Psychology 73854

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1403
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Who formulated a theory of evolution similar to Darwin's at about the same time that
Darwin formulated his own theory?
A. Lamarck
B. Spencer
C. Malthus
D. Wallace
Hartley believed that vibrations in the brain continued after the external stimulation that
caused them had ceased. He called these lingering vibrations:
A. pulsatories
B. associations
C. vibratiuncles
D. potentials
During which stage of early American psychology was the statement "Psychology
exists for the sake of logic, and logic for the sake of God" true?
A. Stage One: moral and mental philosophy
B. Stage Two: intellectual philosophy
C. Stage Three: the U. S. Renaissance
D. Stage Four: U. S. functionalism
Who was the first African-American in the U.S. to earn a Ph.D. in psychology?
A. Dewey
B. Sumner
C. Calkins
D. Mnsterberg
Neural network systems have been most successful at:
A. recognizing patterns and objects
B. explaining human behavior
C. processing sequential information
D. duplicating human consciousness
Breuer observed that every time he traced a symptom to its origin, it was usually a
traumatic experience that caused physical symptoms. These are known as ____ ideas.
A. pathogenic
B. apperceptive
C. complex
D. cathartic
In Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Freud refers to minor errors in everyday living
such as slips of the tongue, forgetting things, and small accidents. These are called:
A. parapraxes
B. overdeterminations
C. wish fulfillments
D. thanates
Which of the following will be most helpful to an individual's survival in a given
A. The fittest
B. Naturally selected genes
C. Adaptive features
D. Struggles to survive
Which statement would Peter Lombard most likely agree with?
A. There is no place for pagan philosophy in religion.
B. Faith alone can bring one closer to understanding God.
C. The use of reason interferes with faith.
D. One can learn about God by studying the empirical world.
Schopenhauer anticipated Freud's concept of ____ when he said that we could at least
partially escape the irrational forces within us by immersing ourselves in such things as
music, poetry, or art.
A. repression
B. resistance
C. compensation
D. sublimation
What did Galileo believe?
A. The universe can be understood only through a spiritual lens.
B. True reality is represented by the world of appearances.
C. Copernicus' heliocentric theory
D. The geocentric theory
The early physician, Alcmaeon, proposed:
A. that health resulted from a balance of qualities in the body
B. the physician's job was to help the patient focus energy on the mind
C. that sensation, memory, thinking, and understanding occurred in the heart
D. mental acuity was achieved when our physical state disconnects from our mental
According to Adler, which of the following describes the conceptual development of a
A. lifestyle guiding fictions worldview
B. guiding fictions worldview lifestyle
C. lifestyle worldview guiding fictions
D. worldview guiding fictions lifestyle
The belief that abstract universals (essences) exist and that empirical events are only
manifestations of those universals is called:
A. reification
B. conceptualism
C. nominalism
D. realism
According to Berkeley, in order for something to exist, it must:
A. be perceived
B. consist of primary qualities
C. consist of matter
D. exist spiritually
Kelly believed that the major goal of scientists and nonscientists is the same, namely,
A. be parsimonious
B. reduce uncertainty
C. define abstract concepts operationally
D. follow the principle of falsifiability
Who performed the first systematic studies of animal behavior for its own sake, without
attempting to infer the cognitive processes from the observed behavior?
A. Thorndike
B. Washburn
C. Morgan
D. Titchener
The view that cognitive events that emerge from brain activity can cause behavior is
representative of:
a. materialism
b. interactionism
c. epiphenomenalism
d. free will
Thorndike's ____ stated that reinforcement strengthened behavior, whereas punishment
weakened it.
A. original law of exercise
B. revised law of exercise
C. original law of effect
D. revised law of effect
The Psy.D. degree:
A. provides professional training for clinical psychologists
B. provides training in research and methodology
C. is similar to a Master of Science degree
D. equates more with the degree of Ph.D. than with M.D.
For Nietzsche, people approaching their full potential are:
A. pseudogods
B. supermen
C. fully functional
D. self-actualized
According to Aristotle, ____ is explained as the lingering effects of sensory experience.
A. common sense
B. imagination
C. scala naturae
D. entelechy
Witmer is credited with which of the following?
A. Creating psychoanalysis
B. Founding the profession of neurobiology
C. Providing the first comprehensive catalog of mental illnesses
D. Demonstrating how the principles from scientific psychology can help troubled
To account for color vision, Helmholtz postulated the existence of:
A. three types of color receptors corresponding to three primary colors
B. separate receptors for each wavelength in the visual spectrum
C. one type of receptor that responded to all of the wavelengths in the visual spectrum
D. receptors that process pairs of opposing colors
Herbart was one of the first to:
A. apply a mathematical model to psychology
B. use the concept of threshold
C. claim that some ideas were innate
D. propose an experimental science of psychology
The ego is governed by the ____ principle.
A. pleasure
B. reality
C. primary
D. Oedipal
The Hippocratics believed that physical illness was caused by:
A. possession by evil spirits
B. a life characterized by hedonism
C. an imbalance of the four bodily humors
D. the patient's inner desire to be ill
Which of the following is consistent with neobehaviorism?
A. Research on nonhuman animals cannot provide useful information about humans.
B. All theoretical terms must be operationally defined.
C. The learning process is of little importance to understanding humans.
D. Metaphysical speculation is central to psychology.
The founder of sociobiology was:
A. Barash
B. Wilson
C. Lorenz
D. Buss
Hebb's speculations regarding how cell assemblies and phase sequences develop has led
to a new research area called:
A. cybernetics
B. computer simulation
C. information-processing models
D. connectionism
Pantheism is the belief that:
A. God is everywhere and in everything
B. God created the universe but is no longer concerned with it
C. humans attribute human characteristics to God
D. a concept of God is unnecessary
Insightful learning occurs:
A. when the things necessary for a problem's solution are present
B. when incremental learning occurs
C. when an organism weighs all the options for problem solving through experience
D. after rote memorization has been successful
According to Schopenhauer, when the blind, aimless universal manifests itself in a
particular organism, it becomes:
A. a communion with God
B. the will to survive
C. a revealed truth
D. what the empiricists called an idea
The behavioristic explanation of transposition offered by Spence emphasized:
A. the transferring of principles learned in one situation to other similar situations
B. productive thinking
C. the generalization of behavioral tendencies
D. cognitive trial and error and insightful learning
Georg Elias Mller was the first to demonstrate:
A. pure phenomenology
B. stimulus error
C. immediate experience
D. retroactive inhibition

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