Psychology 58004

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1975
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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Lithium prevents a relapse into:
a. mania only.
b. depression only.
c. either mania or depression.
d. schizophrenia.
Which of the following would be able to tolerate the highest level of PTC?
a. people with many fungiform papillae near the tip of the tongue
b. people with few fungiform papillae near the tip of the tongue
c. supertasters
d. a pregnant woman
You most likely expect the Babinski reflex to occur in a(n):
a. person with Parkinson's disease.
b. male teenager.
c. child born without feet.
d. adult with damage to the cerebral cortex.
Which hypothesis is LEAST plausible as a biological explanation for why some men
have a homosexual orientation and others have a heterosexual orientation?
a. Genetics
b. effects of prenatal hormones or stress
c. different structures within the hypothalamus
d. different levels of sex hormones in adulthood
Chromosomes consist of large, double-stranded molecules of:
a. deoxyribonucleic acid.
b. ribonucleic acid.
c. autosomal genes.
d. recombination genes.
Which of the following would be considered a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
a. fluoxetine (Prozac)
b. imipramine (Tofranil)
c. disulfiram (Antabuse)
d. chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Genes that cause epilepsy do so by altering:
a. GABA receptors.
b. acetylcholine levels.
c. the arrangement of blood vessels in the brain.
d. the shapes of astroglia cells.
Neurons in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus release ____,which impacts
male sexual behavior.
a. testosterone
b. dopamine
c. estrogen
d. luteinizing hormone
Cigarette smoking and coffee drinking ____ the risk of Parkinson's disease, and
marijuana ____ the risk.
a. increase, increases
b. increase, decreases
c. decrease, decreases
d. decrease, increases
Which area of the hypothalamus seems to be critical for the ending of meals?
a. lateral hypothalamus
b. ventromedial hypothalamus
c. preoptic area
d. paraventricular nucleus
Based on the relative distribution of the three kinds of cones in the retina, which color
of road sign would be most difficult to see from a distance?
a. blue
b. red
c. yellow
d. white
Damage to the basal ganglia would most likely cause problems with:
a. emotion.
b. hearing.
c. vision.
d. movement.
A rat with damage to its lateral preoptic area:
a. drinks a lot of water.
b. drinks only to wash down its food.
c. has normal osmotic thirst but impaired hypovolemic thirst.
d. has impaired osmotic thirst.
The ____ of neurons most strongly differentiate them from other cells in the body.
a. temperature.
b. shape.
c. osmotic pressure.
d. mitochondria.
Areas bordering the primary auditory cortex are important for:
a. detecting loudness of sounds.
b. analyzing the meaning of sounds.
c. determining location of sounds.
d. detecting pitch of sounds.
Which of the following is one of the reasons that Lashley failed at finding the engram?
a. He used poor surgical methods.
b. Some memories do not depend on the cortex.
c. The engram is continually changing location in the cortex.
d. Classical conditioning had not been discovered yet.
A startle reflex occurs in response to:
a. grief.
b. depression.
c. anxiety.
d. an unexpected loud noise.
Which of the following would most likely improve attention of patients with spatial
a. Tell the person to look to the right.
b. Keep their hands from crossing over each other.
c. Stimulate the left superior temporal gyrus.
d. Tell the person to look to the left.
Which of the following experiments would be a reasonable test of whether an animal
has suffered damage to its hippocampus?
a. Does it reenter a single arm before entering all the other appropriate arms in a radial
b. Does it sometimes enter an arm in a radial maze that is never correct?
c. Can it learn to climb along a thin wire without losing its balance?
d. Can it learn to turn one direction when it hears a loud tone and a different direction
when it hears a soft tone?
Many studies have found that violent criminals and arsonists released from prison had a
greater probability of committing other violent crimes if they:
a. underwent surgical removal of the amygdala.
b. ate diets low in corn.
c. had lower than normal serotonin turnover.
d. had higher than normal serotonin turnover.
During the relative refractory period:
a. the sodium gates are firmly closed.
b. the sodium gates are reverting to their usual state.
c. the sodium gates are wide open.
d. the potassium gates are firmly closed.
