Psychology 96791

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1438
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Concerning the mind-body relationship, Descartes proposed:
A. psychophysical parallelism
B. epiphenomenalism
C. idealistic monism
D. interactionism
Camouflage utilizes the Gestalt principle of:
A. continuity
B. proximity
C. closure
D. inclusiveness
Which of the following characteristics of contemporary psychology would most
disappoint Watson?
A. The emphasis on the prediction and control of behavior
B. The emphasis on overt behavior as psychology's subject matter
C. The popularity of cognitive psychology
D. The form of behaviorism referred to as radical
Third-force psychology contrasts with most other types of psychology because:
A. it assumes determinism in explaining behavior
B. it assumes people are not free to choose their own type of existence
C. it proposes that the most important cause of behavior is subjective reality
D. it proposes that the most important cause of behavior is objective reality
In explaining how the elements of thought combine, Titchener emphasized:
A. apperception
B. creative synthesis
C. traditional associationism
D. an active mind
Behavioral geneticists tend toward ____ because they believe that at least some thought
processes or behavior patterns are strongly influenced by heredity.
A. empiricism
B. nativism
C. dualism
D. sensationalism
May, like the other existentialists, believed that the most important fact about humans is
that they are:
A. in essence, animals
B. plagued with guilt
C. free
D. moral
Aristotle's philosophy was highly influential in ____ during the so-called Dark Ages.
A. the Western world
B. the Roman Empire
C. the Arab world
D. Alexandria
In dream analysis, displacement is when:
A. we dream of something symbolically similar to an anxiety-provoking event
B. one element of a dream symbolizes several things in waking life
C. we substitute our real desires for imagined ones
D. we forget our dreams after we awaken
According to Hume, the mind is:
A. a set of perceptions that a person is having at any given moment
B. a nonmaterial entity that exists independently of the body
C. that part of a person that organizes his or her experiences
D. responsible for human rationality
Those who take the molar approach to studying behavior and/or psychological
phenomena are called:
A. elementalists
B. functional analysts
C. materialists
D. holists
What two broad events were key factors in the acceptance of the objective study of
nature, ultimately weakening the authority of the church?
A. Exploration; medicine
B. Exploration; printing
C. War; medicine
D. War; printing
What best describes how classes of events vary together in some systematic way?
a. Scientific theories
b. Scientific laws
c. Causal laws
d. Correlational laws
Because Comte believed that science should be practical and nonspeculative, his view
of science was very similar to that of:
A. the Scholastics
B. Popper
C. Bacon
D. Descartes
According to Rousseau, all the governments of his time were based on the faulty
assumption that:
A. humans are rational
B. a limited government benefits everyone
C. humans need to be governed
D. government and free will can coexist
Lashley's observation that any part of a functional area of the brain could perform the
function associated with that area was called:
A. mass action
B. functionalism
C. equipotentiality
D. psychobiology
Who noted the effectiveness of herbal remedies in treating mental and physical
disorders and claimed that health resulted when people were in harmony with the
"universal spirit"?
A. Paracelsus
B. Agrippa
C. Weyer
D. Plater
How did Guthrie account for forgetting?
A. He believed it occurred as the result of unreinforced practice.
B. He believed it was the result of the decay of the neural trace.
C. He believed it occurred when individuals failed to pay attention to the stimulus
D. He believed that is resulted from the replacement of an old association with a new
According to Kant, our phenomenological experience results from:
A. sensory experience alone
B. innate ideas
C. categories of thought alone
D. the interaction between sensations and the categories of thought
Which of the following was considered a positive contribution of Gestalt psychology?
A. It moved psychology closer to elementism.
B. It demonstrated the organizational nature of perception.
C. It demonstrated that introspection could not be used if psychology was to become an
objective science.
D. It demonstrated the importance of evolution to psychological development.
The recent interest in cognitive psychology spurred a renewed interest in:
A. operant conditioning and positivism
B. operant conditioning and the mind-body problem
C. faculty psychology and positivism
D. faculty psychology and the mind-body problem
According to Anna Freud, when a person adopts the values of a feared person, it is
A. altruistic surrender
B. synchronicity
C. identification with the aggressor
D. displacement of the ego
Tolman believed that organisms (including humans) learn by:
A. direct behavioral involvement with the environment
B. observing what leads to what in the environment
C. the reinforcement of overt responses
D. the drive reduction that follows certain responses
Hobbes, along with many theologians and philosophers, believed human nature to be
____, whereas Rousseau believed it to be basically ____.
A. rational; impulsive
B. good; animalistic
C. animalistic; good
D. good; selfish
Adler believed that through ____, a person could adjust to a weakness in one part of his
or her body by developing strengths in other parts.
A. displacement
B. compensation
C. overcompensation
D. sublimation
Hume's goal was to combine ____ with principles of ____ to create a science of human
A. rational philosophy; association
B. empirical philosophy; association
C. empirical philosophy; Newtonian science
D. innate ideas; Newtonian science
Because of the principle of ____, incomplete figures are seen as complete.
A. continuity
B. inclusiveness
C. closure
D. proximity
During his early career, Freud first made a name for himself as a:
A. pharmacist
B. clinical psychologist
C. physicist
D. neuroanatomist
Which of the following is most consistent with the ideas of Herrnstein and Murray's
book The Bell Curve?
A. It is crucial to provide early intervention services to at-risk infants and toddlers.
B. There is very little evidence that intelligence is inherited.
C. Because of the Internet, IQ tests have become obsolete.
D. The best jobs with the highest pay go to the intellectual elite.
According to Galileo, secondary qualities:
A. are superior to primary qualities
B. cannot be measured objectively
C. can be defined with certainty
D. are psychological constructs
The probability of a behavior is increased if it is followed with a pleasurable outcome
and decreased if it is followed by painful outcome. What is this called?
A. the Spencer-Bain principle
B. the law of contiguity
C. social Darwinism
D. survival of the fittest
Toward the end of his life, Maslow began to develop ____ psychology that went
beyond personal experience (mystical, ecstatic, spiritual aspects) and had much in
common with non-Western psychologies, philosophies, and religions.
A. transpersonal and humanistic
B. transpersonal and fourth-force
C. existential and humanistic
D. existential and fourth-force
Hebb proposed that childhood learning is best explained:
A. as a slow buildup of cell assemblies and phase sequences
B. by insight and creativity
C. by Gestaltist principles
D. as the rearrangement of already existing cell assemblies and phase sequences
Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the stages Kierkegaard suggested
for the development of human freedom?
A. aesthetic ethical religious
B. religious aesthetic ethical
C. ethical aesthetic religious
D. religious ethical aesthetic

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