SED AP 19736

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2649
subject Authors William L. Heward

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Residual hearing is defined as
A) sounds amplified by a hearing aid
B) sounds measured by a hearing test
C) sounds perceived by a deaf person
D) sounds that can no longer be heard after a hearing loss
The smallest elements of language that carry meaning are called
A) morphemes
B) phonemes
C) syllables
D) words
The NJCLD definition of learning disabilities is different from the IDEA definition in
A) it pertains to school-age children only
B) social difficulties are recognized as a learning disability
C) a specific formula for calculating a discrepancy score is provided
D) central nervous system dysfunction is presumed to the cause of learning disabilities
Mrs. Fonzi just attended a workshop on explicit instruction. She is trying to make her
lessons more explicit. Her lesson focuses on rhyming words. What would be the first
step in making the lesson more explicit?
A) providing guided practice using words that rhyme and don"t rhyme
B) providing independent practice activities that focus on rhyming words
C) modeling examples of rhyming words and explaining why they rhyme
D) reading The Cat in the Hat and asking students to identify rhyming words
How Mrs. Morales spends time each day teaching her first grade students how letters
and combinations of letters represent small segments of speech called phonemes is
known as
A) fluency
B) segmentation
C) phonemic awareness
D) the alphabetic principle
Which of the following is not a factor that determines how a hearing loss affects
language and communication?
A) the degree of hearing loss
B) the language spoken in the home
C) the attitudes of parents and siblings
D) the presence or absence of other disabilities
What is the defining characteristic of students with learning disabilities?
A) severe reading problems
B) poor memory and attention
C) difficulty understanding and using language
D) specific and significant achievement deficits in spite of adequate intelligence
Collin has 20/100 vision. This means that
A) he is legally blind
B) he sees as well as or better than 20% of his classmates
C) he can identify only 20 letters on the Snellen Eye Chart correctly
D) he sees at a distance of 20 feet what a normally sighted person sees at a distance of
100 feet
Which of the following is an ineffective inclusion strategy?
A) classwide peer tutoring
B) co-teaching with a special educator
C) implementing accommodations and modifications
D) placing a student with a disability in general education to see if he/she can succeed
Early intervention services
A) are also for children who are gifted and talented
B) are funded by ADA
C) are only mandated for infants and toddlers experiencing developmental delays
D) are prescribed and implemented according to an individualized family service plan
Colby is a year old and has cleft palate. He needs an evaluation to determine if
problems associated with this condition are affecting his hearing. Which of the
following tests can be used?
A) pure-tone audiometry
B) operant conditioning audiometry
C) speech reception threshold (SRT)
D) voice recognition testing (VRT)
Carlos is a high school student who uses a wheelchair. He participates in advanced
placement math and science classes and does well in other subjects. He feels awkward
in PE because he is unable to fully participate in sports such as basketball. According to
current terminology, Carlos is
A) at-risk
B) challenged
C) handicapped
D) impaired
Research on self-monitoring and students with ADHD indicates that
A) students with ADHD are rarely honest about their behavior
B) students with ADHD are too distracted to monitor their own behavior
C) students with ADHD should be taught to monitor their off-task and disruptive
D) students with ADHD should be taught to monitor performance of academic and
social tasks
What are the two major categories of suspected causes of emotional and behavioral
A) etiological and genetic
B) genetic and pathological
C) biological and environmental
D) biological and developmental
In the Lidcombe Program, children who stutter
A) are praised for fluent speech
B) are praised for maintaining eye contact
C) are taught to speak to a rhythmic beat
D) are taught to prolong troublesome sounds
Which of the following is true about cognition and children with limited vision?
A) They have difficulty connecting their experiences.
B) Their potential to learn is extremely limited.
C) They perform more poorly on tasks that require recall.
D) They cannot be taught the meaning of many abstract concepts.
Travis is a third grade student with an intellectual disability. He has just been placed in
Mrs. Kinard's third grade class. Students in his class are learning their multiplication
facts. Travis is eager to participate in class but instead of allowing Travis to do the same
activity as the other students, Mrs. Kinard gives him a coloring worksheet that she
obtained from a colleague who teaches kindergarten. Which of the disadvantages of
labeling is exemplified by her actions?
A) The label is being used to explain his behavior.
B) The label has caused her to have lower expectations.
C) The label has caused her to ridicule and reject Travis.
