SED AP 36849

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1872
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Mr. and Mrs. Finis want to reduce gender stereotyping in their 5-year-old twins, Emma
and Erik. Mr. and Mrs. Finis should
A) punish Emma and Erik whenever they engage in gender-stereotyped behavior.
B) force Emma to play with cars and trucks and force Erik to play with dolls and
pretend kitchen toys.
C) take turns making dinner, bathing Emma and Erik, and driving the family car and
provide both Emma and Erik with trucks and dolls.
D) realize that biological factors are largely responsible for gender stereotyping and
accept their children's gender-typed behavior and preferences.
Which of the following statements is true about training parents in preterm infant
caregiving skills?
A) All parents of preterm infants need long-term intensive intervention.
B) Just a few sessions of coaching are needed for families with preterm infants,
regardless of the parents' economic or personal resources.
C) Interventions that support parents of preterm infants generally teach them about the
infant's characteristics.
D) Interventions that support parents of preterm infants generally teach them about
situational and personal barriers.
Maddox has mild mental retardation and receives all of his special education services in
a regular classroom. Maddox is experiencing
A) mainstreaming.
B) full inclusion.
C) transitional learning.
D) an overly restrictive environment.
Compared to low- or middle-SES parents, affluent parents
A) are nearly as physically and emotionally unavailable to their children as parents
coping with serious financial strain.
B) make very few educational demands of their children.
C) are better at preventing substance abuse in their teenagers.
D) are more likely to provide after-school supervision and emotional support to their
Which of the following is an example of a primary sexual characteristic?
A) breast development in females
B) the appearance of underarm hair
C) penis development in males
D) the appearance of pubic hair
Based on habituation and recovery research, Dahlia's parents know that between 6 and
12 months old, Dahlia will be able to
A) only sort items into one or two basic categories, such as animals and people.
B) group objects into an impressive array of categories like food items, furniture, birds,
animals, kitchen utensils, and spatial location.
C) organize her physical world but not yet categorize her emotional and social worlds.
D) sort familiar and novel items based on color, size, shape, and function.
Research on collectivist cultures has shown that
A) Kohlberg's highest stages are limited to Western societies that emphasize individual
B) moral statements portray the individual as disconnected from the social group.
C) individuals in individualistic and collectivist societies reason in much the same way.
D) their responses to moral dilemmas are often more other-directed than in
individualistic societies.
A study of the famine in the Netherlands revealed that women affected by malnutrition
during the __________ were more likely to give birth to babies with physical defects.
A) first trimester
B) fetal period
C) second trimester
D) third trimester
The yolk sac
A) produces blood cells until the developing liver, spleen, and bone marrow are mature
enough to take over this function.
B) forms a membrane that encloses the developing organism.
C) helps keep the temperature of the prenatal world constant.
D) provides a cushion against any jolts caused by the mother's movement.
During adolescence,
A) thought and language expand at an astounding rate.
B) young people begin to master academic knowledge and skills.
C) young people fully assume adult roles.
D) thought becomes abstract and idealistic.
Cross-cultural research shows that cosleeping
A) is the norm for approximately 90 percent of the world's population.
B) causes a decrease in mothers' total sleep time.
C) is a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
D) children are at risk for later emotional problems, especially dependency.
Dimitri believes that girls can be firefighters and boys can be caregivers for their
children. Dimitri's beliefs illustrate
A) androgyny.
B) gender-stereotype flexibility.
C) gender constancy.
D) gender stability.
Research indicates that by age 10, the most important aspect of friendship is usually
A) mutual interests.
B) trust.
C) loyalty.
D) intimacy.
Dr. Arbus is interested in learning how children come to understand their multifaceted
world. In her research, she asks questions like: When do infants discover that they are
separate beings, distinct from other people and objects? Dr. Arbus is studying
A) social cognition.
B) the inner self.
C) self-concept.
D) personality development.
Professor Elgin is interested in how a family's socioeconomic status (SES) affects
children's well-being. When measuring SES, which of the following variables will
Professor Elgin consider?
A) years of education, the prestige of one's job and the skill it requires, and income
B) race, years of education, and number of dependent children in the family
C) amount of debt a family has, income, and social status within the community
D) years of education, net worth, and family size
In Cattell's theory of intelligence, __________ refers to skills that depend on
accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgment, and mastery of social customs,
whereas __________ depends more heavily on basic information-processing skills.
