Psychology 32574

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2161
subject Authors Harold E. Doweiko

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Which of the following is NOT a part of recovery programs according to George
a. Increased spirituality
b. Compulsory supervision
c. Pharmacotherapy (treatment of a specified disorder with medications)
d. New love relationships
Which of the following social barriers play a role in making it less likely that women
will enter substance abuse rehabilitation than men?
a. Having sole custody of children
b. Having a spouse with a SUD
c. Limited funding for treatment
d. All of these answers
Health care professionals generally accept that _____ 12-ounce cans of beer would
need to be consumed daily for 2-3 weeks to produce a physical dependency.
a. 5 to 7
b. 11 to 15
c. 17 to 20
d. 22 to 25
Describe the history of the development of MDMA. Explain how it became popular as
a recreational, though illicit, drug.
Answer:No answer provided.
Which of the following subsets make up two-thirds of the older population with AUDs?
a. Early onset alcoholism
b. Late onset alcoholism
c. Late onset exacerbation alcoholism
d. Middle onset alcoholism
Because the Sioux are the most numerous of the Native American tribes
a. this means nothing, as each Native American tribal unit is different from the others.
b. they serve as the prototype for substance abuse rehabilitation programs for working
with the Native Americans.
c. they tend to dominate planning for treatment allocation resources for substance abuse
rehabilitation programs.
d. they tend to have a more unified culture as compared with the other tribal units found
in the United States.
According to your text, amphetamines are least likely to be used for their
a. stimulant effect.
b. analgesic effect.
c. control of ADHD symptoms.
d. ability to enhance effects of certain narcotic analgesics.
What percentage of psychiatric hospital admissions are not associated with drug or
alcohol abuse?
a. 15-20 percent
b. 8-10 percent
c. 25-30 percent
d. 25-50 percent
There are at least 200 compounds in the tryptamine family of drugs, which have a
chemical structure similar to the neurotransmitter
a. gama aminobutyric acid.
b. acetylcholine.
c. dopamine.
d. serotonin.
A drug that has a narrow therapeutic window would
a. be easy to overdose.
b. be difficult to overdose.
c. never reach its peak effect.
d. reach its peak effect slowly.
A codependent's difficulty maintaining appropriate boundaries for him/herself is often
described as
a. enmeshment.
b. fusion.
c. overt protection.
d. denial.
Which of the following is true about detoxification?
a. It is sufficient treatment for a SUD/AUD.
b. The majority of alcohol-dependent patients require hospitalization for detox.
c. Outpatient detox is more typical than inpatient for opiate-dependent patients.
d. Further treatment for the SUD/AUD is usually necessary.
Which of the following complications of steroid abuse may NOT automatically reverse
after use is discontinued?
a. Enhanced fertility in male abusers
b. Infertility in women
c. Cessation of bone growth
d. Blood flow patterns within the hypothalamus in the brain
To put the prevalence of alcohol abuse into perspective, your text suggests that _____
episodes of binge drinking take place each year in the United States.
a. 10 million
b. 100 million
c. 500 million
d. 1.5 billion
There is controversy regarding whether MDMA causes long-term
a. dehydration.
b. heart disease.
c. hypothermia.
d. cognitive impairment.
What has been found to help reduce the number and severity of drug-induced
consequences during pregnancy?
a. Prenatal visits with a doctor
b. Putting pregnant, drug-abusing women in jail
c. Warning labels on alcohol and tobacco products
d. Substance abuse treatment
Jerry is a substance abuse counselor working with a client, Ned. Through completing a
thorough assessment, Jerry has discovered that Ned has developed tolerance to cocaine,
is preoccupied with using cocaine, has come to work high on cocaine, and continues to
use cocaine despite his desire to quit, often to ward off symptoms of withdrawal. Based
on this information, Jerry
a. has sufficient information to diagnosis Ned with a SUD.
b. should perform a drug test on Ned.
c. should perform the DAST screening on Ned.
d. should immediately get Ned into inpatient drug treatment.
The use of CNS stimulants in World War II
a. was proven to result in significant improvement in battlefield performance for the
soldiers taking them.
b. was proven to be most effective in nighttime operations for servicemen.
c. interfered with decision making by submarine commanders, who were thus instructed
not to take these medications unless absolutely necessary.
d. was in the absence of data suggesting the stimulants were any more effective than
One of the forces attacking the belief in spiritus is
a. the increasing crime rate.
b. the growing emphasis on traditional means of familial communications.
c. scientific materialism.
d. the gnostic beliefs prevalent in some cultures.
Your client informs you that he is currently taking Suboxone. You know that this is used
in the treatment of ________ dependence.
a. methamphetamine
b. alcohol
c. opiate
d. nicotine
According to your text, as many as _____ of patients in moderate to severe pain receive
less than adequate doses of prescription narcotic analgesics.
a. 25 percent
b. 51 percent
c. 65 percent
d. 73 percent
The active agent in codeine is
a. codeine itself, without other compounds being involved.
b. morphine obtained from biotransformation of codeine.
c. able to bind at the opioid sigma receptor site to initiate the blockade of pain signals.
d. best absorbed when this compound is injected into muscle tissue.
A danger when using a pharmaceutical as an adjunct to the treatment of an addiction to
drugs is that the
a. physician prescribing the drug must guess at the effective dose.
b. patient is already enamored with drugs, and pharmacotherapy might serve as a
relapse trigger.
c. synergistic effect between pharmaceuticals prescribed is rarely taken into account.
