Psych 99698

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1718
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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Which of the following conditions most resembles the effects of amygdala damage?
a. injecting CCK in the brain
b. taking tranquilizers
c. taking endozepines
d. blocking GABA receptors
The symptoms of cerebellar damage resemble those of:
a. a heart attack.
b. Parkinson's disease.
c. intoxication.
d. mental illness.
The rate at which the posterior pituitary releases vasopressin is under the control of the:
a. lateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus.
b. supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei.
c. subfornical organ.
d. thalamus.
Social stimuli " that is, the effects of other people " are weak ____, unless they induce
exercise or other vigorous activity.
a. effects
b. motivators
c. rhythms
d. zeitgebers
A split-brain patient is someone who has had their:
a. corpus callosum severed.
b. cerebellum severed.
c. frontal lobe separated from the rest of the cortex.
d. cerebral cortex separated from the rest of the brain.
A person with a history of violence would most likely react to a diet low in tryptophan
by becoming:
a. susceptible to a drug craving.
b. angry.
c. depressed.
d. violent.
Horizontal cells receive their input from ____; they send output to ____.
a. rods and cones; ganglion cells
b. rods and cones; bipolar cells
c. bipolar cells; ganglion cells
d. cones; rods
Suppose a new neurotransmitter is identified that does not excite or inhibit postsynaptic
cells, but affects the release of other neurotransmitters or the sensitivity of postsynaptic
cells. This neurotransmitter would most likely be categorized as a(n):
a. neuromodulator.
b. ionotropic modulator.
c. hormone.
d. gas.
What is one important difference between people who are blind because of cortical
blindness and others who are blind because of problems with their eyes?
a. People with damage to their eyes can still imagine visual scenes.
b. People with cortical blindness are really just pretending to be blind.
c. There is no distinguishable difference between them.
d. People with cortical blindness are also deaf.
The effect of an injection of a drug that blocks angiotensin II receptors would be:
a. decreased hunger.
b. decreased drinking.
c. increased drinking.
d. increased blood pressure.
A physician taps you just below the knee to check a reflex that is based on information
from which kind of receptor?
a. a Golgi tendon organ
b. an oscillator
c. a muscle spindle
d. a vestibular organ
An example of a "negative symptom" of schizophrenia is:
a. hallucinations.
b. poor emotional expression.
c. delusions.
d. thought disorder.
What is the apparent relationship between language abilities and other intellectual
a. Impairments in either results in impairments in the other.
b. It is possible to have good language and poor intelligence, but not the reverse.
c. It is possible to have good intelligence and poor language, but not the reverse.
d. Either can be impaired independently of the other.
Which hormone controls the rate at which glucose leaves the blood and enters the cells?
a. CCK
b. Aldosterone
c. Glucagon
d. Insulin
The membrane of a neuron is specialized to:
a. keep all types of intercellular chemicals from moving out of the neuron.
b. keep all types of extracellular chemicals from moving into the neuron.
c. control the exchange of chemicals between the inside and outside of the cell.
d. produce chains of fatty acids and proteins.
____ is a treatment for depression that electrically induces a seizure.
a. Electromagnetic therapy
b. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
c. Electroconvulsive shock therapy
d. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
Tryptophan hydroxylase is the enzyme that converts ____ into ____.
a. serotonin, 5-HIAA
b. 5-HIAA, serotonin
c. serotonin, tryptophan
d. tryptophan, serotonin
Endogenous cannabinoids act to:
a. decrease neurotransmitter release from presynaptic neurons.
b. block reuptake of neurotransmitter.
c. stimulate release of dopamine.
d. decrease synthesis of neurotransmitter.
Of the following, which one would be most closely associated with experiencing
a. hearing voices
b. seeing colors and shapes
c. seeing colors of letter or words
d. inability to feel pain
A person showers with his clothes on and pours water on the tube of toothpaste instead
of on the toothbrush. He probably suffers from damage to the:
a. occipital lobe.
b. striate cortex.
c. prefrontal cortex.
d. parietal cortex.
Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, relieve pain by:
a. reducing the release of chemicals from damaged tissues.
b. dulling the pain information.
c. blocking synapses.
d. numbing the damaged tissue.
Which widely branching cells are responsible for all of the output from the cerebellar
cortex to the nuclei of the cerebellum?
a. parallel fibers
b. Purkinje cells
c. putamen cells
d. saccade cells
Someone with androgen insensitivity is genetically:
a. female, but looks intermediate between male and female.
b. female, but fails to show any changes at puberty.
c. male, looks like a normal male, but behaves more like a female.
d. male, but develops looking more like a female.
Hormones are most essential to which aspect of mammalian parental behavior?
a. care for newborns during the first few days
b. continuation of care after the first few days
c. the parental care sometimes shown by males
d. all aspects equally
A "true hermaphrodite" is someone who:
a. has both XX and XY chromosome patterns.
b. has one testis and one ovary.
c. is female, but has sexual interest only in other females.
d. dresses up as the opposite gender.
A small branch of the optic nerve, known as the ____ extends directly from the retina to
the SCN.
a. opticthalamic path
b. retinohypothalamic path
c. opticretinal path
d. retinothalamic path
Bears eat as much as they can at one time because:
a. they do not regulate body temperature.
b. they do not need a constant supply of energy.
c. their main foods are available in large quantities for short times.
d. their food is always difficult to find.
Of the following hypotheses about the genetics of schizophrenia, which one do current
researchers favor best?
a. Schizophrenia is often caused by new gene mutations or inactivations.
b. Schizophrenia depends on a recessive gene on the X chromosome.
c. Schizophrenia depends on a dominant gene on chromosome 4.
d. Genes make almost no contribution to schizophrenia.
The blood's glucose level ordinarily remains relatively constant because of the activity
a. CCK.
b. the liver.
c. the thyroid gland.
d. the gall bladder.
Strong stimulation anywhere on the skin of an Aplysia excites axons that release:
a. substance P.
b. serotonin.
c. neuropeptide Y.
d. dopamine.
Monkeys with damage to area V4 lose:
a. vision.
b. color vision.
c. color constancy.
d. shape constancy.
After cells have differentiated as neurons or glia, they:
a. differentiate.
b. proliferate.
c. myelinate.
d. migrate.
After cells have differentiated as neurons or glia, they migrate.
Why do individuals with prefrontal cortex damage often make bad decisions?
A They can't understand complexly worded questions.
B They don't anticipate the unpleasantness of likely outcomes.
C They conform readily to whatever other people are doing.
D They can"t predict the consequences of one decision or another.
In what circumstance is a woman color deficient?
For more than 95% of right-handed people, the left hemisphere is strongly dominant for
Sensitization is the opposite of habituation.
What is the main function of the posterior parietal cortex?
The main signal to end a meal is high glucose levels in the blood.
Briefly describe the nature of Parkinson's disease. Include a discussion of its causes and
possible treatments.
Answers will vary.
Homeostasis refers to temperature regulation and other biological processes that keep
body variables within a fixed range.
Evolutionary psychology deals with how behaviors have evolved, especially social
Describe the main differences between basal ganglia and cerebellum function.
Describe Lashley's concept of an Engram.
Answers will vary.
The mean preferred time of going to sleep gets later and later until about age 20 and
then starts a gradual reversal.
The UCR and the CR are always the same.
The primary source of energy used by the brain is fat.
Although relatively small, the hypothalamus is very important for a large range of
motivated behaviors.

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