A) the s factor; the g factor
B) fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence
C) the g factor; the s factor
D) crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence
To minimize observer influence, researchers can
A) limit their observations to children over the age of 12.
B) tell participants what they are trying to study.
C) ask individuals who are part of the child's natural environment to do the observing.
D) tell participants that they must be serious and behave in a natural way.
Which of the following predicted substantially higher achievement for students from
fourth through ninth grades?
A) experiencing small classes from kindergarten through third grade
B) placing teachers' aides in classrooms
C) participating in extracurricular activities
D) a focus on teaching social skills as well as academics
Language areas in the cerebral cortex
A) are found exclusively in the left hemisphere.
B) are fully lateralized at birth.
C) develop as children acquire language.
D) are not fully functional until adulthood.
Which of the following is an example of a basic emotion?
A) shame
B) fear
C) embarrassment
D) guilt
In Sternberg's theory, individuals who are high in practical intelligence excel at
A) generating solutions to novel problems.
B) adapting their thinking to fit with the demands of their everyday worlds.
C) acquiring task-relevant and metacognitive knowledge.
D) tasks assessing nonverbal abilities.
Prosocial TV programs promote children's kind and helpful acts
A) up to several years later.
B) when shown in conjunction with violent programs.
C) only in real-life situations that imitate the TV programs.
D) only when they are free of violent content.
According to recent estimates, about __________ percent of lesbian couples and
__________ percent of gay couples are parents.
A) 5 to 15; 20 to 35
B) 10 to 25; 5 to 15
C) 20 to 35; 5 to 15
D) 25 to 30; 10 to 15
At Kohlberg's conventional level, moral understanding is based on
A) rewards, punishment, and the power of authority figures.
B) abstract principles and values that apply to all situations and societies.
C) actively maintaining the current social system to ensure positive human relationships
and societal order.
D) the degree to which morality is central to self-concept.
Which of the following statements is true regarding cooperative learning?
A) The extent to which children achieve independence is key to fostering cooperative
B) For cooperative learning to succeed, Western children usually require extensive
C) A single peer interaction is more beneficial than interactions with multiple peers.
D) Children's problem solving improves most when their peer partner has equal
expertise on the task.
Often researchers cannot randomly assign participants and manipulate conditions in the
real world, so they compromise by conducting __________ experiments.
A) field
B) laboratory
C) natural, or quasi-,
D) correlational
About 90 percent of high school students are aware of basic facts about AIDS,
A) so the spread of the disease has slowed dramatically in the past decade.
B) resulting in the virtual elimination of the disease among high school graduates.
C) in spite of huge parental and political protests.
D) yet most have limited understanding of other STDs.
As Toshio approaches any situation, he rapidly appraises its personal significance,
which prepares him for action. What does Toshio's appraisal represent?
A) emotion
B) theory
C) attitude
D) temperament
Which of the following statements is true about crying infants?
A) Few parents respond to a crying baby's call for help with extra care and attention.
B) Abusive parents sometimes cite a high-pitched, grating cry as one factor that caused
them to lose control and harm the baby.
C) Preterm and ill babies are the least likely to be abused by highly stressed parents.
D) Colic rarely subsides before 12 months of age.
In Piaget's theory, when children are in a state of disequilibrium,
A) their schemes become disorganized and development is temporarily stalled.
B) they realize that new information does not match their current schemes.
C) they are likely to construct inefficient schemes.
D) their existing schemes are not likely to change very much.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on cultural differences in
learned helplessness?
A) When their children fail, Chinese mothers offer praise and focus on the child's effort.
B) Compared with American parents, Asian parents believe that success in school
depends much more on ability than effort.
C) Americans focus less on success than on happiness because happiness enhances
D) Asians attend more to failure than to success because failure indicates where
corrective action is needed.
Research confirms that an effective way to reduce prejudicein children and adults
alikeis through
A) therapy.
B) educational classes.
C) open communication.
D) intergroup contact.
If Lydia goes to a constructivist classroom, which of the following outcomes will most
likely occur?
A) She will show a slight edge in achievement test scores over children in traditional
B) She will show gains in critical thinking and moral maturity.
C) She will show gains in cognitive development and creativity.
D) She will display a decrease in behavioral problems during high school.

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