Psychology 703 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 876
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) human beings have evolved as social animals who live in groups, in part because:
a.members of the same group do not constitute a danger to each other
b.mating within a group increases the probability of a healthy offspring
c.groups provide safety from competing groups and predators
d.members of the same groups provide less competition for mates
2) approximately what percentage of children and adolescents in the united states
experience mental disorders?
a.1020 percent
b.about 25 percent
c.3040 percent
d.about 50 percent
3) the influence of biological rhythms on mood is particularly important in:
a.bipolar disorder
b.seasonal affective disorder
4) although effective, electroconvulsive therapy for depression:
a.has a high relapse rate only if applied to the correct brain hemisphere
c.invariably results in some level of permanent brain damage
d.has been condemned by the scientific community because it is considered unethical
5) recent studies have shown that an infant:
a.cannot tell the difference between her or his mothers voice and a strangers until about
6 months old
b.can alter his or her sucking pattern to hear his or her mothers voice
c.can tell the difference between her or his mothers voice and a male strangers but not a
female strangers
d.cannot process speech until he or she begins to talk
6) when individuals from a number of different cultures were assessed on the trait of
conscientiousness, it was found that:
a.the trait showed stability in some cultures and little in others
b.the cultures had quite different definitions of what this trait meant some of the cultures studied, there was no evidence of this trait all cultures, the degree of conscientiousness generally increased with age
7) in a well-known study of california men, being hostile and impatient was found to be
related to _____, which shows that _____.
a.heart disease; genes control the development of disease
b.immune functioning; stress is a function of lifestyle
c.heart disease; psychological factors are important in disease development
d.hormonal dysfunction; gender will have an effect on disease development
8) the basal ganglia is a system of subcortical structures critical for:
a.planning and producing movement
b.regulating emotions
c.synthesizing incoming information
9) jolenes mother does not like her boyfriend. the more her mother tells her that she is
making a mistake, the more determined jolene is to stay with her boyfriend. jolenes
behavior can be most clearly explained by:
a.intrinsic motivation
b.the pleasure principle
c.self-perception theory
d.psychological reactance
10) what treatment might help memory disorders such as alzheimers disease in the
future by altering neuronal functions?
a.inducing chemical suppression of long-term depression
b.artificial mrna replicas of glutamate transcription in the soma
c.forced intake of gaba agonists small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier
d.causing increased gene expression for nmda receptors
11) when a researcher debriefs her participants, she:
a.removes their undergarments
b.provides a detailed explanation of the studys goals
c.describes the factors that might affect their willingness to participate
d.outlines the general procedure of the study
12) recent research suggests that children are capable of learning the concepts of more
than and less than even earlier than suggested by piaget. at what age are children now
believed to be capable of demonstrating these concepts?
a.less than 1 year
b.less than 2 years
c.less than 3 years
d.between 4 and 5 years
13) the idea that the mind came into existence over the course of human evolution is the
viewpoint of:
d.none of the above
14) your text traces the nature/nurture debate back to:
a.the chinese philosopher confucius
b.the ancient egyptians
c.greek philosophers, such as plato and aristotle
d.the renaissance philosopher descartes
15) harry was reading the textbook for his potions class and was trying to relate the
material to his own experiences. according to the levels of processing model of
memory, this would be considered:
a.deep processing
c.shallow processing
16) the major difference between emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping
a.the intensity of the stressor
b.whether one attempts to reduce the emotions associated with the stressor or solve the
problem directly
c.the ability to perceive the stressor
d.whether the stress is familiar or unfamiliar
17) with respect to the properties of the sound wave, a higher-pitched sound is one that
is higher in _____, which is measured in _____.
a.amplitude; hertz
b.amplitude; decibels
c.frequency; hertz
d.frequency; decibels

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