Psychology 29322

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1681
subject Authors Harold E. Doweiko

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It has been estimated that ____children in the U.S. live in a home where at least one
parent has an active substance use disorder.
a. 7 million
b. 10.3 million
c. 9.6 million
d. 11.8 million
Individuals with the strongest commitment to post-secondary education
a. tend to drink more heavily than other students.
b. tend to build peer relationships with like-minded students.
c. tend to be those students who commute to and from school.
d. are less isolative and more social.
One factor that has been identified as predictive of the probability of an individual's
ability to achieve long-term abstinence is
a. their coping skills.
b. their past legal history.
c. whether they are facing current legal charges.
d. the amount of money spent in pursuit of alcohol or drugs prior to the individual's
admission to a rehabilitation facility.
Group therapy formats in substance abuse rehabilitation programs have been
a. proven to be the least effective component of treatment.
b. complicated by the lack of research into the effectiveness of various forms of "group
c. proven to be more effective with women than with men.
d. proven useful because clients are more likely resist feedback from peers than staff.
Nicotine's chemical structure is very similar to that of
a. acetylcholine.
b. glutamate.
c. dopamine.
d. GABA.
Try to sum up the rapidly evolving debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana.
Answer:No answer provided.
The benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome
a. is uncomfortable but tolerable and not dangerous.
b. holds the potential to be life threatening.
c. usually can be carried out in 6-12 days, at most.
d. does not usually involve the use of a gradual "taper" from the patient's prior dose.
What percent of physicians in the United States believe they are adequately trained to
treat substance abusers?
a. 30 percent
b. More than 25 percent
c. 17 percent
d. Less than 17 percent
Researchers now believe that "early adolescence" might begin
a. as early as 12 years of age, with the onset of puberty.
b. as early as 10 years of age, with the onset of puberty.
c. at the age of 13, when the "teenage" years officially begin.
d. at the same age for boys as compared with girls.
According to your text, MDMA abusers tend to
a. usually abuse MDMA continuously.
b. experience significant kidney problems.
c. interspace periods of active use with periods of abstinence.
d. use MDMA in isolation rather than in groups.
Which of the following does NOT seem to be a source for abusers to obtain steroids?
a. Internet pharmacies
b. Over-the-counter steroids
c. Steroids intended for veterinary or pharmaceutical use diverted to the black market
d. Steroids smuggled into the U.S. from other countries
In the face of uncertainty, ________offers the promise of peace, per your text.
a. scientific materialism
b. music trends
c. drugs of abuse
d. withdrawal from society
Alcohol related "blackouts" are
a. not inevitable.
b. inevitable.
c. inevitable, but only if the person develops atrial fibrillation.
d. dependent on damage to the prefrontal regions of the amygdala.
An advantage of administering a drug parenterally is
a. the drug is not delayed by the stomach emptying process.
b. it avoids the danger of the drug being mixed with food in the GI tract.
c. the drug is not exposed to gastric juices.
d. all of these answers.
Jared is experiencing an overdose of heroin. He is rushed to the hospital and given
another drug that blocks his opioid receptor sites, thus preventing the effects of the
overdose from stopping his respiration. Jared was most likely given an opioid
a. agonist.
b. barrier.
c. antagonist.
d. regulator.
In the past 500,000 years, tuberculosis is thought to have caused ______ premature
a. 50,000
b. 5 million
c. 100 million
d. 1 billion
During courtship and the first year of marriage
a. many alcoholics strive to limit or hide their drinking disorder.
b. the non-alcoholic spouse is too enamored to notice the warning signs of an
impending alcohol use disorder.
c. the non-alcoholic spouse is so focused on building a good home that he or she does
not notice the other person's alcohol use pattern has increased to dangerous or unhealthy
d. the non-alcoholic spouse is so focused on finding a job that will accommodate his or
her new lifestyle that he or she overlooks the warning signs of an alcohol use disorder.
According to Heyman, the individuals who enter SUD rehabilitation may be the
________to recover.
a. least able
b. most able
c. ones with the most motivation
d. ones with the least motivation
Raheed is doing outpatient treatment for his AUD. He is attending individual therapy
once a week, group once a week, and is expected to go to an AA meeting at least once a
week. He also has a case manager with whom he meets regularly to check his progress.
He is going to be in this program for two months. Raheed is most likely participating in
what type of outpatient treatment program?
a. DWI class
b. Short term
c. Intensive short term
d. Intensive long term
There are no significant long-term neurocognitive effects from alcohol because
a. it improves blood flow to the cortex of the brain.
b. it decreases endorphin release in the cortex of the brain.
c. it improves blood oxygenation levels and stimulates the production of free radicals in
the brain.
d. none of the above.
The author stresses that a person with a SUD will engage in various ________ to
support their addiction.
a. games
b. treatment approaches
c. relationships
d. lifestyles
Spiritually, someone with an SUD may be using the substance to attempt to counter
a. self-deception.
b. the Evil One.
c. ultimate isolation.
d. science.
Tolerance to the respiratory depressant effects of narcotic analgesics
a. does not completely develop, even with continual use.
b. requires 3 months of continual use to completely develop.
c. is seen only with longer lasting compounds.
d. is seen only in older patients placed on narcotic analgesics.
The anaphylactic reactions seen occasionally when marijuana is abused
a. might be induced by adulterants mixed with the marijuana when it is smoked.
b. are a known reaction to the THC in marijuana.
c. tend to be less intense when marijuana is ingested orally than when it is smoked.
d. are most commonly seen in first-time or inexperienced users.
According to your text, the ____used by many cultures to help individuals identify with
and feel a part of that culture have been lost.
a. experiences
b. rituals
c. transitional phases
d. scientific beliefs
The "Zero Tolerance" laws of the 1980s allowed law enforcement officials to seize
a. after it was proven drug profits had been used to purchase it.
b. if there was strong evidence to suggest it was somehow involved in the marketing or
distribution of illicit drugs.
c. if the person who owned it was proven to be a drug dealer.
d. on the mere suspicion drug profits were used to buy it.
An estimated ______of the general population in this country suffers from a chronic
non-cancer-related pain disorder.
a. 35 percent
b. 45 percent
c. 15 percent
d. 20 percent
The perception that over-the counter drugs are safe can potentially result in serious
a. True
b. False
Alcohol can be detected in a urine sample for about
a. 8 hours after the person's last drink.
b. 4 hours after the person's last drink.
c. 2 hours after the person's last drink.
d. as long as they would test positive on breath analysis.
The main mechanism by which ephedrine helps in the treatment of asthma is that it a.
causes the smooth muscles surrounding bronchial passages to relax.
b. increases tension in the smooth muscles surrounding bronchial passages, thus
increasing responsiveness of these muscles to demand.
c. increases the blood flow from the heart to the lungs by stimulating release of
d. decreases heart rate and the force with which it pumps.
The court system in various states has ruled that
a. there is no violation of the person's religious freedom since 12-step groups do not
mention a God by name.
b. that enforced attendance is illegal because AA is a religious movement.
c. that the ends justify the means, and if there is a violation of the individual's rights,
they are outweighed by the benefits to the individual and society by the person's
recovery from alcohol and drugs.
d. as long as there is appropriate emphasis on anonymity, there is no problem.
The disinhibition effect induced by alcohol is caused by its effects on the activity of the
_______region of the drinker's brain.
a. hippocampus
b. reticular activating system (RAS)
c. cortex
d. occipital
Morphine, the active agent in opium, was first isolated in the year
a. 1861.
b. 1906.
c. 1914.
d. 1806.

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