Psychology 777 Test 2 1 urine is

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1457
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) urine is produced by the
a) gallbladder.
b) urinary bladder.
c) kidney.
d) ureter.
e) urethra.
2) the collection of axons that carries information between the central nervous system
and the peripheral effectors is called the
a) axon hillock.
b) varicosity.
c) axon.
d) dendrite.
e) nerve.
3) "dual innervation" refers to an organ receiving
a) two nerves from the spinal cord.
b) both autonomic and somatomotor nerves.
c) both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
d) nerves from both the brain and the spinal cord.
e) none of the answers are correct.
4) match the answers to the questions.
a. true only for the sympathetic division
b. true only for the parasympathetic division
c. true for both divisions
the adrenal medulla is closely allied with this system.
5) when adenylyl cyclase is activated,
a) calcium ions are released from intracellular stores.
b) camp is formed.
c) camp is broken down.
d) protein kinases are metabolized.
e) steroids are produced.
6) due to the fact that they divide frequently, epithelia are prone to the genetic mutations
associated with cancer.
a) true
b) false
7) the primary osmoreceptors are located in the
a) pons.
b) kidney.
c) stomach.
d) hypothalamus.
e) medulla.
8) match the name of the wave with the correlated event.
a. p wave
b. qrs complex
c. t wave
d. pr segment
e. st segment
immediately followed by ventricular contraction
9) match the answers to the questions.
a. true only for the sympathetic division
b. true only for the parasympathetic division
c. true for both divisions
most preganglionic neurons originate in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal
10) match the specific receptor to its typical stimulus.
a. free nerve ending
b. merkel receptor
c. meissner's corpuscle
d. ruffini corpuscle
e. pacinian corpuscle
11) match the type of signal to its description (answers may be used more than once).
a. graded potential
b. action potential
c. both
size increases if stimulus strength increases
12) the designation ca2+ means
a) calcium has space for two more electrons.
b) calcium has gained two more electrons.
c) calcium has space for two more protons.
d) calcium has gained two more protons.
13) when the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract,
a) the volume of the thorax increases.
b) the volume of the thorax decreases.
c) the volume of the lungs decreases.
d) the lungs collapse.
e) expiration occurs.
14) once the stimulus alters the receptor on the cell's membrane, what happens next?
a) ion channels open, allowing ions to enter or exit.
b) the membrane permeability is altered.
c) a second messenger is activated on the inside of the cell.
d) any of these actions could happen next.
15) match each substance with its primary mode of transport across the kidney
a. transcytosis
b. active transport
c. symport with a cation
d. passive reabsorption/diffusion
16) gustatory cells that respond to sweet, bitter or umami are called
a) type i cells.
b) type ii cells.
c) type iii cells.
d) type iv cells.
17) once synthesized, the ________ of mrna are removed through ________, which
results in the formation of the coding sequence of a protein.
a) exon, rna interference
b) exon, alternative splicing
c) intron, rna interference
d) intron, alternative splicing
18) the rapid depolarization phase of the action potentials of myocardial contractile
cells is due to which ion(s)?
a) ca2+ only
b) k+ only
c) na+ only
d) both ca2+ and k+
e) both na+ and k+
19) thyroid hormones are structural derivatives of the amino acid ________.
20) asthma is a respiratory disorder characterized by construction of airways and mucus
production which makes it very difficult to breathe. the constriction of airways, mucus
production and altered gene expression in the cells lining the airways of asthmatics is
due to increased release of neurotransmitter acetylcholine. explain how a single
molecule can have such a large and diverse effect in a single cell.
21) define and explain the differences between slow wave potentials and pacemaker
potentials in smooth muscle cells.
22) compare and contrast carbon monoxide (co) poisoning, in which co displaces
oxygen from hemoglobin, and metabolic poisoning such as by cyanide.
23) dexamethasone is a drug used to suppress the secretion of acth from the anterior
pituitary gland. two patients with hypersecretion of cortisol are given dexamethasone.
anika's cortisol secretion level falls to normal after the medication, but bonnie's cortisol
secretion remains elevated. which patient has primary hypercortisolism, also known as
cushing's syndrome? explain your reasoning.
24) insulin increases glucose transport across the cell membrane of an adipocyte but not
across the membrane of a liver cell. how can one hormone have two different effects?
25) write the chemical formula for the molecule drawn below. which class of organic
molecule does it belong to? is it most likely polar or nonpolar?
26) blood clotting is considered to be an example of a positive feedback situation.
explain why this is so, and demonstrate the appropriate steps or areas of hemostasis as
part of your explanation.
27) compare and contrast the two types of diabetes mellitus.
28) draw a flow chart that shows the components of the reflex in which an increase in
blood pco2 leads to increased ventilation.

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