Psychology 97338

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1295
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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Each of the following requires a Ph.D. except for a ____.
a. clinical psychologist
b. counseling psychologist
c. school psychologist
d. social worker
Biological psychology is a field of study and a ____.
a. fundamental property
b. string theory
c. way to understand our place in the cosmos
d. point of view
Suppose you work on a submarine with only artificial light. You are required to follow a
schedule of working for 12 hours and then sleeping for 6. What rhythm, if any, will
your alertness and body temperature show?
a. They will follow a rhythm of 18 hours.
b. They will follow the usual rhythm of 24 hours.
c. They will follow a rhythm of 21 hours.
d. They will cease to show any consistent rhythm.
The term rhombencephalon refers to the:
a. brainstem.
b. hindbrain.
c. midbrain.
d. forebrain.
Hebb believed that short-term memory:
a. should not be distinguished from long-term memory.
b. was a temporary holding station on the way to long-term memory.
c. was more important than long-term memory.
d. was low-level memory.
People with conductive deafness:
a. often have an abnormal cochlea.
b. often have an abnormal auditory nerve.
c. often suffer damage to the hair cells.
d. can benefit from surgery or hearing aids.
One interpretation of how the hormone CCK promotes satiety is that it:
a. speeds up the digestive processes in the intestines.
b. increases the rate at which glucose enters the cells of the body.
c. causes the stomach to fill more quickly.
d. facilitates the emptying of the stomach.
What is believed to be the likely cause of plaques?
a. a relative deficit of thiamine
b. increased pressure from cerebrospinal fluid
c. amyloid deposits in the brain
d. a relative deficit of acetylcholine
Nitric oxide's value is that it:
a. increases blood flow to certain areas of the brain.
b. restricts blood flow to certain areas of the brain.
c. increases growth of microglia.
d. decreases growth of microglia.
Information reaches the pons within 3 to 8 ms after a ____, and the full startle reflex
occurs in less than two-tenths of a second.
a. loud noise.
b. puff of air directed at your eye.
c. bright light.
d. pinch on the foot.
A "Hebbian" synapse is one in which:
a. activity at that synapse strengthens the response of the postsynaptic neuron to all of
its synapses.
b. repeated use of the synapse over a limited period of time leads to habituation.
c. calcium flows into the cell while magnesium flows out of the cell.
d. activity of the synapse, paired with an action potential in the postsynaptic cell,
strengthens that synapse.
Chemically, what is the route from genes to their expression?
a. DNA to proteins to RNA
b. DNA to RNA to proteins
c. proteins to DNA to RNA
d. RNA to DNA to proteins
What would cause a young mammal's external genitals to have an appearance
intermediate between a male and a female?
a. normal levels of estrogen in a genetic female
b. high levels of both testosterone and estrogen in a genetic male
c. more testosterone than other females in a genetic female
d. extra estrogen production in a genetic male
Immature cells that are capable of developing into a variety of cells are known as:
a. stem cells.
b. neurotrophins.
c. L-dopa cells.
d. mitochondria.
Genetic males whose penis is damaged or removed shortly after birth and are then
reared as females:
a. are happily reared as females.
b. often ask to be reassigned as males.
c. randomly develop a clear gender identity.
d. are often able to regrow a penis.
What are the differences among the three types of skeletal muscle found in fish fired,
pink, and white)?
a. speed of contraction
b. susceptibility to fatigue
c. both speed of contraction and susceptibility to fatigue
d. only their color
What is the primary area of the cerebral cortex for auditory sensations?
a. Occipital
b. Parietal
c. Temporal
d. Frontal
Which of the following is TRUE of local neurons?
a. They exchange information with distant neurons.
b. They abide by the all-or-none principle.
c. The change in membrane potential increases as it travels.
d. They have short dendrites and axons.
As the neural tube sinks under the surface of the skin, the forward end enlarges and
differentiates into the:
a. spine, midbrain, and forebrain.
b. hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain.
c. hindbrain, midbrain.
d. midbrain, forebrain.
The vagus nerve is to ____ as the splanchnic nerves are to ____.
a. stomach fullness; nutrient contents of the stomach
b. the taste of food; the texture of food
c. nutrient contents of the stomach; water contents of the stomach
d. oral factors (such as chewing and taste); stomach fullness
Fluent aphasia, in which the victim has difficulty comprehending language but is still
able to speak smoothly, is due to damage that includes:
a. Broca's area.
b. Wernicke's area.
c. the prefrontal cortex.
d. the corpus callosum.
Bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder differ with regard to:
a. how many relatives also have the condition.
b. how rapidly the cycles occur.
c. whether they include full-blown manic phases.
d. whether they develop suddenly at an early age or gradually at a later age.
Axons in the corpus callosum will survive to maturity if they make connections with
cells in the ____ hemisphere with ____ functions.
a. contralateral; similar
b. contralateral; different
c. ipsilateral; similar
d. ipsilateral; different
Unlike male prairie voles, male meadow voles show ____ preference to sitting near a
female with which he has just mated.
a. increased
b. Decreased
c. No
d. Alternating
The neuron excretes neurotransmitter through its membrane by a process called:
a. Dale's principle.
b. exocytosis.
c. endocytosis.
d. voltage-dependent flow.
Which of the following are two kinds of proprioceptors?
a. extensors and contractors
b. contractors and muscle spindles
c. muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs
d. muscle spindles and extensors
The brain area most often linked to drug addiction is the:
a. nucleus accumbens.
b. whole limbic system.
c. frontal lobes.
d. brain stem.
Which of the following is NOT governed by the all-or-none law?
a. unmyelinated axons
b. myelinated axons
c. motor neurons
d. local neurons
The planum temporale is slightly ____ in the ____ temporal lobe of schizophrenics,
compared to most other people.
a. deformed; left
b. larger; left
c. larger; right
d. smaller; right
Genetic factors have their greatest impact on Parkinson's disease in cases of:
a. early onset of the disease.
b. late onset of the disease.
c. first-born children.
d. children with older brothers and sisters.

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