aggressive during pretend play in preschool. What is the most likely
response from her peers?
a. She is likely to be rejected for it.
b. She is likely to be praised for it.
c. She is likely to be ignored for it.
d. She is likely to be elevated in her social status.
In what order does the development of semiotic function occur?
a. Symbolic play, drawing, deferred imagination, mental images.
b. Symbolic play, deferred imagination, mental images, drawing.
c. Mental images, symbolic play, drawing, deferred imagination.
d. Deferred imagination, symbolic play, drawing, mental images.
Adolescents raised by authoritative parents are more likely to:
a. lie about their activities and behaviors.
b. engage in socially deviant behaviors.
c. rebel against their parents.
d. be socially and emotionally well-adjusted.
When we listen to two 3-year-old children play, we expect to hear them:
a. engage in conversation that lacks interaction.
b. engage in conversations that involve listening and responding to each other.
c. share ideas, discuss and plan their play together.
d. communicate based on an understanding of what they perceive to be the thoughts and
feelings of the other person.
Antonio did well on his calculus homework but dreads taking his mid-term exam. He is
the only Latino student in class, and he knows that teachers don"t expect him and other
students from his ethnic group to succeed in math and science. He also knows he will
probably never use the knowledge he is learning in the class. Antonio's attitude is an
example of:
a. sterotype threat.
b. gender bias.
c. reverse discrimination.
d. ethnic egocentricism.
Liz and Sam, who are three-year-old cousins, spend hours and hours playing with their
puppets. They show the puppets eating a family dinner together, jumping on a
make-believe trampoline, and driving a car. This type of pretend play is considered to
a. a concern if it continues beyond the age of four.
b. a normal and healthy aspect of peer relationships.
c. a positive aspect of play if combined with play using real objects.
d. harmful to children's development of prosocial behaviors.
Juan is highly determined to get a perfect score on his geography test. He has a set of
flashcards and he practices over and over learning the state capitals. Juan's behavior is
typical of what we might expect of an 11-year-old child in Erikson's _________ stage
of psychosocial development.
a. initiative versus guilt
b. anal versus latency
c. autonomy versus shame and doubt
d. industry versus inferiority
Media is a common source of information about research findings, though it is not the
best source. Most of the errors in media coverage of research are errors of:
a. omission of details.
b. assessment bias.
c. authority of authors of the research.
d. cultural sensitivity.
Among the forms of child abuse and maltreatment in the US, which of the following is
most common?
a. cases of emotional abuse
b. cases of sexual abuse
c. cases of physical abuse
d. cases of neglect and exposure to family violence.
Which of the following teachers demonstrates immediacy behaviors?
a. Ms. Redmond intervenes quickly when student conflicts arise.
b. Mr. Baca makes eye contact with students, smiles, and seems relaxed when he
c. Mrs. Yingling reminds students of the rules when violations occur in her classroom.
d. Mr. Carnahan models problems solving skills and does not use punitive practices.
What is strengthened in infants when parents comfort them and use emotional words
such as sad, angry, and frustrated.
a. synapses for emotional development
b. temporal lobe for organizing sensory input
c. neural tube for development of the nervous system
d. reflexes for emotional response
Which of the following parents uses inductive discipline?
a. Your behavior is inappropriate. We have rules about playing fairly and you broke the
b. Go to your room until you are able to take turns in the game. When you decide to
take turns, then come and rejoin the group.
c. Stop yelling at your friend. When you yell at her, it hurts her feelings. How does it
make you feel when someone yells at you?
d. Put away the game. You know what you did wrong. Tell me what you will do
differently next time.
How can parents help children cope with frightening events and disaster?
a. Stop children when they want to retell events many times. Change the subject.
b. Convince children that the events are not as serious as they seem.
c. Reassure children you are there to protect them.
d. Reassure children that such events will not happen again and refocus their attention.
As Kelvin learns a new skill within his zone of proximal development, his dad provides
scaffolding. Lev Vygotsky coined the term zone of proximal development to refer to:
a. the area between what a child can do independently and what the child can do with
b. how children use cultural tools that are handed down from one generation to the next.
c. the acquisition of psychological tools (such as language) that are involved in
mediating cognitive processes.
d. a child's use of cultural funds of knowledge to solve problems and construct
Ms. Wang is studying the IQ scores of children she is teaching. What important
consideration should she keep in mind?
a. IQ tests are not free of cultural content and always have built-in biases.
b. IQ scores predict school success differently for children of different income levels.
c. IQ is genetically determined and scores are of minimal significance.
d. IQ scores predict school success differently for children of different races.
Ms. Goldsmith is very concerned about her daughter who has difficulty adjusting to
new routines, lacks empathy, and gets angry when she can"t finish a puzzle. The
daughter's behaviors demonstrate problems with:
a. self-conscious emotions.
b. emotional self-regulation.
c. her sense of real self versus her ideal self.
d. all-or-none thinking.
What is known about the self-esteem of bullies?
a. Bullies may have high or low self-esteem.
b. Children who bully peers in middle childhood have low self-esteem.
c. Bullies raise their low self-esteem by bullying weaker children.
d. Boys who bully have low self-esteem, but girls who bully may have low or high
Paula has a history of hemophilia in her family. She was extremely relieved when the
tests from her ______________ test revealed that her fetus is healthy and does not show
evidence of being at risk for hemophilia.
a. alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
b. amniocentesis
c. ultra-sound imaging
d. DNA
The secular trend is defined as:
a. the influence of better nutrition and medical care in delaying onset of puberty in
adolescents living in developed countries.
b. the pattern of earlier onset of puberty in boys (decreasing the age difference between
male and female onset of puberty).
c. the pattern that menarche and other aspects of puberty are experienced by girls earlier
with each new generation.
d. the influence of environmental factors such as toxins that interfere with hormones
and delay puberty.
What is the normal weight and length of healthy newborns?
a. 5.5 to 10 pounds, 20 inches
b. 6 to 9 pounds, 18 inches
c. 5 to 8 pounds, 18 inches
d. 7 to 12 pounds, 21 inches
Which of the following teens is most likely to experience popularity among peers as a
result of his or her age of maturation?
a. Nancy is maturing later than many of her peers.
b. Sophia is maturing earlier than many of her peers.
c. Gerard is maturing later than many of his peers.
d. Colby is maturing earlier than many of his peers.

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