Psychology 44782

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1383
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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According to Rousseau, which of the following provides the optimal condition for
A. Professionals as teachers
B. A child's natural interests
C. A setting free of distractions
D. A curriculum designed to teach basic knowledge
According to Tolman, the first thing an animal develops in a learning situation is a(n):
A. belief
B. expectancy
C. hypothesis
D. cognitive map
Empedocles assumed that perception results when:
A. vibrations from external objects stimulate sense receptors
B. sensory information is analyzed by the brain
C. eidola enters the pores of the body and mixes with elements found in the blood
D. sensations interact with memories of prior experiences
The cornerstone of Guthrie's theory of learning was the law of:
A. frequency
B. similarity
C. contiguity
D. contrast
It is generally agreed that an article by ____ in 1958 marked the transition between
artificial intelligence and information-processing psychology.
A. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
B. Allen Newell, J. Shaw, and Herbert Simon
C. John Searle
D. Alan Turing
Kant stated that a mind without concepts would:
A. have no capacity to think
B. be lost without sensory data
C. be lost without empirical data
D. not be able to use the word all
If what is meant by psychology is the introspective analysis of the mind, then according
to Comte, psychology constitutes:
A. metaphysical nonsense
B. a possibility
C. a valid scientific analysis of the mind
D. the groundwork from which a positivistic science could develop
Kraepelin originally called which of the following mental illnesses dementia praecox?
A. Alzheimer's disease
B. hysteria
C. depression
D. schizophrenia
According to Herbart, an idea is allowed to enter consciousness if it is:
A. compatible with a person's moral code
B. adaptive
C. compatible with the apperceptive mass
D. clear and intense
Premodernism refers to the belief that all things, including human behavior, can be
explained by employing:
A. the scientific method
B. introspection
C. religious dogma
D. skepticism
In a discipline that Kant called ____, he discussed such topics as gender differences,
marriage, insanity, and the production and control of human behavior.
A. philosophy
B. anthropology
C. monadology
D. direct realism
Aristotle postulated ____ as the mechanism that coordinates information from the five
A. the mind
B. the soul
C. the entelechy
D. common sense
____ combined behaviorism and logical positivism.
A. Positivism
B. Neobehaviorism
C. Physicalism
D. Radical environmentalism
The ____ model of mental illness assumes that abnormal behavior is caused by such
things as grief, conflict, and frustration.
A. psychological
B. supernatural
C. medical
D. environmental
For Leibniz, sensory experience is important because it:
A. produces the ideas that occur in the mind
B. provides the pleasurable and painful experiences that guide our behavior
C. allows the potential ideas within us to become actualized
D. provides another way of knowing God
Which of the following is a characteristic of insightful learning?
A. The transition from presolution to solution is sudden and complete.
B. The performance based on a solution is usually riddled with errors.
C. A solution gained by insight is rarely retained for long periods of time.
D. A principle gained by insight is not readily applied to other problems.
Searle concluded which of the following?
A. Computers have semantics but not syntax.
B. Computers display intentionality.
C. Computers cannot simulate human cognitive abilities.
D. A computer can pass the Turing test without being able to think.
According to Charcot, the sequence of events from trauma to pathogenic ideas, to
physical symptoms can only occur in individuals who are:
A. hypnotized
B. inherently predisposed to hysteria
C. below average in intelligence
D. willing to cooperate with their physicians
Hall believed that masturbation ____.
A. causes psychosis or even death
B. is a harmless and normal behavior
C. can harm the quality of eventual offspring
D. is far more damaging to females than males
While studying artificial somnambulism, Puysgur discovered the phenomenon later
A. the contagion effect and animal magnetism
B. posthypnotic suggestion and animal magnetism
C. the contagion effect and posthypnotic amnesia
D. posthypnotic suggestion and posthypnotic amnesia
Spencer believed that if the principle of evolution was allowed to operate freely:
A. the world would be a jungle
B. humans would become more animalistic
C. animals would have become more like humans
D. all living organisms and societies would approximate perfection
According to Erasmus, who is least likely to speak the truth?
A. fools
B. children
C. drunkards
D. philosophers
According to Jung's theory, meaningful coincidence means approximately the same as
which of the following?
A. individuation
B. teleology
C. synchronicity
D. self-actualization
According to Rogers, what is said to exist when the relevant people in a child's life give
him or her love and acceptance under some circumstances but not under others (only if
one acts or thinks in certain ways):
A. conditions of worth
B. the need for positive regard
C. unconditional positive regard
D. the organismic valuing process
Which analogy best illustrates the concept of double aspectism?
A. The body is the vessel that holds the soul (mind).
B. The mind is the Garden of Eden and the body is the serpent.
C. The mind and the body are like two sides of a coin.
D. The mind and the body are like apples and oranges.
For St. Augustine, the primary goal of human existence is to:
A. seek pleasure and avoid pain
B. accept one's fate
C. enter into a personal, emotional union with God
D. engage in active reason
In analyzing human thinking, Avicenna started with five external senses then
A. three rational states
B. seven internal senses
C. four senses that bridge internal and external experience
D. the active intellect
Gestalt psychology can be seen as an effort to model psychology after ____ instead of
A. evolutionary theory; Newtonian physics
B. Newtonian physics; evolutionary theory
C. Newtonian physics; field theory
D. field theory; Newtonian physics
Which of the following did Zing Yang Kuo find?
A. What might be thought to be an instinctive behavior, such as a cat killing a rat, is
actually based on life experiences.
B. The principles of behaviorism could not account for the majority of human behavior.
C. Mental illness is, in most situations, a learned behavior that can be changed through
strict behavior modification.
D. The basic goals of behaviorism, to predict and control behavior, will inevitably lead
to authoritarian governments.
According to Kelly, the goal of psychotherapy is to help the client:
A. overcome inhibitions
B. experience unconditional positive regard
C. get in touch with himself or herself
D. view things differently
Kant's nativism stressed mental categories, whereas Mller stressed:
A. consciousness
B. physiological mechanisms
C. psychophysics
D. adequate stimulation
What term did Brentano use to describe the fact that every mental act refers to
something outside itself?
A. act psychology
B. intentionality
C. phenomenology
D. functionalism
Neoplatonism is a philosophy that emphasized the most ____ aspects of Plato's
A. empirical
B. empathetic
C. rational
D. mystical

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