Psychology 300 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1064
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) juan-carlos is extremely afraid of being attacked and killed by sharks, even though he
very rarely goes swimming in the ocean. this example illustrates the fact that:
a.people often fear the wrong causes of death
b.both common and rare events are highly stressful
c.shark attacks are becoming increasingly common tend to be afraid of rare events, whereas women are afraid of more common
2) who is more likely to possess a self-construal based on social norms and
relationships, chihiro from japan or lucy from the united states, and why?
a.chihiro; because easterners have a more independent sense of self
b.chihiro; because easterners have a more interdependent sense of self
c.lucy; because westerners have a more independent sense of self
d.lucy; because westerners have a more interdependent sense of self
3) the cannon-bard theory argues that physiological responses and emotional
experiences occur:
a.roughly simultaneously and independently
b.sequentially and independently
c.sequentially beginning with physiological responses
d.sequentially beginning with emotional experiences
4) in _____, learning occurs when two types of events are paired closely in time.
a.classical conditioning
b.operant conditioning
c.observational learning learning
5) which of the following is not one of the essential qualities of motivational states?
6) paul is getting married on sunday. on saturday, he is riding in a very exciting and
somewhat dangerous bicycle race. he knows that it is not sensible to risk an injury the
day before his wedding. but he really wants to race, and he feels sure that he can do so
safely. pauls decision to ride in the race demonstrates that:
a.potential rewards influence decisions more than potential punishments
b.emotions influence decisions more than cognitions
c.positive emotions influence decisions more than negative emotions
d.certain rewards influence decisions more than possible punishments
7) this professional has earned a ph.d. or a psy.d. and works with individuals who are
suffering from mental illness:
a.counseling psychologist
b.psychiatrist worker
d.clinical psychologist
8) _____ was a strong advocate of the cognitive restructuring approach to therapy,
which has been shown to be very effective in treating _____.
a.carl rogers; mild adjustment problems
b.erik erikson; mild adjustment problems
c.aaron beck; depression
d.abraham maslow; depression
9) one plausible explanation for the apparent stability in personality after age 50 is that:
a.environments affect personality, and older individuals environments are usually stable
b.older adults actively seek to meet societys expectations
c.the brain is no longer developing after the age of 30
d.stereotypes of the elderly convince others that older adults have stable personalities
10) if people are randomly assigned to groups a and b, you could predict that the
members of each group will:
a.favor members of their own group because of ingroup bias
b.not favor members of their own group because of random assignment
c.not be hostile to members of the other group because of random assignment
d.favor neither members of their own group nor members of the other group
11) the fact that children can take a form of communication that lacks a consistent
grammar and turn it into one that has consistent rules is consistent with the notion that:
a.children can generalize linguistic rules
b.there is a built-in, universal grammar
c.chomsky was incorrect concerning the origins of grammar
d.vygotsky was correct concerning the role of culture in language
12) if you touch something hot, _____ neuronsoften called _____ neuronssend a signal
from the spinal cord to your muscle to withdraw your finger.
a.motor; efferent
b.sensory; efferent
c.motor; afferent
d.sensory; afferent
13) john believes that the mind is governed by a different set of structures and rules
than the physical body. based on this belief, one could conclude that john is a:
d.clinical psychologist
14) posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd) is characterized by attempts to avoid thinking
about a seriously traumatic event, accompanied by flashbacks to and nightmares about
that event. ptsd would seem to involve the emotional coping strategy of:
a.thought suppression
b.cognitive avoidance
15) if you were asked to list all the thoughts and experiences you have while answering
a test question, the technique used would be:
16) tommy has obsessions about cleanliness and is a compulsive hand washer. which of
the following pieces of evidence would support the view that his obsessive-compulsive
disorder is related to operant conditioning?
a.tommy has been rewarded by his parents for hand washing many times, so he
continues to engage in the behavior.
b.tommy sees his brother engage in compulsive hand washing, so he also engages in the
c.tommy experiences a large reduction in anxiety whenever he washes his hands, so he
continues the behavior whenever he becomes anxious.
d.tommy believes that hand washing will prevent him from becoming sick.
17) the central characteristic of anxiety disorders is:
a.the feeling of excessive anxiety in the absence of any real threat
b.fluctuating moods that are not related to events in the environment
c.the feeling of being anxious without the physical symptoms of anxiety
d.that the parasympathetic nervous system is in a state of chronic arousal
18) the study by wheatley and haidt (2005), in which individuals were given
posthypnotic suggestions to feel disgust over a certain word, provided evidence that
posthypnotic suggestions:
a.are not real
b.may actually have an influence on behavior only if the individual knows about the posthypnotic suggestion
d.are effective only in women

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