Sales Chapter 8 one of the most important ways to ensure a good first

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subject Pages 14
subject Words 3745
subject Authors John Tanner, Stephen Castleberry

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Chapter 08 Making the Sales Call Answer Key
True / False Questions
In the context of a sales presentation, one of the most important ways to ensure a good
first impression is to be well prepared.
If a salesperson makes a negative first impression when he meets a new buyer, he may
never overcome the damage that impression causes in their business relationship.
An opening is essentially a method that aims to secure buyer commitment.
In the context of a sales presentation, a drawback of the introduction opening is that it is
complex and generates small talk.
An advantage of the product opening is that it appeals to a prospect visually as well as
When Mike, a sales manager, tells Ruth that she can save at least $25 per month by
changing her long-distance service to BellSouth, he is using the benefit opening.
When using the compliment opening, a salesperson must get down to business matters
right away.
Ultimately, the goal of every salesperson should be to establish rapport with each
In the context of a sales presentation, the talk about current news, hobbies, mutual
friends, and the like that usually breaks the ice for the actual presentation is often referred
to as "small talk."
Drivers and analyticals enjoy nonbusiness conversations more than amiables and
When a sales representative makes a presentation, he or she should discuss product
information right in the beginning before the buyer brings his needs and opinions into the
Experienced salespeople attempt to uncover a prospect's needs and problems at the start
of the relationship.
Closed questions encourage prospects to open up and share a great deal of information.
Closed questions usually help paint the broad strokes of a situation, whereas open
questions help zero in on specific problems and attitudes.
Inexperienced and unsuccessful salespeople tend to ask too many situation questions.
Ultimately, the objective of using implication questions is to help a prospect realize the
seriousness of the identified problem.
Need payoff questions are essentially problem centered.
If a prospect responds negatively to a need payoff question, then the salesperson should
not probe further.
The SPIN (situation questions, problem questions, implication questions, need payoff
questions) technique is difficult to use when a seller is discussing only an opportunity and
not real problems.
In the FEBA (features, evidence, benefits, agreement) approach to sales, salespeople
mention the feature, provide evidence that the feature actually exists, explain the benefits,
and then ask whether the buyer agrees with the value of the feature and benefit.
Buyers are not interested in facts about a product or a seller's company unless those facts
help solve their wants or needs.
When selling to resellers, salespeople need to focus solely on the seller's company rather
than the needs of the ultimate consumer.
Salespeople need to avoid assessing a prospect's reactions during a presentation as this
can distract them from their sales pitch.
During a trial close, a salesperson should avoid asking probing questions.
A trial close refers to the process of allowing a customer to use a product for a specified
trial period in order to gather feedback.
Selective perception is the act of hearing what one wants to hear, not necessarily what the
other person is saying.
To establish credibility early in the sales call, a salesperson should clearly delineate the
amount of time he or she will need and complete the presentation within the stated time
A way to establish credibility is to offer concrete evidence to back up verbal statements.
The purpose of a credibility statement is to help prospects identify their needs.
A seller must expect less objections and interruptions in a group setting compared to
selling to an individual.
Multiple Choice Questions
In the context of sales presentations, the process of asking questions to know the pulse of
the situation throughout the sales presentation is known as:
Rob, a salesperson, meets his customers, Jake and Neil. He greets Jake, a new customer,
and takes him out on a tour of the city because he wants to develop a relationship of trust
with him. With Neil, an old customer, Rob tries to follow up an order he had placed in his
previous sales presentation. According to the Four A's (acknowledge, acquire, advise,
assure) concept of the selling process, which of the following statements is true of Jake
and Neil?
Which of the following is a desirable course of action when a salesperson finds out that a
buyer will not be able to meet him or her at the appointed time?
Nikola, a salesperson at a cosmetic firm, gives a sales presentation to Jarvis. When she
begins her sales presentation, Jarvis assumes that she is a good and effective salesperson
because he remembers an incident where she was polite and courteous to him. Since
then, Jarvis always perceives Nikola to be good at her job. Which of the following
