Psychology 74441

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1101
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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According to Perls, awareness of and by itself is not sufficient to lead to change; clients
must also put their experiences into some type of cognitive framework if change is to
a. True
b. False
The solution-focused approach was originally designed as a brief model of
a. True
b. False
Privileged communication applies to:
a. group counseling.
b. couples counseling.
c. family therapy.
d. individual counseling.
According to feminist therapists, an intrapsychic orientation tends to result in blaming
the victim.
a. True
b. False
The analysis of transference is a central technique in psychoanalysis.
a. True
b. False
Carlos, an eight year old boy, was recently removed from his home because he was
being physically and sexually abused by his father. In accordance with Maslow's
framework, which needs took precedence?
a. Physical and safety needs
b. Belonging and love
c. Esteem from self and others
d. Selfactualization
A reality therapist will primarily focus on:
a. past behavior.
b. present behavior.
c. feelings.
d. thoughts.
The use of techniques is fundamental in narrative therapy.
a. True
b. False
Human change is complex and difficult to measure beyond such a simplistic level that
the change may be meaningless.
a. True
b. False
Existential therapists strive to be their authentic selves when working with clients.
a. True
b. False
Family systems therapy can be used when working with individual clients.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following distinguishes the cognitive trend in behavior therapy from the
trends of classical and operant conditioning?
a. A focus on experimental analysis
b. A focus on evaluating therapeutic procedures
c. Developing procedures that give control to clients and thus increase their range of
d. The integration of mindfulness approaches as a basic part of any treatment procedure
Addressing what clients are presently doing and asking clients to evaluate what they
want to change fits well in various settings.
a. True
b. False
Becoming an ethical practitioner is not a final destination but a journey that will
continue throughout your career.
a. True
b. False
Maslow believed not enough research was being conducted on anxiety, hostility, and
neuroses and too much into joy, creativity, and self-fulfillment.
a. True
b. False
Philosophically, the existentialists would agree that:
a. the final decisions and choices rest with the therapist.
b. people do not redefine themselves by their choices.
c. a person cannot go beyond early conditioning.
d. making choices can create anxiety.
Which of the following therapies emphasizes that a person's belief system is the cause
of emotional problems?
a. Solution-focused brief therapy
b. Existential therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. Cognitive behavior therapy
In reality therapy, the purpose of developing an action plan is to:
a. encourage clients to stretch beyond their limits.
b. teach clients to "think big."
c. arrange for successful experience.
d. arrive at the ultimate solution to a client's problem.
Since Gestalt therapists believe that questions have a tendency to keep the questioner
hidden, safe, and unknown, they often ask clients to change their questions into
a. True
b. False
Which of the following approaches to therapy is applied to both women and men with
the goal of bringing about empowerment?
a. Feminist therapy
b. Psychoanalytic therapy
c. Person-centered therapy
d. Adlerian therapy
Who is primarily credited with popularizing and extending Adler's work by applying
Adlerian principles to group work?
a. Don Dinkmeyer
b. Erik Erikson
c. H. L. Ansbacher
d. Rudolph Dreikurs
The techniques of joining, boundary setting, unbalancing, reframing, ordeals,
enactments, and paradoxical interventions are most likely to be part of which approach
to family therapy?
a. Bowenian family therapy
b. Adlerian family therapy
c. Structural-strategic family therapy
d. Strategic family therapy
_______includes a shift from placing the problem internally and "blaming the victim"
to consideration of social factors in the environment that contribute to a client's
a. Paradoxical intention
b. Reframing
c. Relabeling
d. Genderrole analysis
Who has done most of the work in the area of modeling?
a. Joseph Wolpe
b. Hans Eysenck
c. E. Jacobson
d. Albert Bandura
Behavior therapy assumes that:
a. behavior is the result of unconscious forces.
b. behavior is the result of free choices.
c. behavior is determined by psychic energy.
d. behavior is learned.
A related goal of feminist therapy is to help:
a. individual remain separate and focus of their own strengths.
b. communities understand the importance of remaining focused on the individual.
c. individuals come together to strengthen collective power.
d. communities come together for celebrations.
The practice of reality therapy can best be conceptualized as the:
a. history of therapy.
b. past processing theory.
c. roadmap to theory.
d. cycle of counseling.
Existential anxiety is the unavoidable result of being confronted with the "givens of
a. True
b. False
What do reality therapists believe about the use of questions?
a. They should rarely be used.
b. Relevant questions help clients gain insights and arrive at plans and solutions.
c. There is no such thing as excessive questioning; the more the better!
d. Closed questions are more helpful than open-ended questions.
In working with a triangulated relationship, Bowen would be inclined to place primary
emphasis on:
a. joining the family.
b. engaging in personal self-disclosure to build trust.
c. maintaining a stance of neutrality.
d. siding with one member involved in the triangle.

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