D) The label has contributed to the expenditure of greater amounts of money.
Which educational approach emphasizes the use of both speech and sign language?
A) oral/aural
B) cued speech
C) bilingual/bicultural
D) total communication
Which did the landmark Skeels and Dye (1939) study conclude?
A) Intelligence is not fixed.
B) Parental involvement in intervention is crucial.
C) Early intervention is not helpful for children with disabilities.
D) Certain inherited traits place children at risk for developing later disabilities.
Mrs. Torrez has been informed that Victoria, a new student with low vision, is being
placed in her class. Which of the following is probably true about Victoria?
A) She will wear thick glasses.
B) She will need to use braille to learn.
C) She will mainly use her vision to learn.
D) She will use her vision mainly to help her get around in the classroom.
Malcolm is a student in Mrs. Whetstone's fourth grade class. She is confused by his
difficulties. Some days, he is so dizzy that he spends most of the day with the nurse. He
also reports that he hears noises or ringing sounds that nobody else hears. Sometimes,
Malcolm does not seem to hear and other days his hearing is much better. Malcolm has
symptoms associated with
A) cytomegalovirus
B) Mnire's disease
C) otitis media
D) toxoplasmosis
Which of the following children shows signs of a receptive language disorder?
A) Jayla, who says, "Him sawed the animal."
B) Alyssa, who says "Tanks for the tookie." instead of "Thanks for the cookie."
C) Chelsea, who can"t follow a sequence of commands such as "Get your coat." and
"Line up."
D) Michaela, who says, "G-G-Good m-m-m-morning, M-M-M-Mrs. Little." to the
The eardrum is also known as the
A) auricle
B) meatus
C) ossicle
D) tympanic membrane
Signs of noise sufficient enough to risk hearing loss include
A) Ringing in the ears while in the noisy area
B) Placing a hand to the ear in order to hear better
C) Hearing only soft or muffled sounds after leaving the noisy area
D) Having to shout to be heard when standing 10 feet away from a person
Developmental domains include areas such as
A) home, center, school, community
B) health, welfare, well-being, education
C) physical, cognitive, communication, social
D) nutrition, medical, parent involvement, school intervention
The two most common genetic causes of intellectual disabilities are
A) Down syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
B) Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome
C) fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Tay-Sachs disease
D) Prader-Willi syndrome and PKU
Principles for effective communication between parents and educators include all of the
following except
A) passive listening
B) staying focused
C) effective questions
D) accepting parents' statements
Teachers can help children with low vision develop visual efficiency by
A) making their classrooms very attractive
B) providing individual visual stimulation sessions
C) providing visual instruction in the context of daily activities
D) conducting frequent assessments of visual acuity and visual field
In the United States, the majority of people with hearing loss are
A) between the ages of birth and 5
B) between the ages of 6 and 21
C) between the ages of 35 and 60
D) 65 years or older
According to the American Psychiatric Association, the onset of symptoms of ADHD
should occur
A) by the age of 12
B) before the age of 5
C) before the age of 7
D) before the age of 9
What pervasive developmental disorders make up autism spectrum disorders?
How is frequency or pitch measured, and how is the measurement related to hertz?
Give a brief description of the relationship between heredity and/or genetics and
reading disability.
The differentiation strategy in which the pace at which a student moves through the
curriculum is modified is called _____. Explain a common concern in using this
Teaching a child what sound each letter makes is an example of which of the six
principles of early reading instruction?
Name any four of the sources of information that can be used to identify a student as
gifted and talented.
Name and define the educational classifications of students with visual impairments.
Suppose that a colleague approached you for advice concerning a student who stuttered.
What advice would you offer her/him?
What constitutes a functional curriculum?
Define and give examples of established risk conditions.
What is one benefit of attending a social event with your student and his/her family?
Define universal precautions and give two examples.
Name any one of the five strategies essential to providing an effective education for a
child with ASD who is included in the general education classroom.
Explain the five principles of effective communication and give an example of each.
List four of Grossen's (2004) six principles for early reading instruction.
What is the most effective classroom adaptation for students with low vision?
What is the appropriate placement for a student with learning disabilities?
Explain the court case Timothy W. v. Rochester School District and the outcome.
What is one of the two notable findings of the Hart & Risley (1995, 1999) longitudinal
According to the IDEA definition, what is affected by autism?

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