phenomena best explains Jarvis's perception of Nikola?
Dawn walks into a customer's office with her sales presentation planned and immediately
recognizes that the customer is upset about something. In this situation, Dawn should:
For a salesperson trying to grab the attention of a new customer, it is desirable to:
Just as Brian, a sales manager, walked into a prospect's office carrying samples and his
portfolio for the demonstration, he tripped and fell down right in front of the prospect. All
his material for the presentation was scattered on the floor, and it took him almost five
minutes to get things back on track. Because of the _____, the prospect is likely to
permanently label Brian as clumsy and ineffectual.
Which of the following is a method designed to get a prospect's attention and interest
quickly and make a smooth transition to the next part of the presentation?
"Ms. Hallgren, thank you for seeing me today. My name is Daniel Mundt, and I'm with
ServiceMaster." In the context of a sales presentation, this is an example of a(n) _____
Michael is a salesperson for a company that manufactures television sets. He begins his
sales presentation with a prospect by telling him that he was recommended by the
prospect's friend, Vincent. Michael tells the prospect, "Vincent said that you were
interested in buying a television set with state-of-the-art technology. Our firm has just
about the right type of television sets that could cater to your needs." In this case, Michael
is using the _____ opening to get the attention of his prospect.
Which of the following is the best example of a benefit opening?
Clara is a new salesperson for a pharmaceutical firm. When trying to get the attention of a
prospect, she begins her sales presentation by stating her name and the name of the firm
she represents instead of talking about the advantages of the firm's products. This is an
example of a(n):
"This model 107 electric nail gun will reduce the amount of time your crew spends roofing
a 3,000 square foot home by 30 percent. This will lower your labor costs and allow you to
bid more competitively in the market for your service." This opening statement is an
example of a(n) _____ opening.
A(n) _____ opening involves actually providing a demonstration of a good or service as
soon as a salesperson meets the prospect.
Marissa designs customized jewelry and wants to sell her products through Gaia, a chain
of boutiques retailing women's accessories. During her first meeting with the owner of
Gaia, even before they settle down to talk, Marissa opens cases of rings, pendants, and
earrings that she has designed and asks her prospect to try some samples on. Marissa is
using the _____ opening method in this scenario.
Irene is a salesperson for Pro, a company selling sports and driving gear. Irene begins her
meeting with a prospect by saying, "Driving an 18-wheel truck eight hours a day must be
hard on you physically, but you can reduce some of that fatigue by putting this special
cushion in your truck seat," and she hands a sample to her prospect. Irene is using the
_____ opening.
George tries to sell his firm's new air conditioner to a prospect. He opens his sales
presentation by talking about how the new air conditioner reduces the average power
consumption by 33 percent and how it would save nearly $150 a month if the prospect
runs the air conditioner for six hours every day. In this case, George is using the _____
Jordan, a senior salesperson for a steel firm, plans to get a huge investment from the
owner of an automaker. He begins his sales presentation by saying to the owner,
"Congratulations on being awarded the 'Innovative Automaker of the Year.' It is great to
work with one of the pioneers of the automobile industry." Jordan is using the _____
opening in this scenario.
The booking agent for Moser Midway Rides walked into the management office for the
Ohio State Fair and said, "The average family of four will spend 5.5 hours at the fair and
spend between $60 and $70. How would you like to have that same family spend between
$90 and $100 at your fair?" Which of the following methods of opening was the
salesperson using in this scenario?
"Mr. Rogers, if I could show you a way to increase sales in your bookstore by 20 percent
per year, would you be interested?" probed Leesa. In this example, Leesa is using the
_____ opening.
A salesperson for KLN Machines, Steve, began his meeting with a prospect by saying, "I
noticed that you have a collection of antique thermometers in your outer office. My father
has been collecting soda pop thermometers for almost fifteen years. What got you
interested in collecting them?" In this scenario, Steve was trying to:
Which of the following pairs of individuals are most receptive to small talk?
A salesperson's best line of defense when something goes wrong during his sales
presentation is to:
Which of the following is the most important characteristic of successful sales
_____ require a prospect to go beyond a simple yes-no response and share a great deal of
useful information.
Which of the following is an example of an open question?

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