The all-or-none law applies to:
a. cell bodies of neurons.
b. dendrites.
c. axons.
d. all parts of a neuron.
What characteristic of L-dopa makes it an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease?
a. L-dopa has a negative ionic charge.
b. L-dopa dissolves readily in water but poorly in fats.
c. L-dopa binds tightly to both glutamate and GABA synapses.
d. L-dopa can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Nearly simultaneous stimulation by two or more axons produces LTP, whereas
stimulation by just one produces it weakly, if at all. This is known as the property of:
a. specificity.
b. cooperativity.
c. associativity.
d. LTD.
Parkinson's disease is caused by degeneration of a pathway of neurons that releases
which neurotransmitter?
a. Acetylcholine
b. Substance P
c. Serotonin
d. Dopamine
Why does orange juice taste unpleasant just after one uses toothpaste?
a. Toothpaste contains a chemical that changes certain taste receptors.
b. When the teeth are clean, the acid in the orange juice irritates them.
c. Toothpaste removes a coating that protects the tongue.
d. Toothpaste enhances the binding of molecules to sweetness receptors.
When the neuron is at rest, what is responsible for moving potassium ions OUT of the
a. a concentration gradient
b. an electrical gradient
c. both a concentration gradient and an electrical gradient
d. the sodium-potassium pump
What develops from the Wolffian ducts?
a. the bladder and urethra
b. peripheral nerves controlling the genitals
c. female reproductive structures
d. male reproductive structures
Why are men more likely to experience color vision deficiency than women?
a. Women have a greater number of cones.
b. Men don't have as much experience matching colors.
c. It is a sex-linked genetic disorder.
d. Testosterone in males affects the activity of the cones.
A hermaphrodite is an individual:
a. who dresses and lives as the opposite sex.
b. whose genitals do not match the usual development for their genetic sex.
c. with no sex drive.
d. with too much testosterone.
A membrane produces an action potential whenever the potential across it reaches what
a. the resting potential
b. -90 mV
c. the threshold of excitation
d. the refractory period
Some insects, frogs and fish survive extreme cold by:
a. generating vast amounts of heat through their blood.
b. stocking their blood with large amounts of glycerol at the start of the winter.
c. allowing ice crystals to expand in their blood vessels and cells.
d. decreasing their surface to volume ratio.
How does light excite a rod or cone?
a. It heats up the fluid in the receptor.
b. It converts 11-cis-retinal into all-trans-retinal.
c. It converts leu-enkephalin into met-enkephalin.
d. It ionizes neutral sodium into a positively charged ion.
The planum temporale is usually larger in the right hemisphere.
Most types of movement can be clearly classified as voluntary or involuntary.
Provide a detailed description of spatial neglect.
Answers will vary.
Many kinds of information impinge onto two kinds of cells in one nucleus of the
hypothalamus, which is regarded as the "master area" for control of appetite. That area
is the:
A suprachiasmatic nucleus.
B sexually dimorphic nucleus.
C solitary nucleus
D arcuate nucleus
During sleep, what happens in the brain?
A cessation of spontaneous activity in neurons
B increased firing by dopamine neurons
C decreased firing by dopamine neurons
D increased firing by GABA neurons
The underlying mechanisms of behavior are similar across species.
Briefly describe the somatosensory system.
The amount of temporal summation depends on the rate of stimulation.
Parkinson's symptoms usually don't appear until 70-80% of the substantia nigra neurons
have died.
Cerebrospinal fluid provides the major cushion for the brain.
Briefly describe the all-or-none law of action potentials.
Briefly describe how LTP occurs, including how glutamate and its receptors are
Most of the vigorous emotional behaviors we observe in animals fall into the categories
of attack and escape.
Organize the following divisions of the nervous system in a hierarchy to show the
relationships between them: central, peripheral, autonomic, sympathetic,
parasympathetic, somatic.
If a drug was given that temporarily inactivated the sodium-potassium pumps, action
potentials would cease immediately.
Adaptation occurs quickly to pheromones.
The prefrontal cortex is important for working memory.
Axons are covered with an insulating material called a myelin sheath.
Most mammals at about the age of weaning lose the intestinal enzyme lactase.
Procedural memory deals with the ability to state a memory in words.

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