Psychology 694 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1839
subject Authors William Crain

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1) responses that are intermittently rather than continuously reinforced are
a.less likely to generalize
b.less subject to negative reinforcement
c.more difficult to extinguish
d.all of the above
2) some contemporary ethologists prefer the term sensitive period to critical period to
a.greater sensitivity to children
b.more flexible boundaries
c.preprogrammed infant sensitivity
d.all of the above
3) an answer that includes the consideration of all hypothetical possibilities is at the
level of
a.the sixth stage of sensorimotor development
b.preoperational thought
c.concrete operations
d.formal operations
4) in bowlbys scheme, a baby restricts smiling to familiar people
a.during the second phase
b.during the third phase
c.when she shows a fear of strangers
d.when she develops partnership behavior
5) a child strikes a table several times, sometimes more loudly, sometimes more softly.
this behavior illustrates
a.secondary circular reactions
b.tertiary circular reactions
c.the coordination of secondary schemes
d.the beginning of thought
6) ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny means evolution, genetic transmission is a recapitulatory process
b.the development of a member of a species repeats the history of
the species
c.under stress, species always revert to the simplest modes of
d.all species originate from a common ancestor
7) for piaget, which of the following is not an example of egocentrism?
b.collective monologues
c.not considering anothers viewpoint
d.failing to realize that others cant see ones dreams
8) in light of problems posed by the concept of drive, premack, one of skinners
followers, proposes we consider reinforcement terms of the length of extinction terms of the power of discriminative stimuli ratios between positive and negative reinforcement the momentary probability of a response
9) according to bandura
a. cognition plays no role in learning
b. we often learn by simply observing others
c. the best motto is, try things and see what happens
d. modeling is an outmoded concept
10) montessori
a.valued independent thinking
b.thought children need lots of time in nature
c.taught writing before reading
d.all of the above
11) werner tried to
a. refute piaget
b. advance behaviorism
c. tie thinking to the whole organism
d. make a strong case that rousseau was correct
12) rousseau strongly opposed lessons that are
a.too difficult
b.mere games
c.purely sensory
d.unrelated to future tasks
13) research suggests that the parents of insecure-ambivalent children
a.are ambivalent about their desire to have children
b.are primarily ambivalent about their childrens exploratory drive
c.are preoccupied with winning their own parents love (p. 64)
d.repress most feelings concerning attachment
14) the bowlby/ainsworth advice on child-rearing is most similar to that of
a. locke
b. preformationism
c. aries
d. gesell
15) compared to most developmental psychologists, schachtel was more
a. maturational
b. environmental
c. cognitive
d. phenomenological
16) a favorable resolution of the conflict between identity and role confusion leads to a
sense of
a. purpose
b. ego integrity
c. care
d. fidelity
17) in his treatment of autism, bettelheim believed in
a. teaching self-help skills to give children independence
b. personal development over conformity
c. a good deal of parental involvement in his school
d. all of the above
18) gesell said maturation can be defined as
a.the attainment of a final or complete state
b.the process by which development is governed by the genes
c.physical as opposed to mental development
d.all of the above
19) contrast the views of piaget and bandura on how children develop.
20) a new mother wants to help her daughter learn to walk. what advice would
montessori give the mother?
21) what did werner mean by physiognomic perception? give an example. in what
groups is it dominant, in werners view?
22) compare the views of piaget and gesell on how developmental change occurs.
23) how is the therapeutic approach of bettelheim to austistic children similar to the
child-rearing philosophy of gesell?
24) describe gesells concept of maturation.
25) describe how, according to piaget, a child masters conservation.
26) briefly describe one (1) main difference between classical and operant conditioning.
(15 minutes; moderately difficult)
27) they disagree over the forces that underlie developmental change. piaget believed
that children develop out of an intrinsic curiosity in moderately novel events. bandura
denies this. he argues that children learn as a result of environmental factorsteaching,
external reinforcements, and modeling influences. bandura has softened his
environmentalism over the years, but he still rejects piagets view of intrinsically
motivated learning.
28) briefly describe gesells philosophy of child-rearing. give a specific example of his

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