Psychology Chapter 15 1 The Multiphasic Sex Inventory The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory The Clarke Sexual

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subject Authors Jack Kitaeff

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1. In the United States, about _______________ children die each year from mistreatment
a. 1,100
b. 1,200
c. 1,300
d. 1,400
2. A failure to provide for a child's basic needs, an act of omission rather than one of commission,
is referred to as
a. child neglect
b. child abuse
c. passive abuse
d. benign neglect
3. Child mistreatment can have tremendous long-lasting physical and psychological
implications for children who are victims. This can include “internalizing problems such as
a. apathy
b. withdrawal
c. low self-esteem
d. all the above
4. Child mistreatment can have tremendous long-lasting physical and psychological
implications for children who are victims. This can include “externalizing” problems such as
a. chronic shyness
b. conduct disorder
c. feelings of low self-worth
d. all the above
5. Physical child abuse includes
a. punching or beating
b. leaving the child unattended for long periods of time
c. biting or shaking
d. both a and c
6. About _____ of child maltreatment is composed of physical abuse
a. 5%
b. 9%
c. 15%
d. 19%
7. Emotional child abuse includes
a. constant criticism
b. rejection
c. pushing
d. both a and b
8. Which of the following would not be an example of child sexual abuse?
a. indecent touching of a child
b. burning with a lit cigarette
c. rape
d. forcing the child to view pornography
9. About _____ of child sexual abuse is committed by parents
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 70%
d. 80%
10. Relatives other than parents account for _____ of child sexual abuse
a. 5%
b. 7%
c. 9%
d. 11%
11. The average rate of childhood sexual abuse recalled by women is _____
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 45%
12. The average rate of childhood sexual abuse recalled by men is _____
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 45%
13. Behavioral patterns suggestive of possible childhood sexual abuse include
a. running away from home in girls
b. an unusually high degree of sexual knowledge for both sexes
c. early sexual intercourse for both sexes
d. both b and c
14. Childhood sexual abuse can result in
a. anxiety and guilt
b. fear and withdrawal
c. posttraumatic stress disorder
d. all the above
15. Pedophilia is synonymous with
a. sexual offending against children
b. child molestation
c. rape
d. none of the above
16. Pedophilia is a _______________ term
a. legal
b. socio-cultural
c. medical/psychiatric/psychological
d. social psychological
17. A condition in which a person's ability for sexual arousal and gratification is based upon
fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and usually extreme, is
called _______________
a. paraphilia
b. fetish
c. urophilia
d. sadism
18. Rubbing against a non-consenting person, usually in a crowded and constrained space such
as an elevator, is called
a. voyeurism
b. exhibitionism
c. fetishism
d. frotteurism
19. Engaging in sex with non-human animals is called
a. fetishism
b. frotteurism
c. zoophilia
d. asphyxiophilia
20. Sex with the dead or someone pretending to be dead is called
a. zoophilia
b. necrophilia
c. asphyxiophilia
d. voyeurism
21. The modus operandi of pedophiles is usually to first
a. frighten their victims into submission
b. figure out an escape plan from their activities
c. gain the trust of their victim
d. coax the child into allowing him/herself to be touched
22. A sexual preference for pubescent children is called
a. pre-nubile voyeurism
b. urophilia
c. coprophilia
d. hebephilia
23. Which of the following is not a self-report questionnaire used to assess pedophilia?
a. The Multiphasic Sex Inventory
b. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
c. The Clarke Sexual History Questionnaire
d. The Wilson Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire
24. Self-report questionnaires, like interviews, are vulnerable to
a. self-report bias
b. lying
c. inhibition falsification
d. a and b
25. A technique which measures mental activity and brain patterns is called
a. neuroimaging
b. cingulate gyrus imagery
c. orbitofrontal cortex imagery
d. EKG
26. One explanation for why child victims of intra-family sexual abuse may be reluctant to
disclose their experiences is called the
a. Stockholm syndrome
b. child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome
c. repressed memory syndrome
d. parental alienation syndrome
27. _____ of children say they trust the people they meet on the World Wide Web
a. 5%
b. 7%
c. 10%
d. 39%
28. Some online sexual predators gradually seduce children by giving them attention and
showing affection and kindness. This is known as the _______________ approach
a. soft sell
b. alluring
c. attractive
d. hard sell
29. Adult men who pursue adolescent girls and boys on the Web are more likely to have
a. criminal histories
b. less education
c. feelings of inadequacy
d. all the above
30. The deliberate killing of a newborn is called
a. filicide
b. matricide
c. infanticide
d. patricide
31. Acts of murder, often religiously influenced, in which a woman is killed for her actual or
perceived immoral behavior is called
a. filicide
b. honor killing
c. infanticide
d. patricide
32. The killing of female babies and young girls solely due to their sex is called
a. gendercide
b. matricide
c. fratricide
d. patricide
33. Between _______________ Americans age 65 or older are injured, exploited, or
otherwise mistreated every year by someone on whom they depended for care or
a. one-half and one million
b. one and one-half million
c. one and two million
d. two and three million
34. Physical abuse accounts for _____ of the substantiated cases of elder mistreatment in the
United States
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%
35. Abandonment occurs when an older person is deserted by his or her caregiver who
previously had assumed responsibility for providing care for that individual. Neglect
refers to the refusal or failure of a person to uphold obligations to care for an older
person. This type of elder mistreatment, accounts for _____ of all substantiated cases.
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 35%
d. 55%
36. Financial exploitation of the elderly includes
a. misuse of an elder’s funds
b. taking money under false pretenses
c. forced property transfers
d. all the above
37. Any attitude, action, or institutional structure which subordinates a person or group
because of age or any assignment of roles in society purely on the basis of age, is called
a. vulnerable elder neglect
b. fraud
c. elder abandonment
d. ageism
38. Abusive caregivers often erroneously believe that their behaviors are caused by
a. the expectations of society
b. the victim
c. non-primary family members
d. all the above
Chapter 15 ANSWERS

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