Psychology 734 Test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 1107
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Gretchen thinks about Christopher Columbus, which reminds her of Spain, which in
turn reminds her that she needs to do her homework for her Spanish class. Which one of
the following statements best explains Gretchens train of thought?
a.Long-term memory is organized as a hierarchy.
b.Long-term memory is organized as a network.
c.The information is encoded in the form of visual images.
d.The information is encoded in the form of productions.
2) Randall is trying to remember how to spell the word separate. He retrieves the first
three letters (S E P) and the last four (R A T E) and assumes that the fourth letter must
be E because he usually pronounces the word like this: SEP-ER-ATE. Randalls process
of remembering how to spell the word (in this case, incorrectly) illustrates the use of:
a.a script identity retrieval cue in retrieval
d.a frame
3) Which one of the following is the best example of intrinsic reinforcement?
a.Getting a new outfit you think is cool
b.Being allowed to play basketball at a friends house after you finish your homework
c.Being told that you did a good job
d.Feeling good about your own generosity toward a less fortunate classmate
4) Psychologists have offered three of the following as possible explanations for the
phenomenon of infantile amnesia. Which one have they not suggested?
a.Infants have virtually no working memory capacity.
b.Most of what infants learn takes the form of implicit rather than explicit knowledge.
c.Infants cannot yet talk about their experiences and so have trouble encoding them in
forms that are easily retrieved.
d.Infants brains are insufficiently mature to think about things in the ways that older
children and adults do.
5) Luke enrolls in an advanced chemistry class even though hes never taken a chemistry
course before. With this information in mind, which one of the following is most likely
to be true about Luke?
a.He has a high need for affiliation and a low need for approval.
b.He has a high need for approval and a low need for affiliation.
c.He has a high motive for success and a low motive to avoid failure.
d.He has a high motive to avoid failure and a low motive for success.
6) Which one of the following statements best characterizes contemporary motivation
a.It relates motivation to primary and secondary reinforcers.
b.It considers the cognitive factors that underlie motivation.
c.It focuses on the acquired drives that people develop over time.
d.It describes motivation as being largely the result of emotions.
7) Three of the following students are using metacognitive strategies while reading.
Which one is not necessarily using a metacognitive strategy?
a.Darnell always thinks about what he wants to learn from a textbook before he begins
to read it.
b.Josie likes to guess what an author will say before she starts reading; she continues to
revise her guesses as she goes along.
c.Pablo prefers to read out loud so he can hear what the words sound like.
d.Keiko ignores parts of the text that dont relate to her purpose for reading.
8) The textbook describes many differences between good readers and poor readersthat
is, between people who do and do not learn effectively from the things they read. Which
one of the following is not an accurate statement about their differences?
a.Good readers read more quickly than poor readers; for example, many good readers
are skilled speed readers.
b.Good readers are more likely to formulate questions that they then try to answer as
they read.
c.Good readers focus their attention on what is most important to learn; poor readers are
less discriminating.
d.As they read, good readers are more likely to embellish on what they read through
inference-drawing and other forms of elaboration.
9) In Mr. Marshalls classroom, students who acquire 10 points in one day can have 20
minutes of free time at the end of the day. Mr. Marshall awards points to his students for
good behavior and deducts points if they misbehave. The deduction of points for
misbehavior is known as:
c.response cost suspension
10) Tiffany is a hyperactive child who rarely sits still for more than 30 seconds at a
time. Ms. Garcia decides to use positive reinforcement to help Tiffany learn to sit
quietly in her seat during class time. Which one of the following approaches will bring
about the fastest change in Tiffanys behavior?
a.A variable ratio schedule of reinforcement
b.A variable interval schedule of reinforcement
c.Continuous reinforcement
d.A fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement
11) Gina attends a wedding ceremony conducted in a culture very different from her
own, and many of the rites performed during the ceremony seem strange and unfamiliar
to her. Later, she finds that she can best remember those parts of the ceremony that were
similar to how weddings are performed in her own country. In which one of the
following ways would a cognitive psychologist be most likely to explain this situation?
a.Schemas encourage us to elaborate on the wide variety of stimuli we encounter over
the course of our daily lives.
b.We often learn new concepts by forming and testing hypotheses about defining and
correlational features.
c.Concepts are often stored in terms of exemplars.
d.We can more accurately remember events that are consistent with familiar scripts.
12) Occasional review of previously learned material helps our memory for that
material by:
a.Promoting controlled processing
b.Limiting the spread of activation
c.Increasing associations with other things we know
d.Increasing the precision of our visual images
13) Kiley is having trouble learning the steps involved in using a microscope correctly.
If we consider Vygotskys description of how children can help themselves through
difficult tasks, we should suggest that Kiley:
a.Practice each step separately many times over
b.Go through the procedure in slow motion a few times
c.Talk herself through the steps
d.Learn the reasons why each step is important

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