Psych 74022

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1951
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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Which of the following decreases anxiety?
a. benzodiazepines
b. barbiturates
c. alcohol
d. endozepines
Which of the following is true regarding theories of pitch perception?
a. The frequency, pitch, and volley theories each work best for different frequencies.
b. The frequency theory works best for all frequencies.
c. The place theory works best for all frequencies.
d. Each theory works equally well for all frequencies.
Conductive deafness is also known as:
a. nerve deafness.
b. middle ear deafness.
c. inner ear deafness.
d. outer ear deafness.
The scala media makes up part of the:
a. tympanic membrane.
b. middle ear.
c. cochlea.
d. ossicles.
Why is the Aplysia such a popular animal for single-cell studies of learning?
a. Individual cells identified in one animal can be recognized in another.
b. Aplysia have greater learning abilities than other invertebrates.
c. Aplysia have short-term learning but not long-term learning.
d. Aplysia have only two neurotransmitters, one excitatory and one inhibitory.
The reticular formation is contained within the:
a. brain stem.
b. spinal cord.
c. raphe system.
d. cerebellum.
a. is a programmed mechanism of cell death.
b. is cell death caused by an injury or a toxic substance.
c. promotes the survival and growth of dendrites.
d. promotes the activity of neurons.
If there is a burst of intense stimulation to a dendrite by one or more axons connected to
it in a rapid series, it is known as:
a. long-term potentiation of the cell's response to stimuli.
b. long-term inhibition of the cell's response to stimuli.
c. potentiation of the cell's response to stimuli for a few seconds.
d. inhibition of the cell's response to stimuli for a few seconds.
Chemicals in the amphibian tectum guide the growth of axons from the retina to their
correct location in the tectum by:
a. having dozens of different growth factors.
b. using an electrical gradient.
c. using a chemical gradient.
d. glial cell transportation.
Sexual behavior is most likely to occur when sex hormones (testosterone and estradiol)
prime the neurons in the hypothalamus to release the neurotransmitter:
a. serotonin.
b. norepinephrine.
c. dopamine.
d. acetylcholine.
An individual suffers damage to the parietal cortex, but maintains an intact temporal
cortex. This may result in an inability to:
a. describe the size of objects.
b. describe the shape of objects.
c. describe the color of objects.
d. reach out and grasp an object.
A disorder most often associated with damage to the dorsomedial thalamus and
mamillary bodies is:
a. Alzheimer's disease.
b. Korsakoff's syndrome.
c. phenylketonuria.
d. Down syndrome.
Which of the following has the largest receptive fields and the greatest preferential
sensitivity to highly complex visual patterns, such as faces?
a. inferior temporal cortex
b. superior colliculus
c. lateral geniculate
d. striate cortex
Damage to the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus in rats would most likely
result in:
a. decreased sexual activity.
b. increased sexual activity.
c. a change in partner preference.
d. excessive testosterone levels.
The PER and TIM proteins accumulate during the day until they cause sleepiness. What
prevents them from continuing to accumulate at night?
a. Metabolic rates increase at night, so proteins are digested faster than they can be
b. The high levels of melatonin present at night react with the proteins to disable them.
c. The proteins are unstable at the lower body temperatures that are typical at night.
d. When the proteins reach a high level, they turn off the genes that produce them.
Axons of the lateral corticospinal tract extend to what area?
a. cerebellum
b. cerebral cortex
c. spinal cord
d. Thalamus
Pain receptors of the skin are:
a. elaborate neuron endings.
b. also known as Ruffini endings.
c. simple, bare neuron endings.
d. also known as Meissner's corpuscles.
Although several genes have been found to be more common among people with
Parkinson's disease, these genes are:
a. more common in men than women.
b. more common in women than men.
c. small contributors to the incidence of late-onset Parkinson's disease.
d. large contributors to the incidence of late-onset Parkinson's disease.
The basic building blocks for the majority of neurotransmitters are:
a. amino acids.
b. nitric oxide.
c. sugars.
d. carbohydrates.
In one family that has a mutation in the gene responsible for their PER protein,
behavior changed in what way?
a. They had REM sleep but no non-REM sleep.
b. They sometimes experienced several consecutive days of insomnia.
c. They liked to go to bed early and wake up early.
d. They suffered sudden attacks of sleepiness during the day.
