Psych 81857

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1347
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Confessions, a volume about one man's sins, confessions, and forgiveness, is written by:
A. St. Paul
B. St. Augustine
C. Thomas Aquinas
D. Avicenna
According to Jung, the ____ provided the feminine component of the male personality
and a framework within which males can interact with females.
A. persona
B. anima
C. animus
D. shadow
For Rousseau, the only justifiable government was one that:
A. controls behavior with incentives
B. allows humans to reach their full potential and express free will
C. allows people to express hedonistic pursuits
D. rules by categorical imperative
Who developed the concept of "language games"?
A. Kierkegaard
B. Nietzsche
C. Wittgenstein
D. Hume
According to proponents of strong artificial intelligence (AI), computer programs:
A. can only simulate human cognitive abilities
B. can duplicate human cognitive abilities
C. should be based on relevant information and rules of organization
D. use self-correcting programs that are not relevant to human cognition
Because Democritus attempted to explain events occurring in one domain (observable
phenomena) in terms of events occurring in another domain (the arrangements of
atoms), he is considered a(n):
A. elementist
B. reductionist
C. physicist
D. Orphist
When Watson finally outlined his behavioristic position, Titchener was not upset
because he (Titchener) believed that:
A. Watson had described a technology of behavior that did not conflict with psychology
B. it was more or less the same thing that he (Titchener) had been saying for years
C. other psychologists would find Watson's position silly
D. psychology was ready to become behavioristic
Which of the following did Darwin believe about human emotions?
A. Emotions are particularly important in modern society.
B. At one time in the course of human evolution, emotions aided in survival.
C. The expression of emotions is highly variable from culture to culture.
D. The emotions of humans are qualitatively different from the emotions of nonhuman
According to Khun, what happens during the paradigmatic stage of science?
a. Random facts are gathered.
b. Puzzle-solving activity occurs.
c. Existing paradigms are displaced.
d. Existing paradigms are solidified.
Freud originally concluded that young boys tend to love their mothers and hate their
fathers. This was called:
A. the Oedipus complex
B. psuedoaffection
C. parapraxal complex
D. cathartic complex
Above all, Cattell believed that psychology should:
A. concentrate on pure research
B. merge with biology
C. furnish practical knowledge
D. follow the model of structuralism and ignore evolutionary theory
A. was an opponent of Gestalt psychology
B. initially sought to support Watsonian behaviorism with neurophysiological evidence
C. found the engram - neurophysiological locus of memory and learning
D. disproved the concept of mass action
When stimuli are close together, they tend to be grouped together as a perceptual unit.
This exemplifies the Gestalt principle of:
A. continuity
B. proximity
C. similarity
D. closure
For Hering, space perception results from:
A. an innate category of the mind as Kant described
B. information from the retina about height, left-right position, and depth
C. innate ideas
D. sensory experience plus the laws of association
Hippocrates used which of the following treatments?
A. psychoanalysis
B. bloodletting
C. proper diet
D. trepanation
The major assumption made in the ontological argument for the existence of God is
A. one can find God by studying nature
B. faith and reason are essentially the same process
C. if one can think of something, it must exist
D. the Aristotelian conception of God is the only correct conception of God
Mach believed that:
A. humans could be investigated objectively only by studying their overt behavior
B. introspection was worthless
C. humans could be certain only of their own sensations
D. all science depends on metaphysical speculation
The Skinnerian version of behavior therapy:
A. has yet to be used effectively
B. uses punishment extensively
C. believes that behavior must be altered with pharmacological agents
D. assumes that abnormal behavior is learned in the same way as any normal behavior
The job of the ____ is to match the wishes of the id with their counterparts in the
physical environment.
A. superego
B. ego
C. ego-ideal
D. conscience
As evidence for his views on verbal communication, Wundt pointed out that we
remember ____ and not ____.
A. specific words; meanings
B. meanings; specific words
C. verbal labels; images
D. images; verbal labels
For the Gestaltists, analysis of experience:
A. proceeds from the parts (bottom) to the whole (top)
B. is purely a physiological field analysis
C. must be broken down into its component parts
D. proceeds from the whole (top) to the parts (bottom)
Jesus can be best thought of as a(n):
A. philosopher with a focus on God
B. empathetic ruler
C. complex man with multifaceted goals
D. simple man with focused goals
The goal of the 1908 version of the Binet-Simon scale was to:
A. distinguish between normal and children with intellectual disabilities
B. distinguish among levels of intelligence for normal children
C. distinguish among levels of intelligence for children with intellectual disabilities
D. help children make reasonable career choices
Helmholtz's theory of auditory perception is called the:
A. doctrine of specific nerve energies
B. resonance place theory
C. auditory harp theory
D. trichromatic theory
Goddard, along with several leading scientists of the day, believed that individuals with
intellectual disabilities should:
A. be given the same rights as any other citizen
B. not be allowed to hold even menial jobs
C. not be allowed to reproduce
D. be identified and placed in special education programs
According to Hartley, as ideas or stimuli came to elicit behaviors not originally
associated with them, ____ behavior was converted into ____ behavior.
A. voluntary; involuntary
B. involuntary; voluntary
C. basic; refined
D. refined; basic
John Stuart Mill's concept of ____ emancipated associationistic psychology from the
strict mental mechanics proposed by James Mill and others.
A. free will
B. imagination
C. mental chemistry
D. utilitarianism
Who viewed life as consisting of opposing forces such as love and hate, or good and
A. Rousseau
B. Nietzsche
C. Goethe
D. Schopenhauer
Skinner was content to manipulate environmental events (such as reinforcement
contingencies) and note the effects of these manipulations on behavior. What is this
A. functional behaviorism
B. radical behaviorism
C. descriptive behaviorism
D. logical behaviorism
Occam's views were widely taught and can be viewed as the beginning of:
A. Cynicism
B. Stoicism
C. Scholasticism
D. empirical philosophy
What was Guthrie's one rule for breaking undesirable habits?
A. Punish the behavior.
B. Reinforce the opposite of that behavior.
C. Ignore the behavior
D. Observe the stimuli that elicit the behavior and perform another act in the presence
of those stimuli.
Before Thomas Kuhn, scientific activity was guided by the:
a. paradigm shift theory
b. correspondence theory of truth
c. skepticism of knowledge theory
d. subjectivity theory of science

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