Psych 86839

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1514
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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The concentration gradient for potassium tends to:
a. draw potassium into the cell.
b. push chloride out of the cell.
c. push sodium out of the cell.
d. push potassium out of the cell.
Which of the following activities does NOT stimulate dopamine release in the nucleus
a. gambling
b. sexual excitement
c. video games
d. running
To estimate the amount of serotonin turnover in the brain, investigators measure the
amount of ____ in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
c. 5-HIAA
d. MAO
Social workers and clinical psychologists need to be able to recognize possible signs of
brain disorder so that they can:
a. set up treatment.
b. refer the client to the proper specialist.
c. construct a behavior plan.
d. monitor progress.
What is the primary target area on the cerebral cortex for touch and other skin
a. olfactory bulbs
b. striate cortex
c. precentral gyrus
d. postcentral gyrus
Developing neurons need ____ for survival.
a. neurotrophins only
b. neurotrophins and synaptic input
c. synaptic input only
d. apoptosis
The increasing prevalence of obesity obviously relates to the increased availability of
our diet and ____.
a. depression
b. psychological distress
c. increased activity
d. sedentary lifestyle
The basal ganglia work together to initiate movement by:
a. ceasing to inhibit movement.
b. inhibiting thalamic nuclei.
c. exciting cerebellar nuclei.
d. exciting spinal cord nuclei.
Circadian cycles are to ____ as circannual cycles are to ____.
a. light-dark; temperature
b. endogenous; exogenous
c. mating; hibernating
d. daily; yearly
In a reflex arc, the coordination between contraction of certain muscles and relaxation
of others is mediated by:
a. glial cells.
b. motor neurons.
c. sensory neurons.
d. interneurons.
Someone who considers herself a "morning person" should take college classes at what
time of the day?
a. right after lunch
b. in the late evening
c. early morning
d. after sleep deprivation
What does the vestibular system detect?
a. the degree of stretch of muscles
b. vibrations on the skin
c. the location of sounds
d. movement of the head
An axon that does not receive enough neurotrophins from a target cell will:
a. branch out and form other synapses on other cells.
b. manufacture its own neurotrophins.
c. degenerate and die.
d. fail to reabsorb transmitters that have already been released.
A strand of DNA serves as a template (model) for the synthesis of ____.
a. chromosomes
b. RNA
c. Proteins
d. Carbohydrates
What kind of deafness is the result of damage to the cochlea or the hair cells?
a. conductive
b. nerve
c. temporary
d. hysterical
Neurons in the arcuate nucleus would be most excited by:
a. bitter food.
b. tasty food.
c. leptin.
d. CCK.
The greater the number of Purkinje cells activated, the:
a. less the collective duration of the response.
b. greater the collective duration of the response.
c. greater the strength of the response.
d. less the strength of the response.
In contrast to tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs):
a. block reuptake of both catecholamines and serotonin.
b. increase action potential velocity.
c. block the reuptake of only serotonin.
d. act on the left hemisphere while tricyclics act on the right.
The pons sends inhibitory messages to motor neurons of the spinal cord during which
sleep stage(s)?
a. stage 1
b. stage 2
c. stages 3 and 4
d. REM sleep
A(n) ____ cell has a strong inhibitory area at one end of its bar-shaped receptive field.
a. simple
b. complex
c. hypercomplex
d. polycomplex
With respect to drug effects, "efficacy" means the tendency of a drug to:
a. have inhibitory effects.
b. have excitatory effects.
c. attach to a receptor.
d. activate a receptor.
Most ____ have a mixture of psychological and medical training, and they work in
hospitals and clinics.
a. neurochemists
b. neuropsychologists
c. neurologists
d. neuroscientists
A metabotropic synapse, by way of its second messenger, ____.
a. has effects localized to one point on the membrane
b. can influence activity in much of the presynaptic cell
c. can influence activity in much or all of the postsynaptic cell
d. has minimal effect on the postsynaptic cell
After a meal that was rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which neurotransmitter level
would be increased the most?
a. dopamine
b. endorphin
c. serotonin
d. nitric oxide
What causes hypovolemic thirst?
a. dryness of the throat
b. low blood volume
c. increased concentration of solutes in the blood
d. too much salt in the diet
No known type of brain damage causes a person to lose the ability to recognize one
person without impairing the ability to recognize others. What inference can we draw
from this fact?
a. Visual recognition depends on simple cells, not complex cells.
b. Visual recognition depends on complex cells, not simple cells.
c. Visual recognition depends on cells in the lateral geniculate.
d. No one cell is solely responsible for recognizing any one facial pattern.
The tympanic membrane is to the ____ as the oval window is to the ____.
a. anvil; hammer
b. stirrup; anvil
c. inner ear; middle ear
d. middle ear; inner ear
According to the Bell-Magendie law:
a. ventral roots of the spinal cord carry sensory information.
b. dorsal roots of the spinal cord carry motor information.
c. ventral and dorsal roots both carry sensory and motor information.
d. ventral roots carry motor information while dorsal roots carry sensory information.
Large birds, like flamingos, often stand on one leg to:
a. impress the opposite sex.
b. eat.
c. maintain muscle strength.
d. warm the leg that is tucked under their body.
Schizophrenia was originally called:
a. dissociative identity disorder.
b. dementia praecox.
c. multiple personality disorder.
d. frontal dementia.
At synapses, the cell that delivers the message is called the presynaptic neuron.
Describe the brain pathology of Alzheimer's disease.
Answers will vary.
After sound waves pass through the auditory canal, they strike the tympanic membrane.
Abolitionists maintain that no animals have the same rights as humans.
Unlike studies with animals, MDMA in humans is harmless to serotonin neurons.
Briefly describe the function of voltage-gated channels.
Answers will vary.
Briefly describe the James-Lange Theory of Emotion.
List the parts of a neuron.
Hormones are capable of inducing long-lasting changes throughout the body.
Lithium is generally more effective for people with bipolar II disorder.
Briefly describe the common misunderstandings about evolution.
Answers will vary.
The human central nervous system begins to form when the embryo is about 10 weeks
A study found that depressed people showed an increased response to facial expressions
of fear and a decreased response to happy expressions.
In the fovea, each receptor ends up has its own unique connection to the brain.
Cell bodies of motor neurons are located outside of the spinal cord.
Brain transplants for Parkinson's patients have generally been very successful.
Discuss some of the research conducted in split-brain patients.
Answers will vary.
If you fell asleep on a sunny beach lying on your stomach, then your dorsal side would
likely be sunburned.

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