What is the usual age of onset for Huntington's disease?
a. 5-7 years old
b. 12-20 years old
c. 30-50 years old
d. 65 years or older
Variations in insulin level alter hunger by changing the:
a. rate of emptying by the stomach.
b. availability of glucose to the cells.
c. sensitivity of the taste buds.
d. ability of CCK to cross the blood-brain barrier.
According to one hypothesis, if serotonin is released during aggressive behavior, then
individuals with low serotonin release are more aggressive because of:
a. increased depression.
b. decreased serotonin synthesis.
c. increased serotonin receptor sensitivity.
d. decreased serotonin receptor sensitivity.
What happens after damage to the suprachiasmatic nucleus itself?
a. Light no longer resets the biological clock, but the animal continues generating a
24-hour rhythm.
b. Animals' activity patterns become less consistent and no longer respond to light and
dark cycles.
c. Animals lose their biological rhythms of temperature, but keep other circadian
d. Animals begin to maintain a constant level of activity throughout the 24-hour day.
The pathway associated with integrating vision and movement progresses from the
occipital cortex to the:
a. temporal cortex.
b. parietal cortex.
c. visual cortex.
d. frontal lobe.
The autonomic nervous system:
a. only receives information from the heart, intestines, and other organs.
b. only sends information to the heart, intestines, and other organs.
c. receives and sends information to the heart, intestines, and other organs.
d. conveys messages from the sense organs to the central nervous system.
What distinguished Kanzi and Mulika from other chimpanzees used in earlier studies
was that Kanzi and Mulika:
a. used only symbols to make requests.
b. received larger reinforcements.
c. were unable to communicate with natural chimpanzee sounds.
d. occasionally used symbols to relate events of the past.
What process is predicted by the gate theory of pain?
a. Pain information grows more intense as it passes each synapse on its way to the
b. Non-pain information can inhibit pain information.
c. Intense pain can shut out all other sensory information.
d. The intensity of pain experience depends entirely on the excitability of pain
A fish will adjust to lower water temperatures by:
a. increasing the speed of its action potentials.
b. increasing the amplitude of its action potentials.
c. recruiting different muscle fibers.
d. increasing its basal metabolic rate.
A blind person who suddenly loses the ability to read Braille has probably suffered
damage to what area of the cerebral cortex?
a. Temporal lobe
b. Frontal lobe
c. Occipital lobe
d. Parietal lobe
After maturity, the apoptotic mechanisms become:
a. hyperactive.
b. extinct.
c. dormant.
d. very complex.
The left hemisphere is connected to skin receptors mainly on the ____ half of the body,
and controls muscles mainly on the ____ side of the body.
a. left; right
b. left; left
c. right; left
d. right; right
Some cases of obesity can be traced to a single gene that affects melanocortin receptors.
The limbic systemthe forebrain areas surrounding the thalamushas been regarded as
non-critical for emotion.
Describe the difference between parvocellular and magnocellular neurons and
Answers will vary.
People are given moral dilemmas, such as whether it is all right to kill one person in
order to save five others. The people most likely to make the "cold, calculating"
decision that these acts are okay are people who have suffered brain damage that
impairs which of these?
A Memory
B Emotions
C Vision
D Activity level
Conductive deafness is primarily a problem with the auditory nerve.
Infants are born with the ability to control their visual attention.
Inhibitory synapses actively suppress excitatory responses.
Which brain area is essential for the extreme emotional impact that produces PTSD?
A corpus callosum
B substantia nigra
C dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
D amygdala
The tricyclics operate by blocking the transporter proteins that reabsorb serotonin,
dopamine, and norepinephrine into the presynaptic neuron after their release.
Most people use only one hemisphere for most tasks.
Briefly describe why synapses are a "decision maker."
Answers will vary.
List the three gene states.
Most neurons release more than one kind of neurotransmitter.
Night terrors occur during NREM sleep.
Briefly compare the differences between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors. Include
their mechanisms of action and how this explains the difference in their effects on the
postsynaptic cell.
Many cells in association areas of the brain respond to more than one sensory modality.
Animals produce endogenous circadian rhythms that last about a day.
Strong pain releases both glutamate and substance P.
Some genetic males (XY) develop a female anatomy. Why?
A High levels of estrogens during prenatal development
B Lack of a receptor that enables testosterone to affect cells
C Low levels of alpha feto-protein in early development
D High levels of alpha feto-protein in early development

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