Psych 72701

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1755
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Statements such as "Failure to change stems from a lack of motivation" and "People
have choices, and it is up to them to change their lives," do not take into account
environmental factors. These are examples of:
a. guiding principles for action in the diversity movement.
b. stereotypic beliefs.
c. cultural tolerance.
d. challenges to culture-bound values.
e. existential realities of living.
It is not the responsibility of the supervisor to:
A.perform the role of teacher, counselor, or consultant as they are appropriate.
B.promote knowledge and skills required to effectively work with clients from
culturally diverse backgrounds.
C.assist supervisees to recognize their personal limitations and protect the welfare of
their clients.
D.independently decide the needs of the trainee, including the course of therapy they
will need.
_______________________ was passed by Congress to promote standardization and
efficiency in the health care industry and to give patients more rights and control over
their health information.
a. The Healthcare Reform Act
b. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
c. The Congressional Healthcare Accountability Act
d. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Under what circumstances should a therapist consult with colleagues or specialists?
a. when a client complains of physical symptoms
b. when facing an ethical problem
c. when working with a client for an extended period of time and losing objectivity
d. when there are apparent conflicts between legal and ethical aspects
e. all of the above
The authors have discovered that many of the issues relevant to beginning professionals
a. resurface and take on different meanings at various stages in a professional's life.
b. are no longer relevant as they gain clinical experience.
c. originate from neurotic complexes.
d. are more intense for school counselors as opposed to clinical community counselors
and rehabilitation counselors.
Direct client services focus on:
A.outreach activities.
B.client advocacy.
D.influencing policymakers.
School counselors may be required to provide certain information to parents and school
personnel, and they need to do so in a manner that will
a. minimize intrusion of the child's or adolescent's privacy and in a way that
demonstrates respect for the counselee.
b. protect themselves from legal action even if it will be intrusive in the client's life.
c. earn them the respect of their colleagues and the parents.
d. best serve the interests of the school district.
Which of the following influences the way a clinician carries out his or her professional
a. A clinician's beliefs
b. A clinician's personal attributes
c. A clinician's ways of living
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Which of the following statements has/have been supported by research?
A.Therapy is helpful to the majority of clients.
B.Most people achieve some change relatively quickly in therapy.
C.Generally speaking, therapies achieve similar outcomes.
D.All of the choices
A good consultant contract:
a. is general in nature until it can be determined what the problem is.
b. leaves an open time frame until both parties are satisfied that the task has been
c. is a form of legal protection for both parties and can assist in developing clear
understanding of the consultation process.
d. allows the consultant to act in combination with the role of a counselor.
In the case of domestic violence, clinicians agree that conducting couples therapy while
there is ongoing domestic violence
a. presents a potential danger to the abused and is unethical.
b. is a clinically sound idea.
c. is about as effective as conducting couples therapy when abuse is not occurring.
d. both b and c
Therapists cannot use the limitations of the managed care plan as a shield for
failing to:
A.render crisis intervention.
B.make appropriate referrals.
C.request additional services from the managed care plan.
D.All of the choices
Counselors who have unresolved personal conflicts:
a. need to recognize that their problems may interfere with their effectiveness and
refrain from activities that would harm a client.
b. must resolve all their difficulties before counseling others.
c. are quite effective because they know how difficult it is to resolve problems.
d. need to repress anxiety-provoking issues in their own lives before becoming effective
Prevention programs, such as interpersonal skills training or marriage education, that
help people develop a wider range of competencies are considered
a. direct client services.
b. indirect client services.
c. direct community services.
d. indirect community services.
Elizabeth, a beginning practitioner, counsels in a manner in which she merely acts in
compliance with the law and follows minimal ethical standards. She is at the first level
of ethical functioning, which is:
A.personal ethics.
B.aspiration ethics.
C.mandatory ethics.
D.basic ethics.
A community is a number of people who share a distinct ________________, or other
characteristic that clearly identifies their commonality and differentiates them from
those not sharing it.
E.All of the choices
Supervisors have responsibilities to
a. supervisees' current clients
b. supervisees' future clients
c. both a and b
d. their supervisees, but not to their supervisees' clients.
e. themselves only.
In an attempt to convince her young client to practice safe sex, Valerie fabricated her
own statistics and facts about the hazards of unprotected sex. In this instance, Valerie
violated the principle of:
_________________ in a Supreme Court decision ruled that communications between
licensed psychotherapists and their clients are privileged and therefore protected from
forced disclosure in cases arising under federal law.
A.Bradley Center v. Wessner
B.Jablonski v. United States
C.Jaffee v. Redmond
D.Hedlund v. Superior Court
The AAMFT Code of Ethics contains statements about each of the following areas
a. confidentiality.
b. requiring personal therapy for family therapy trainees.
c. professional competence and integrity.
d. fees.
e. responsibility to students, employees, and supervisees.
The Death with Dignity Act is law in which state?
A.New York
D.None of the choices
Practitioners can help create ripples within segments of a community if they are
committed to becoming
a. grassroots change agents.
b. politicians.
c. lobbyists.
d. lawyers.
Self-care is:
a. a luxury.
b. an ethical mandate.
c. an unproductive way to spend time.
d. a legal imperative.
Which of the following is NOT one of the trends toward multicultural awareness?
a. There is an increasing recognition of the universality and applicability of Western
values for all cultures.
b. There is a trend toward acquiring knowledge of culturally different clients and
gaining experience in working with minority clients.
c. There is a concern for adapting techniques and interventions in ways that are relevant
for the culturally different client.
d. There is recognition that counselor self-awareness is as important as cultural
awareness in multicultural counseling situations.
Licensure assures the public that the licensee:
a. has undergone his or her own personal therapy.
b. has completed maximum education and training.
c. is thoroughly competent to practice in areas he or she advertises.
d. has met certain specific requirements in terms of education and training.
Greta has always been a people pleaser and she is now in counseling to make a decision
about whether or not to pursue her dream career as an artist or please her family and
attend medical school. As her therapist, it is important for you to be aware that
a. nonverbal cues and body language may convey to Greta your beliefs about what
decision she should make.
b. the methods you use may provide Greta with clues about what you value.
c. Greta may have a need for your approval and make a decision that she imagines will
please you.
d. all of the above.
___________________ is a sense of identity that stems from common ancestry, history,
nationality, religion, and race.
E.None of the choices
Codes of ethics fulfill three major objectives. Which of the following is NOT identified
in the text as being one of the objectives?
a. to educate professionals about sound ethical conduct
b. to provide a mechanism for professional accountability
c. to provide a common language by which lawyers and mental health practitioners can
communicate about clients
d. to be a catalyst for improving practice
With respect to values in the counseling process, the authors contend that:
a. it is important that counselors clarify their values and the ways in which they enter
the therapeutic process.
b. counselors can avoid communicating values to their clients by not explicitly sharing
c. it is best to keep values hidden so they won't contaminate their client's choices.
d. their job is to help clients conform to socially acceptable standards.
In which form of supervision do supervisors watch their trainees conduct family
sessions from behind a one-way mirror and offer feedback and consultation to them?
A.vicarious supervision supervision consultation
D.None of the choices
Based on the ACA Advocacy Competencies, practitioners serve their clientele at three
levels of advocacy intervention. These include all of the following except
a. the individual client/student level.
b. the community/school level.
c. the state/national level.
d. the public/societal level.

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