Psych 75727

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1210
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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____ contributes to female development, including some aspects of brain
a. Testosterone
b. Estradiol
c. Androgen
d. Estrogen
What type of cell responds to a pattern of light in a particular orientation anywhere
within its large receptive field, regardless of the exact location of the stimulus?
a. simple
b. complex
c. bipolar
d. ganglion
Wolffian ducts are found in:
a. genetic female fetuses only.
b. genetic male fetuses only.
c. female and male fetuses early in development.
d. female and male fetuses until shortly before birth.
Which lobe contains the primary motor cortex and the prefrontal cortex?
a. Occipital
b. Parietal
c. Temporal
d. Frontal
An individual suffers damage to the temporal cortex, but maintains an intact parietal
cortex. This may result in an inability to:
a. step over or go around objects in their way.
b. control movements of eye muscles.
c. reach out and grasp an object.
d. describe the size or shape of objects they see.
What is the first point in the digestive system where enzymes begin to break down
a. Mouth
b. Esophagus
c. Stomach
d. small intestine
The hindbrain consists of the:
a. tectum, tegmentum, and reticular formation.
b. thalamus and hypothalamus.
c. spinal cord and cranial nerves.
d. medulla, pons, and cerebellum.
What is TRUE about a newborn baby with PKU?
a. The baby is already, irreversibly mentally retarded.
b. The baby is not mentally retarded, but inevitably will become mentally retarded.
c. The baby can avoid becoming mentally retarded by special education.
d. The baby can avoid becoming mentally retarded by following a strict diet.
Several lines of evidence suggest that depressed people have lower than normal levels
of activity in the:
a. parietal lobes.
b. occipital lobes.
c. right hemisphere.
d. left hemisphere.
The major differences that exist between adults and children in learning a second
language are that adults are:
a. better at the vocabulary, but worse at pronunciation.
b. better at the pronunciation, but worse at the vocabulary.
c. better at both pronunciation and vocabulary.
d. worse than children in all aspects of language.
Although Parkinson's disease is usually limited to old people, it has occurred in a small
number of young people that:
a. used a designer drug.
b. used cocaine.
c. lived near a nuclear power plant.
d. were on low-protein diets.
Light from the left half of the world strikes what part of the retina?
a. the left half
b. the right half
c. the whole retina equally
d. It depends of the wavelength.
Understanding how genes, nutrition, and experience work together to produce a
tendency toward a particular sexual orientation is an example of a(n) ____ explanation.
a. ontogenetic
b. evolutionary
c. functional
d. common sense
If a stimulus is presented repeatedly, followed by no other stimulus, the animal will
gradually stop responding. This is known as:
a. sensitization.
b. habituation.
c. classical conditioning.
d. imprinting.
A symptom of right-hemisphere parietal lobe damage is the tendency to ignore the:
a. right side of the body
b. dorsal areas of the body.
c. left side of the body.
d. ventral areas of the body.
If an experimenter cools the preoptic area of an animal in a warm environment, the
animal will:
a. shiver.
b. pant or sweat.
c. move to a colder environment.
d. decrease its preference for salty tastes.
Keeping animals in a varied environment with stimulation increases the:
a. branching of dendrites.
b. speed of action potentials.
c. density of Nodes of Ranvier along the axon.
d. thickness of axons.
Children of mothers who use cocaine during pregnancy:
a. have a slightly higher birth weight.
b. are likely to develop Turner's syndrome.
c. have a slightly lower IQ score.
d. are born with severe abnormalities resembling cerebral palsy.
A damaged axon:
a. will never grow back.
b. can grow back under certain circumstances.
c. will grow back if its dendrites do also.
d. will grow back only if it is myelinated.
A person who has developed a tolerance to alcohol is likely to show a cross-tolerance
a. lithium.
b. amphetamines.
c. benzodiazepines.
d. antidepressants.
Most retinal cones are concentrated in the:
a. periphery.
b. fovea.
c. right half of each retina.
d. top part of each retina.
Sherrington deduced that transmission at a synapse must be slower than conduction
along an axon. This was based on what kind of evidence?
a. temporal summation
b. drugs that increase or inhibit activity at synapses
c. the speed of reflexive responses
d. differences in diameter between axons and dendrites
Of the following individuals, the concordance rate for schizophrenia is highest for:
a. monozygotic twins.
b. dizygotic twins.
c. dizygotic twins who were raised as though they were monozygotic twins.
d. dizygotic twins who were adopted by schizophrenics.
A drug would prevent an action potential if it:
a. lowers the threshold of the membrane.
b. blocks the movement of potassium across the membrane.
c. blocks the movement of sodium across the membrane.
d. increases the movement of sodium across the membrane.
At the synapse, amphetamine:
a. blocks the breakdown of dopamine.
b. decreases the release of dopamine from the presynaptic terminal.
c. inhibits the dopamine transporter.
d. decreases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors.
People with motion blindness probably have suffered damage to the:
a. striate cortex.
b. middle-temporal cortex.
c. corpus callosum.
d. retina.
Split-brain patients suffer:
a. little or no impairment of overall intellectual performance.
b. a lack of motor control.
c. sensation deficits.
d. memory deficits.
The ventricles are larger than normal in people with schizophrenia.
Pacinian corpuscles respond best to:
a. rapid mechanical pressure.
b. low frequency sounds.
c. horizontal head movements.
d. slow mechanical movements.
Korsakoff's patients and Alzheimer's patients are most successful at learning and
a. facts.
b. skills.
c. names of people.
d. words.
Which of the following specialists would be MOST interested in changes in heart rate
when students are taking an exam?
a. neurologist
b. sociobiologist
c. psychophysiologist
d. neuroscientist

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