Psychology 85053

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1266
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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Recent research findings suggest that compared to normal people, people with
schizophrenia have:
a. a greater amount of glutamate release.
b. more glutamate receptors.
c. fewer dopamine receptors.
d. fewer glutamate receptors.
Several studies have found that ____ is particularly enhanced in people with both a
genetic predisposition and a troubled early environment.
a. anxiety
b. emotion
c. violence
d. trust
Cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the:
a. spinal cord.
b. dorsal root ganglia.
c. white matter.
d. ventral roots.
Your posterior pituitary is most likely to release antidiuretic hormone (ADH):
a. if you are very thirsty.
b. shortly after drinking a large glass of water.
c. if you are very hungry.
d. shortly after eating a large meal.
In the visual system of the mammalian cerebral cortex, the dorsal stream is specialized
for detecting ____, and the ventral stream is specialized for detecting ____.
a. meaning; duration
b. duration; meaning
c. shape; location
d. location; shape
The areas with the most consistent signs of abnormality in schizophrenics include the:
a. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
b. medulla.
c. occipital lobes.
d. parietal lobes.
Receptor molecules for neurotransmitters that exert metabotropic effects are proteins
that bind to ____ outside the membrane, and attach to ____ inside the membrane.
a. calcium; potassium
b. neurotransmitters; nicotine
c. neurotransmitters; G-proteins
d. adenosine; nitric oxide
The inner ear contains a snail-shaped structure called the cochlea.
Santiago Ramon y Cajal demonstrated that:
a. at rest, the neuron has a negative charge inside its membrane.
b. neurons are separate from one another.
c. neurons communicate at specialized junctions called synapses.
d. action potentials follow the all-or-none law.
Genetic males with testicular feminization (androgen insensitivity) develop looking and
acting female. This condition develops because of a genetic mutation that has which
a. It decreases the production of cortisol.
b. It prevents the production of testosterone.
c. It causes a conversion of testosterone into estradiol within certain cells.
d. It prevents testosterone from having its usual effects.
Stem cells are important for which of the following developmental processes?
a. migration
b. proliferation
c. myelination
d. synaptogenesis
If some of the synapses onto a cell have been highly active and others have not, only
the active ones become strengthened. This is known as the property of:
a. specificity.
b. cooperativity.
c. associativity.
d. NMDA.
By comparing the slightly different inputs from the two eyes, you achieve:
a. amblyopia.
b. strabismus.
c. stereoscopic depth perception.
d. contrasting imagery.
To say that a drug has an affinity for a particular type of receptor is to imply that the
a. breaks down neurotransmitter chemicals at that receptor site.
b. will always excite the postsynaptic receptor.
c. will always inhibit the postsynaptic receptor.
d. binds to that receptor.
Muscle spindles respond to changes in muscle ____; Golgi tendon organs respond to
changes in muscle ____.
a. tension; fatigue
b. fatigue; tension
c. stretch; tension
d. tension; stretch
Genitals for males and females develop from ____; internal reproductive structures
develop from ____.
a. a single unisex structure; separate structures
b. separate structures; a single unisex structure
c. a single unisex structure; a single unisex structure
d. separate structures; separate structures
The result of all the testosterone-induced changes during sexual differentiation is:
a. the bladder and urethra
b. peripheral nerves controlling the genitals
c. female reproductive structures
d. male reproductive structures
A psychiatrist:
a. helps people with emotional distress.
b. performs brain surgery.
c. treats people with brain damage.
d. relates behaviors to the functions they have served in their evolutionary past.
A split-brain patient sees something in her left visual field, and must reach behind a
screen and select the object from a group of objects. She will select the object correctly
a. the left hand.
b. the right hand.
c. either hand.
d. neither hand.
Damage to the ____ produces symptoms similar to Korsakoff's syndrome.
a. prefrontal cortex
b. basal ganglia
c. occipital cortex
d. precentral gyrus
The sweat glands, adrenal glands, and muscles that constrict blood vessels have input
from only the ____ nervous system.
a. sympathetic
b. parasympathetic
c. central
d. dorsal root
One of the most distinctive features of neurons compared to other types of cells is their:
a. shape.
b. number of mitochondria.
c. lack of a cell membrane.
d. size.
Of the following, which person is MOST likely to deal exclusively with brain
a. social worker
b. physical therapist
c. clinical psychologist
d. neurologist
The sequence of the bursts of neural activity during REM sleep is:
a. lateral geniculate nucleus, pons, and occipital cortex.
b. occipital cortex, pons, and lateral geniculate nucleus.
c. pons, lateral geniculate nucleus, and occipital cortex.
d. pons, occipital lobe, and lateral geniculate nucleus.
Taste perception in the brain depends on:
a. relative activity of different taste neurons.
b. absolute frequency of action potentials.
c. only taste receptors on the anterior part of the tongue.
d. the angular gyrus.
What is the primary target area in the cortex for information regarding muscle-stretch
and joint receptors?
a. primary somatosensory cortex
b. occipital lobe
c. central sulcus
d. precentral gyrus
Myelination is a process common to:
a. all vertebrate axons.
b. all vertebrate dendrites.
c. some vertebrate axons.
d. some invertebrate axons.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors operate similarly to:
a. tricyclics.
b. MAOIs.
c. Antabuse.
d. L-Dopa.
The fusiform gyrus would be most excited in which of the following cases?
a. a child trying to identify a species of plant
b. a person with prosopagnosia looking at a face
c. a car salesman looking at a customer's face
d. viewing colorful patterns on a screen
Rods are abundant in the periphery of the human retina.
The limbic system is important for:
a. emotional behaviors.
b. motor coordination.
c. coordination between the eyes and ears.
d. perceiving three-dimensional objects.
The lateral preoptic area and surrounding parts of the hypothalamus control:
a. CCK levels.
b. hunger.
c. drinking.
d. vasopressin levels.
Researchers have demonstrated that the expression of the SCN genes can be changed
a. exposure of the eyes to light.
b. barometric pressure.
c. the diet.
d. morning exercise.
Which of the following hormones is released by the adrenal gland during stress?
a. cortisol
c. CRH
d. NPY

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