d. psychopharmaceuticals utilized might work at cross purposes with the treatment
staff's goals.
Dual diagnosis clients
a. are less impulsive than normal persons.
b. are more impulsive than normal persons.
c. are about as impulsive as normal persons.
d. struggle with the side effects of prescribed medications so impulsiveness is not an
It has been estimated that _________students per year are the victim of "date rape"
while in college.
a. 50,000
b. 60,000
c. 90,000
d. 70,000
Which of the following is most accurate in regards to bioavailability?
a. It is concerned with the biotransformation process after a compound is administered
into the human body.
b. It forces the body to absorb a compound more rapidly.
c. It is only 1/100,000th of an inch from drug molecules and the circulatory system.
d. It reflects the amount of a compound in the body that can exert an effect.
Which of the following is true regarding the spokesperson for Alcoholics Anonymous?
a. He or she is elected by the group at a meeting.
b. He or she is appointed by the president of that specific group.
c. There is no designated spokesperson for all of AA.
d. He or she must have a well established history of recovery.
As a physician on duty in the emergency room, you could expect
a. alcohol ingestion would make drinkers so relaxed that they would suffer fewer head
injuries than nondrinkers in similar automobile accidents.
b. about half of the patients you see who have a traumatic injury will have been
drinking immediately prior to the incident.
c. improved survival rates for drinkers, who would be more likely to be thrown from a
vehicle during an accident.
d. no relationship between the individual's alcohol use status and his or her having
suffered a traumatic injury of some kind.
The term "dual diagnosis" refers to individuals who have
a. an addiction to two or more chemicals at the same time.
b. a person with both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder at the same
c. a person who had a substance use disorder, recovered from that condition, then
developed a mental health disorder.
d. a clearly defined psychiatric condition with proven treatment modalities.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is _________ in women who smoke as
compared with men.
a. more likely
b. less likely
c. equally likely
d. rarely seen
According to your text, ________ meet diagnostic criteria for admission to treatment
for a substance use disorder.
a. 10 percent of all women
b. 10 percent of all women of childbearing age
c. 10 percent of women who are pregnant
d. 85 percent of all women of childbearing age
A client reports spending "only $100" a week on alcohol, but becomes indignant when
you report that this is over $5,000 a year for alcohol. This is an example of
a. disengagement.
b. denial.
c. attempt to rationalize.
d. mindfulness.
Which of the following is NOT normally seen in the alcohol withdrawal syndrome?
a. Seizures
b. Improved problem solving abilities
c. Tremor
d. Vomiting
Urine toxicology testing
a. is efficient because of the ease of sample collection.
b. samples a number of compounds that might either directly or indirectly be identified.
c. offers the opportunity for collection of serial samples over a number of days.
d. is not a perfect therapeutic tool.
Virtually all drugs of abuse known at this time
a. either once were or now are being investigated as potential pharmaceutical agents.
b. are not very different in chemical structure from earlier generations of recreational
c. tend to enhance the function of the central nervous system.
d. are found to have their main effects outside of the central nervous system.
Discuss the therapeutic interventions available to family members of a person with a
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss the relationship between cocaine abuse and central nervous system damage.
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss the "crack baby" fears that resulted from the peak years of the last wave of
cocaine abuse. Have they panned out?
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss the complications associated with PCP abuse, including how it can be an
indirect cause of death.
Answer:No answer provided.
What are the effects of chronic alcohol use on the liver?
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss how someone with a SUD might lose sight of the damage being done, in effect
becoming blind to the severity of their condition.
Answer:No answer provided.
How does the body's ability to handle alcohol change as one ages?
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss the reasons behind and the need for developing synthetic opioid narcotics.
Answer:No answer provided.
What are the effects associated with marijuana use during pregnancy?
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss how common the practice of drug adulteration is and how it is done with
various drugs of abuse.
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss some of the unintended consequences of today's "war on drugs."
Answer:No answer provided.
Describe the time course and subjective effects of an LSD "trip."
Answer:No answer provided.
Describe some of the barbituratelike drugs that have developed since the 1950s. Why
were they developed?
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss the effects of cocaine abuse on emotions and perceptions.
Answer:No answer provided.
Describe the process through which the humanistic perspective supplanted spirituality
in Western culture.
Answer:No answer provided.
Describe the stages of treatment when working with a client with a dualdiagnosis that
includes a SUD.
Answer:No answer provided.
Although there is no standardized format, discuss some of the common elements found
in better assessment processes.
Answer:No answer provided.
Discuss the idea of and idea behind controlled drinking as a treatment goal.
Answer:No answer provided.
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of inpatient/residential treatment
Answer:No answer provided.
Describe some of the potential complications seen with OTC analgesic use.
Answer:No answer provided.

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