Psychology Chapter 13 1 According The Battered Woman Syndrome This Phase Characterized Unusual Calm And Attempts

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subject Pages 6
subject Words 940
subject Authors Jack Kitaeff

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1. In the 1960s the psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim hypothesized that autistic children were
produced by mothers who were not competent to bond emotionally with their children. He
called these mothers
a. refrigerator moms
b. emotionally blunted moms
c. freezer moms
d. icicle moms
2. This person was considered by many to be the “father of forensic psychology”.
a. Hugo Münsterberg
b. Sigmund Freud
c. Martin Seligman
d. Clarence Darrow
3. The topic of the book “The Courage to Heal” was
a. repressed memories of alleged incest
b. self-hypnosis
c. self-help for phobias
d. dealing with rape
4. The mental process by which distressing thoughts, memories, or impulses are excluded from
consciousness and left to operate in the unconscious is called
a. selective unconsciousness
b. dissociation
c. repression
d. suppression
5. An abnormal integration of thoughts, feelings, and experiences into consciousness so that
traumatic memories are split off from conscious awareness is called
a. selective unconsciousness
b. dissociation
c. repression
d. suppression
6. The case of the _______________ is an example of what can happen when false memories,
over-zealous experts, and a fad-desensitized media come together
a. Manhattan Beach School
b. McMartin School
c. Buckey School
d. Children’s Institute School
7. This drug has been known as “truth serum.”
a. scopolamine
b. 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate
c. temazepam
d. sodium amytal
8. One judge referred to this as “spectral evidence.”
a. multiple personalities
b. psychological “syndromes”
c. “recovered” memories
d. “irresistible” impulses
9. In 1978 Dan White shot and killed Harvey Milk and San Francisco mayor George Moscone.
White’s defense team claimed that his poor diet contributed to his manic-depressive illness,
and that his manic-depressive illness contributed to his homicidal actions. This became
known as the _______________ defense.
a. junk food
b. cupcake
c. Milky Way
d. Twinkie
10. A set of symptoms and signs that occur in a regular pattern from patient to patient, and that
collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal
condition, is known as a
a. syndrome
b. diagnosis
c. manifestation
d. cluster
11. The phenomenon of hostages forming an identification with, and bonding to their captors is
called the
a. China Syndrome
b. Stockholm Syndrome
c. Love Fear Syndrome
d. Identification with the Aggressor Syndrome
12. The precursor to the battered woman syndrome was the research done on
a. learned helplessness
b. locus of control
c. cognitive maps
d. experimentally-induced neurosis
13. The original proponent of the battered women syndrome
a. Margaret Hagen
b. Ossian Sweet
c. Lenore Walker
d. Edward Kempf
14. According to the battered woman syndrome, the three phases of a battering cycle in their
correct order, are
a. acute battering, contrite and loving, tension building
b. contrite and loving, tension building, acute battering
c. contrite and loving, acute battering, tension building
d. tension building, acute battering, contrite and loving
15. According to the battered woman syndrome, this phase is characterized by a series of minor
verbal and physical battering events
a. acute battering
b. tension building
c. contrite and loving
d. none of the above
16. According to the battered woman syndrome, this phase is characterized by unusual calm
and attempts to make up for abusive behavior
a. acute battering
b. tension building
c. contrite and loving
d. none of the above
17. According to the battered woman syndrome, this phase is characterized by the victim’s
leaving the relationship temporarily
a. acute battering
b. tension building
c. contrite and loving
d. none of the above
18. Criticisms of the research underlying the battered woman syndrome include all of the
following except
a. failure to employ a proper control group
b. failure to employ appropriate statistical tests
c. failure to interview the victims of battered women syndrome
d. failure to employ controls to guard against researcher bias
19. The original research on the rape trauma syndrome (RTS) was conducted using
_______________ as subjects
a. female college students presenting at a counseling center during a three year period
b. female college students presenting at a counseling center during a one year period
c. women presenting at a Boston hospital emergency room during a three year period
d. women presenting at a Boston hospital emergency room during a one year period
20. In a trial for rape, evidence of RTS is usually introduced to put the _______________
actions into context
a. defendant’s
b. victim’s
c. assailant’s
d. victim’s family members
21. The original research on rape trauma syndrome has been criticized for all of the following
reasons except
a. inconsistent interviewing methods
b. lack of control groups
c. lack of sufficient sample size
d. none of the above
22. A ninety-year-old man looses consciousness due to a blocked blood vessel in his brain. As
a result, he looses control of his car and hits someone. His best defense is likely to be
a. lack of mens rea
b. uncontrollable spasm
c. automatism
d. a or c
23. Sleep-walking is the classic example of
a. automatism
b. deficient actus reus
c. Munchausen Syndrome
d. a factitious disorder
24. An intense form of anxiety, tension, and rage, experienced by an individual with latent
homosexual tendencies, is better known as
a. gay panic
b. homosexual panic
c. provocation
d. a or b
25. People v. Ferguson (1998) is a famous example of the _______________ in action
a. insanity defense
b. black rage defense
c. automatism defense
d. Early Arab trauma defense
26. A person is provoked, but unwilling or unable to retaliate against the original provocateur,
and later aggresses against a seemingly innocent target. This is likely an example of
a. displaced aggression
b. sublimation
c. catharsis
d. reinforced aggression
Chapter 13 ANSWERS

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